Blind level
Level 10: 700 / 1,400 ante: 1,400

Flight A

Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/9/2025, 6:35:18 AM

Cooper Dents Jayaram

Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300

Moses Saquing raised to 600 with Bharath Jayaram making the call from the cutoff. Jayson Cooper squeezed to 3,600 from the small blind. Saquing stepped out of the way, but Jayaram stayed on with a call.

Both players were shown a flop of 5 7 3 , which they checked to see the 6 on the turn. Cooper check-called the 2,500 bet of Jayaram.

The K came on the river and Cooper checked. Jayaram fired 10,500 to the middle and Cooper put in the call.

Cooper flippwed over A K for a rivered pair of kings, while Jayaram mucked his hand.

Jayson LeeUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
62,000(207 BB)
22,000(73 BB)