Blind level
Level 16: 10,000 / 25,000 ante: 25,000
Total Chips

Day 1

Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 2:48:28 PM

Kim's Full House Isn't Enough

Level 12: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Gab Yong Kim

Win Meng Tan from under the gun, Gab Yong Kim from the hijack, and Phuong Tan on the button limped in, which Milos Skrbic checked from the big blind.

Four players saw a flop of A 4 8 , this was followed by a string of checks until Kim, who bet 17,000. Skirbic and Tan called to see the 8 turn, where Skirbic and Tan checked over, and Kim bet 30,000 this time. Skrbic folded. Tan put in a raise to 80,000, but this didn’t deter Kim from making a shove. Tan snap-called.

Gag Yong Kim: T 8

Win Meng Tan: A A

Tan picked up the lead flopping a set of aces, which improved to a full house on the turn, leaving Kim's turned trips eights with little chance to win. The dealer sent a T , also upgrading Kim’s trips to a full house but still no match for Tan’s.

1,262,000(126 BB)
Win TanMalaysia [MYS]Malaysia
930,000(93 BB)
200,000(20 BB)
Gab Yong KimKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 11:32:07 AM

Motoyoshi Okamura is a Wild One

Level 10: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Milos Skrbic

Milos Skrbic opened from the cut-off and got three-bet to 50,000 by the Japanese Motoyoshi Okamura next to him. Skrbic responded with a four-bet to 120,000 which Okamura called. The flop came down A J 7 and the Serbian player put out a 45,000 continuation bet. Okamura wasted no time and jammed all-in for around 150,000 more. Skrbic made the call.

Motoyoshi Okamura: 6 7

Milos Skrbic: A T

The 2 on the turn gave Okamura additional flush outs, but the 9 sealed his fate and gave Skrbic and nice stack. After running bad early in his first bullet, momentum might have shifted for him now.

710,000(89 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 10:00:21 AM

Skrbic Heads Out the Door

Level 6: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Milos Skrbic

Phanlert Sukonthachartnanat opened the cutoff to 9,000 and received two callers, Chanpanya Saifah on the button and Milos Skrbic from the big blind.

Three players read the flop of 3 K 9 , and Skrbic checked the action to Sukonthachartnanat, who bet 16,000, forcing Saifah to fold. Skrbic then shoved all in for 38,000. Sukonthachartnanat dropped in a call to put his opponent at risk.

Milos Skrbic: 4 3

Phanlert Sukonthachartnanat: K J

The K landed on the turn, and Sukonthachartnanat’s flopped pair of kings bloomed into trips. The river came T , improving nothing for both players and sealing Skrbic’s elimination.

547,500(137 BB)
114,500(29 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 8:14:52 AM

Tough Day For Skrbic Continues

Level 5: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Milos Skrbic

The Naing opened up the action from the early-position and Milos Skrbic in the small-blind raised to 21,000. Naing called and they were heads-up to a flop of J 8 4 . Both players checked and the turn brought the Q . Skrbic put out a delayed continuation bet of 15,000 which Naing called.

On the 4 river Skrbic slowed down again, but after using one time bank, Naing put him all-in to which the Serbian player had to fold.

The NaingSingapore [SGP]Singapore
530,000(177 BB)
54,000(18 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 7:35:15 AM

Skrbic Flops a Straight

Level 4: 1,000 / 2,500 ante: 2,500

Zhongxian Li raised to 5,000 from under the gun and Milos Skrbic defended from the big blind.

The two read a monotone flop of 5 6 3 , and Skrbic bet 6,000, which Li called to see the J turn, where Skrbic bet 8,000. Li stuck around.

The T fell on the river, and Skrbic kept up his aggression and bet 25,000. Li dropped in a call to take it to a showdown. Skrbic flipped a flopped straight with 4 2 as Li turned over pocket kings, shipping the pot Skrbic’s way.

171,000(68 BB)
100,500(40 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 6:17:49 AM

Naing Goes for Flop

Level 3: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000

Nevan Chang raised to 4,500 from under the gun and received two callers, Milos Skrbic on the button and The Naing from the big blind.

On the flop of 9 3 8 , bringing flush possibilities, and three players checked through to see a 4 fall on the turn, where Naing bet 5,500, which was enough to forced the other two players to muck their hands.

The NaingSingapore [SGP]Singapore
303,000(152 BB)
242,000(121 BB)
125,000(63 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 5:56:30 AM

Got Juice With Three-Deuce

Level 2: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500

Milos Skrbic opened from early-position and got The Naing, Phanlert Sukonthachartnant, and Chi Yeung to see a flop with him. This came down K 6 8 and all four players checked.

On the 3 turn the Thai national Sukonthachartnant bet out 8,500. Only the preflop opener Skrbic called.

The 3 appeared on the river and Sukonthachartnant bet out once more, this time for 16,000. Skrbic quickly made the call, but got shown the bad news as the Thai player showed 3 2 for a flopped flush.

278,000(185 BB)
212,000(141 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/9/2024, 5:54:30 AM

Tough Start For Skrbic

Level 2: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Milos Skrbic

Former WSOP Main Event finalist Milos Skrbic has gotten off to a tough start on his Vietnam trip. In this hand he check-raised the flop to 9,000, sitting in the big-blind against John Perry on the button on A K 4 . Perry called and Skrbic continued with a 23,000 bet on the 7 turn. Perry called once more and when the river hit, Skrbic checked and folded to Perry's 35,000 bet.

286,000(191 BB)
164,000(109 BB)