Prize (VND)
Blind level
Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Total Chips

Day 2

11/14/2024, 3:19:06 PM

Szu-Jui Doubles From Popov

Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Chiu Szu-Jui

Slaven Popov min-raised from early position with Q J and was jammed all-in by Chiu Szu-Jui on the strength of his A Q .

Popov made the call and both players were shown a flop of 6 4 K to keep Szu-Jui ahead. The turn A and the river 8 helped to maintain his lead for a much-needed double-up.

162,000(20 BB)
Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
133,000(17 BB)
11/14/2024, 2:51:29 PM

Popov Grabs Chips From Vu

Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Slaven Popov

Slaven Popov made a min-raise from early position with Q Q and Do Tien Vu defended the big blind with :4 3

The flop fell 3 7 2 and Vu check-called the 16,000 bet of Popov after pairing his three.

A 9 came on the turn and Vu double-tapped the action to Popov wo fired 38,000. Vu tanked for a while, but eventually laid his hand down to surrender the pot to Popov.

Do Tien VuViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
678,000(85 BB)
Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
204,000(26 BB)
11/14/2024, 12:36:54 PM

Popov's Out-Kickers Quan To Double Up

Level 17: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000

Slaven Popov put his 42,000 at risk with big slick A K against the big-stacked Nguyen Trung Quan, who held A J .

Both flopped top pair on the flop of A 2 Q and the king kicker of Popov made the difference after the board ran out 5 A . Popov made a crucial double-up while Quan experienced a slight sting.

588,000(98 BB)
Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
99,000(17 BB)
Blind level
Level 10: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Total Chips

Flight A

Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 2:41:47 PM

Player Chip Counts

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Le Buu Nghia
Buu LeViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
300,000(250 BB)
Van Tan DongViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
240,000(200 BB)
240,000(200 BB)
Bui Le AnhViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
230,000(192 BB)
230,000(192 BB)
Vladimir LitasovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
205,000(171 BB)
Xuan NghiemViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
152,000(127 BB)
130,000(108 BB)
Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
120,000(100 BB)
110,000(92 BB)
95,000(79 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 1:48:53 PM

Tsui Pushes Popov Out of Pot

Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

Slaven Popov, in the hijack, opened for 2,200 and was called by Justin Tsui in the big blind, setting up a flop.

The flop came down J 6 9 . After Tsui checked, Popov continued with a 2,500 bet, which Tsui called.

The turn brought the 9 , and this time Tsui led out with a 4,800 bet, which Popov called.

On the river, the 3 fell, and Tsui made a sizable bet of 19,000 into the pot. Popov took some time to consider his options but ultimately decided to fold, allowing Tsui to scoop the pot.

Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
190,000(190 BB)
Justin TsuiAustralia [AUS]Australia
98,000(98 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 10:32:12 AM

Nghia Rivers a Straight

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Pham Nghia

The action was picked up on the flop of 2 6 5 with around 15,000 chips in the middle when Pham Nghia from under the gun and Salven Popov from the hijack check-called after Litasov Vladimir bet 4,7000 from the cut-off.

The 3 fell on the turn, and Nghia bet 13,400, which only Popov made the call to see an 8 land on the river, where Nghia shoved all in for 12,300 and Popov snap-called.

Nghia tabled a rivered straight with 9 7 to beat a pair of fours from Popov’s 4 4 .

Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
184,500(308 BB)
83,500(139 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 10:27:39 AM

Player Chip Counts

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Slaven Popov
Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
180,000(300 BB)
150,000(250 BB)
135,000(225 BB)
Bui Le AnhViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
124,000(207 BB)
120,000(200 BB)
Qi NianChina [CHN]China
116,000(193 BB)
Vladimir LitasovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
110,000(183 BB)
Van Tan DongViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
110,000(183 BB)
103,000(172 BB)
Chun HoHong Kong [HKG]Hong Kong
76,000(127 BB)
The NaingSingapore [SGP]Singapore
72,000(120 BB)
Wattana LuangsuwimonUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
65,000(108 BB)
65,000(108 BB)
Dmitrii BelikovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
63,000(105 BB)
Youngshin ImKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
53,000(88 BB)
52,000(87 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 9:56:13 AM

Nghia Turns a Full House for a Double Up

Level 5: 200 / 500 ante: 500

After Pham Thanh Nghia checked the flop of 6 7 6 , Slaven Popov fired 3,800. Nghia alternately stared at the board and Popov. After some time, he raised to 8,600 which Popov called.

Both players checked the turn 7 but on the 2 Nghia tanked so long, Vladimir Litasov, who was on the table, had to call time on him. Before time ran out, Nghia, at risk, announced all-in and Popov snap-called.

Pham Thanh Nghia: 6 4

Slaven Popov: A A

Nghia caught trips on the flop which improved to a full house on the turn beating Popov's aces that only two-paired with the board. Popov remained unfazed as he gave Nghia some chips for a double up.

Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
150,000(300 BB)
67,000(134 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 8:14:39 AM

Litasov's Aggression Chips at Popov's Huge Stack

Level 4: 200 / 400 ante: 400

Vladimir Litasov raised to 800 from middle position, and Slaven Popov called after the action folded to him.

The flop came down A Q 7 , and Popov checked. Litasov followed up with a continuation bet of 500, which Popov called.

The turn brought the T , and Popov checked again, giving Litasov the opportunity to shoot out 2,500. After some thought, Popov folded, and Litasov claimed the pot.

Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
172,000(430 BB)
Vladimir LitasovRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
79,000(198 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 7:44:58 AM

Popov's Aces Eliminates Lyu

Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300
Slaven Popov

Slaven Popov opened for 800 from middle position. When the action folded to the small blind, Junqiang Lyu three-bet to 2,700. Popov responded with a re-raise to 8,700, prompting Lyu to shove all-in, risking his tournament life. Popov quickly called.

Junqiang Lyu: A 6

Slaven Popov: A A

Seeing the pocket aces, Lyu was nearly resigned to his fate but watched as the dealer dealt the board: 6 Q 8 4 2 . Popov’s aces held strong throughout, and Lyu was eliminated from the tournament.

Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
160,000(533 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 7:43:00 AM

Lee Survives with a Rivered Two-Pair

Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300

Slaven Popov opened the action from middle position. Juyeol Lee, at risk and seated immediately to his left, shoved all-in for 16,100. Pham Thanh Nghia, in late position, called. A bit surprised by the turn of events, Popov ultimately folded his hand, leaving Lee and Nghia to face off.


Juyeol Lee: J 5

Pham Thanh Nghia: Q 9

The dealer flopped Q 3 5 , giving Lee middle pair while Nghia hit top pair, leaving Lee with slim chances of survival.

Resigned to his fate, Lee watched as the turn brought 2 , maintaining Nghia's lead. But the river, J , unexpectedly gave Lee two pair, sparking an audible sigh of relief, keeping him in the tournament.

Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
87,000(290 BB)
Juyeol LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
32,000(107 BB)
6,000(20 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
11/11/2024, 7:40:34 AM

Popov Rivers Quads

Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300
Sarang Kwon

Sarang Kwon raised to 900 from middle position and Slaven Popov called from the hijack, which Juyeol Lee three-bet to 2,800 from the cutoff. Both Kwon and Popov made the call.

On the flop of 4 5 3 , Kwon and Popov checked the action to Lee, who bet 5,500, which Kwon called. Popov put in a raise to 15,500 after tanking a long time and Lee called. Kwon then shoved all in for 29,900 this time, Popov also pushed all in and Lee got out of the way.

Slaven Popov: 3 3

Sarang Kwon: T T

Popov picked up the lead for a flopped set of threes, leaving Kwon a small chance to win. The Q delivered on the turn, improving nothing for Kwon. The river brought the 3 , which made Popov’s set bloomed into quads, giving him a much more beautiful way to win the hand.

Slaven PopovBulgaria [BGR]Bulgaria
96,000(320 BB)
Juyeol LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
65,500(218 BB)