Day 2
Chen Loses Small Pot
The action was picked up on the flop that showed 5♣ Q♦ 4♦ with around 27,500 chips in the middle. Kwun Ngan checked over from the big bind, and Zhen Chen bet 8,000 from early position, which Ngan called.
Both players checked through after the 7♦ fell on the turn. The river brought 2♠ , where Ngan checked to Chen, who sent a bet of 25,000. Ngan snap-called.
Ngan tabled a flopped top air of queen with Q♥ J♦ against pocket eights from Chen, who lost the pot yet still sat comfortably with hie remaining stack of around 950,000 chips.
Player | Chips |
ZC Zhen Chen | 952,000(190 BB) |
KW Kwun Wah Simon Ngan | 201,500(40 BB) |
Player Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
DS Daniel Smiljkovic | 395,000(132 BB) |
EG Edilberto Gopez | 375,000(125 BB) |
MK Minkyun Kim | 330,000(110 BB) |
ME Marco Espela | 290,000(97 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 260,000(87 BB) |
YW Yan Wen Yee | 230,000(77 BB) |
AR Ashby Rivera | 220,000(73 BB) |
MT Manh Tuan Nguyen | 210,000(70 BB) |
JL Jeorge Lagatuz | 180,000(60 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 160,000(53 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 130,000(43 BB) |
KY Kwok Yip | 120,000(40 BB) |
WL Wookuk Lee | 110,000(37 BB) |
KW Kwun Wah Simon Ngan | 108,000(36 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 69,000(23 BB) |
SP Sangkwon Park | 52,000(17 BB) |
Flight B
Lai Takes Down the Pot as Ngan Folds
Anton Lysenko raised to 1,200 and received three callers: Kwun Wah Simon Ngan in the cutoff, Dashsodnom Enkhjargal in the small blind, and Jun Lai in the big blind, leading to a flop of A♣ 7♠ 4♥ .
The action checked around to Ngan, who led out with a bet of 1,200. Both Enkhjargal and Lai called, while Lysenko opted to fold, leaving the three players to continue.
The turn brought the 3♥ , and Ngan, again in the cutoff, bet 4,500. Enkhjargal folded, but Lai called.
On the river, the 6♠ prompted Lai to jam all-in, putting Ngan in the tank. After a moment of deliberation, Ngan decided to fold, allowing Lai to scoop the pot.
Player | Chips |
DE Dashsodnom Enkhjargal | 44,500(74 BB) |
JL Jun Lai (2) | 36,000(60 BB) |
33,000(55 BB) | |
KW Kwun Wah Simon Ngan | 20,600(34 BB) |