Blind level
Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Total Chips

Day 1B

JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/24/2024, 4:26:03 PM

Wayne Lau Wins Desperate Double Up Over Juyeol Lee

Level 10: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Wayne Lau

Juyeol Lee made a min-raise from under the gun and called the 24,200 all-in of Wayne Lau from the next seat.

Juyeol Lee: A T

Wayne Lau: 9 9

Board: Q 6 4 Q 9

Lau was ahead the entire time and the nine on the river improved his hand to a full house to secure the much-needed double up.

Wayne LauCanada [CAN]Canada
51,400(43 BB)
Juyeol LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
24,600(21 BB)
JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/24/2024, 11:46:13 AM

Mike Takayama Doubles From

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Mike Takayama

Mike Takayama made a min-raise to 1,200 from under the gun and got 4 callers. Five players entered a flop of K 5 2. When action was checked to Takayama, he didn't hesitate to fire 2,900. Jian Hui Giam, Juyeol Lee and Wayne Lau all folded. The only remaining caller was Jang Wongeun at the big blind. Both players saw an 8 turn. Wongeun then check-called by Takyama's 10,800 bet to lead to the 3 on the river. Wongeun check-called Takyama's all-in shove for 53,700.

Wongeun flipped over K 3 for two-pairs while Takayama showed A 4 for a wheel straight to take down the huge pot and double-up.

Jian Hui GiamSingapore [SGP]Singapore
207,000(345 BB)
Mike TakayamaPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
140,800(235 BB)
Juyeol LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
92,000(153 BB)
Wayne LauCanada [CAN]Canada
36,000(60 BB)
Jang WongeunKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
11,700(20 BB)
JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/24/2024, 7:13:35 AM

Wayne Lau Claims A Desperate Double-Up

Level 3: 100 / 300 ante: 300
Wayne Lau
Jang WongeunKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
42,000(140 BB)
Wayne LauCanada [CAN]Canada
26,000(87 BB)
Sung Min WooKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
16,500(55 BB)

Wayne Lau three-bet to 900 from the button with Jang Wongeun and Sung Min Woo making the call from the small and big blind respectively. The three players are given a flop of A 5 9. Action is checked to Wayne Lau who pushed his remaining 10,500 all-in. Wongeun stepped aside but Woo made the brave call.

Wayne Lau: A 5

Sung Min Woo: 4 6

Board finished J 2

Lau's two-pair stood its ground against the flush draw of Woo to double-up.

JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/24/2024, 5:45:37 AM

Kenji Kuramochi Wins A Decent Pot

Level 2: 100 / 200 ante: 200

Three players limped before Juyeol Lee at the small blind made it 1,000 to play. Four more players obliged and entered the flop of 4 Q 4 . Action was checked to Kenji Kuramochi, who fired 1,000. The only callers were Juyeol Lee rom the small blind and Wayne Lau at the big blind. The three players saw an A turn, then checked it around to see an 8 river. Everyone checked it again. Kuramochi showed K 4 for a set of fours that won a decent-sized pot.

Juyeol LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
110,000(550 BB)
50,000(250 BB)
Wayne LauCanada [CAN]Canada
30,000(150 BB)
JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/24/2024, 5:03:17 AM

Jueyol Lee Destroys Wayne Lau

Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200
Jueyol Lee

Wayne Lau four-bet to 800 from under the gun with the cutoff player making the call along with Juyeol Lee from the big blind. The flop of 5 7 7 opened for the three players. Action was checked to Lau who c-bet 1,000 and got both to call. The turn opened 3 with Lee check-raising Lau's 2,200 bet to 7,200. The cutoff folded and Lau made the call to see a A river. Lee fired 23,000 and Lau made the call. Lee flipped over 7 T to show a set of sevens. A devastated Lau mucked his hand.

Juyeol LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
89,400(447 BB)
Wayne LauCanada [CAN]Canada
16,900(85 BB)
JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/24/2024, 4:54:59 AM

Wayne Lau Wins A Handsome Pot

Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200
Wayne Lau

Itsuki Morita 5-bet to 1,000 from under the fun with button Wayne Lau making the call along with Kenji Kuramochi at the small blind and Muhammed Ali Chandna from the big blind. The four players saw a flop of 3 4 Q. All players checked to see a 9 on the turn. Chandna was given the option to act and fired out 2,300. Morita got out of the way, but Wayne Lau at the button raised to 5,300 with everyone else steering clear to give Lau the pot.

79,500(398 BB)
58,800(294 BB)
Wayne LauCanada [CAN]Canada
58,500(293 BB)
53,300(267 BB)