Final Day
Thomas Ward Eliminated in 2nd Place - PHP 7,260,000 (~US$ 124,530)

Thomas Ward goes all in for his last 6 bb holding J♣ 7♦ , massive chip leader Hieu Ngo makes the calls with Q♦ J♦ . The board runs 4♦ 5♦ A♦ 8♦ K♠ . Ward has a flush and still falls to Ngo's dominating nut flush.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 208,000,000(1040 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | busted |

Hand #109: Hieu Ngo Closing In On Victory

Hieu Ngo is far ahead of Thomas Ward and wins another pot to inch closer to the title. With Q♥ 5♥ , Ngo limps in and Ward K♥ 8♠ checks. At the flop 8♥ 9♣ 3♥ , Ngo c-bets 200,000, Ward check-calls. On the turn J♥ , Ngo lands the flush and bets 600,000, Ward check-calls again to head to the river 9♠ . Check again from Ward, Ngo bets 1,500,000, Ward calls mucks his two pair.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 19,600,000(98 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 1,200,000(6 BB) |
Hand #105-108: Back And Forth
Hand #105: Hieu Ngo open shoves and wins the blinds and ante.
Hand #106: Thomas Ward limps in with Q♥ 2♥ , big blind Hieu Ngo 9♦ 5♥ checks then leads out 200,000 on the flop 2♠ A♥ T♠ . Ward calls. On the turn Q♣ , Ngo checks, Ward lays out 550,000 and wins the pot.
Hand #107: Hieu Ngo 8♣ 2♣ limps in and Thomas Ward 5♣ 4♥ checks. On the board 9♥ K♥ 4♦ 7♣ , Ngo bets 200,000 and 1,000,000. Ward folds to the turn bet.
Hand #108: Hieu Ngo walks.
Hand #103-104: Thomas Ward Battling Back

Hand #103: Hieu Ngo 4♣ 3♠ limps then folds to Thomas Ward's K♦ Q♣ shove.
Hand #104: Thomas Ward limps in 9♥ 7♦ and Hieu Ngo A♦ 2♣ checks to see a flop 4♦ 5♣ J♦ . Ward bets 220,000, Ngo calls. Both opt to check the turn 8♥ but on the river, heavy betting takes place with 900,000 from Ngo, Ward 2,600,000 all in, Ngo folds.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 18,200,000(114 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,600,000(16 BB) |
Hand #101-102: Hieu Ngo Shaves Down Thomas Ward

Hand #101: After paying out a small double up to Thomas Ward, massive chip leader Hieu Ngo Q♦ 8♥ limps and Ward J♣ 3♣ checks. On the flop K♠ 4♠ 9♦ , Ward checks, Ngo wins the pot with a 160,000 bet.
Hand #102: On a limped pot, Thomas Ward Q♥ 2♥ bets 160,000 and Hieu Ngo check-calls. On the turn 8♣ , Ngo jumps out with a 375,000 bet, Ward gives up his hand.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 18,000,000(113 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,900,000(18 BB) |
Hand #98-100: Thomas Ward Survives

Hand #98: Hieu Ngo walks.
Hand #99: Hieu Ngo raises from the button with A♦ 8♣ , Thomas Ward folds.
Hand #100: Thomas Ward looks down at K♣ T♦ and open-shoves, big blind Hieu Ngo calls with K♥ 8♣ . With the board running 8♦ T♠ T♥ 9♣ A♠ , Ward doubles up.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 17,000,000(106 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,400,000(21 BB) |
Hand #93-97: Thomas Ward Draining Out

Hand #93: Hieu Ngo limps A♠ 3♣ and Thomas Ward checks Q♦ 7♣ . Both check it down 2♥ T♠ 8♦ K♥ 2♣ . Ngo wins again.
Hand #94: Thomas Ward K♠ 7♦ limps, Hieu Ngo A♥ 9♣ raises, fast fold from Ward.
Hand #95: Prior to this hand, Thomas Ward lost more chips to Hieu Ngo and a little more in this hand. Following a limp by Ngo T♦ 3♦ , Ward 9♣ 9♠ raises 550,000 and Ngo calls. On the flop A♣ A♠ 6♥ , Ward c-bets 200,000 then folds to Ngo's 650,000 raise.
Hand #96: Hieu Ngo walks.
Hand #97: On a limped pot, both players check to the turn Q♠ T♦ 6♥ 5♠ . Button Hieu Ngo bets 350,000, big blind Thomas Ward check-calls. Both go back to checking on the river 9♥ .
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 19,000,000(119 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,000,000(13 BB) |
Hand #91-92: Hieu Ngo Chunks Thomas Ward
Hand #91: On a limped pot, both players check to the turn 8♥ 3♦ 5♠ 5♣ . Thomas Ward Q♠ 5♦ bets 600,000 and wins the pot.
Hand #92: Thomas Ward Q♣ 8♥ limps, big blind Hieu Ngo Q♦ T♦ raises 500,000, Ward three-bets 1,400,000, Ngo flats. At the flop J♥ 5♣ 9♠ , Ngo checks to aggressor Ward who bets 800,000, Nog asks for a count of Ward's stack then calls. Ngo check the turn 2♠ , Ward barrels a huge 2,100,000, Ngo calls to buy the river K♣ . With Ngo landing his straight, he shoves inducing a fast fold from Ward.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 16,630,000(104 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 4,170,000(26 BB) |
Hand #90: Thomas Ward Wins First Hand Of Heads Up

Thomas Ward Q♠ 8♠ raises 240,000 and big blind Hieu Ngo calls with 5♠ 3♥ . Ward barrels down every street 3♠ J♠ 6♠ Q♥ A♦ with bets of 160,000, 350,000, and 1,200,000. Ngo folds to the river bet.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 12,790,000(107 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 8,010,000(67 BB) |
Heads Up - Hieu Ngo vs Thomas Ward

Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 13,320,000(111 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 7,640,000(64 BB) |
Hand #89: Justin Chu Eliminated In 3rd Place - PHP 5,180,000 (~US$ 88,835)

After losing two big pots, Justin Chu three-bets all in from the big blind and initial raiser Hieu Ngo makes the easy call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 8♠8♣ BB | busted |
HN Hieu Ngo | 2♠2♦ D | 13,320,000(111 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | SB | 7,640,000(64 BB) |
With Ngo spiking the two-outer, Chu is eliminated in 3rd place.
Hand #87-88: Justin Chu Dropping

Hand #87: Button Thomas Ward looks down at A♥ A♣ and raises 240,000, small blind Justin Chu likes his K♠ T♦ and re-raises 750,000, Ward replies with a four-bet shove of 6,900,000, Chu folds.
Hand #88: Justin Chu Q♣ J♠ opens 240,000 from the button and small blind Hieu Ngo Q♥ 9♣ calls. On the flop and turn J♦ T♦ 5♠ 2♣ , Chu bets 200,000 and 700,000, Ngo check-calls both to head to the river 9♦ . Ngo switches up and leads out with a shove, Chu is well covered and folds top pair.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 11,635,000(97 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 7,640,000(64 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,525,000(13 BB) |
Hand #82-85: Thomas Ward On The Rise

Hand #82: Thomas Ward looks down at A♦ Q♠ and raises 240,000, big blind / chip leader Hieu Ngo T♠ 8♥ calls to head to a flop 8♦ 6♥ Q♥ . Ward continues 325,000, Ngo thinks about it then folds.
Hand #83: Hieu Ngo A♣ 5♠ and Justin Chu A♥ 5♥ battle on a board 3♥ 7♥ 4♦ Q♠ 2♣ . Chu bets 120,000 on the river, Ngo raises 1,500,000, Chu tanks before three-betting 3,500,000. Ngo calls and splits the pot.
Hand #84: Thomas Ward 4♥ 4♦ raises 240,000, Hieu Ngo 9♦ 6♦ defends his big blind. On the flop Q♠ 2♣ 3♥ , Ward bets 180,000 and just like that, he wins the pot.
Hand #85: Facing a raise of 240,000 from button Justin Chu J♥ T♣ d, big blind Thomas Ward 8♠ 8♣ three-bets 800,000, Chu calls. At the flop 6♠ 2♥ 5♣ , Ward barrels 550,000 and gets called again by Chu. On the turn 9♣ , Ward checks, Chu lays out 1,100,000, Ward answers with a shove of 4,500,000 that pushes out Chu from the pot.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 9,275,000(77 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 6,950,000(58 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 4,575,000(38 BB) |
Hand #80-81: Hieu Ngo Takes Two Against Justin Chu

Hand #80: Button Justin Chu 6♣ 5♣ raises 200,000 then calls small blind Hieu Ngo's J♥ J♣ three-bet of 800,000. On the flop 2♥ Q♥ 9♠ , Ngo continues 500,000, Chu tosses his hand in the muck pile.
Hand #81: Button Hieu Ngo Q♠ 6♠ raises 240,000 and doesn't get past big blind Jusin Chu 2♥ 2♣ who calls. At the flop K♦ 6♥ 4♠ Ngo c-bets 150,000 and Chu check-calls. On the turn 7♦ and river 5♦ , both players check. Ngo takes it with the higher pair.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 10,815,000(108 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 6,085,000(61 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,900,000(39 BB) |
Hand #77-79: Justin Chu Swinging

Hand #77: Button Justin Chu 9♦ 9♣ min-raises and is joined to the flop 8♥ 6♣ 4♠ by caller Thomas Ward A♣ T♦ from the big blind. Chu continues 225,000 and quickly wins the pot.
Hand #78: Thomas Ward J♦ 8♣ limps in and big blind Justin Chu 5♠ 2♣ checks. Ward bets 800,000 on a flop A♠ A♥ 9♦ and this time he quickly take the pot.
Hand #79: Justin Chu 5♠ 5♣ limps from the small blind then calls big blind Hieu Ngo's K♠ Q♣ raise of 350,000. At the flop 7♣ A♥ 2♣ , Chu bets 300,000 and Ngo calls. Both players check the turn 3♥ and river T♥ . Chu rakes it in with his small pair.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 9,200,000(92 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 7,400,000(74 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,600,000(36 BB) |
Hand #72-76: Hieu Ngo Dominating Justin Chu

Hand #72: Small blind Thomas Ward 9♦ 7♣ limps in and big blind Justin Chu 9♠ 7♥ checks. On a flop Q♣ 7♠ 6♠ , Ward c-bets 100,000, and Chu calls. Both tap felt on the turn 8♠ for a free river 8♠ . Ward checks again, Chu bets 500,000, Ward calls and it's a chopped pot.
Hand #74: Justin Chu opens from the button and wins the blinds and ante.
Hand #75: Button Hieu Ngo K♥ 6♥ raises 500,000 and big blind Justin Chu Q♣ J♥ gives action. On the flop and turn 9♥ 4♠ T♣ 3♥ , Chu check-calls 150,000 and 700,000. On the river 2♦ , Chu checks, Ngo fires 1,100,000, Chu folds.
Hand #76: Limped pot sees a flop A♥ 4♠ 8♠ . Big blind Hieu Ngo K♠ 3♠ bets 100,000 and small blind Justin Chu K♦ 2♥ calls. Both check the turn 4♠ then Chu sends out 100,000 on the river 7♠ , Ngo raises 800,000, Chu gives it up again.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 10,100,000(101 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 6,400,000(64 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,600,000(36 BB) |
Hand #70-71: Thomas Ward vs Hieu Ngo

Hand #70: Thomas Ward 9♠ 7♠ raises 200,000 and Hieu Ngo K♣ 3♥ defends on the big blind. Flop comes 5♣ 9♣ 8♣ , Ward c-bets 100,000 and Ngo check-calls. No bets land on the turn J♣ to bring the river Q♣ . Ngo jumps out with a 500,000 bet and takes down the pot unchallenged.
Hand #71: Small blind Hieu Ngo 8♦ J♥ limps in and Thomas Ward K♥ 6♠ checks his big blind. Ngo barrels the flop and turn 100,000, 250,000 3♠ 3♦ 5♦ 6♥ , Ward calls both. On the river 3♣ , Ngo slows to a check then folds to Ward's 425,000 bet.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 8,445,000(84 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 4,010,000(40 BB) |
Hand #68: Justin Chu Betting His Boat

Hand #68: Button Justin Chu T♦ T♣ raises 160,000, small blind Hieu Ngo 2♦ 2♣ and big blind Thomas Ward Q♦ 9♠ both call. On the flop J♣ T♥ J♠ , blinds check to Chu who c-bets 200,000, only Ward gives him action. On the turn 7♥ , Ward leads out 350,000, Chu flats his boat. The river 6♦ , Ward misses his draw and checks, Chu bets 2,000,000, Ward folds.
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 10,345,000(129 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 6,595,000(82 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,860,000(48 BB) |
Hand #65-67: Thomas Ward Doubles Up
Hand #65: Facing a raise from button Justin Chu 5♥ 4♥ , big blind Thomas Ward A♣ 8♣ re-raises all in for 2,000,000, Chu folds.
Hand #66: Small blind Hieu Ngo J♠ 7♣ raises and big blind Justin Chu J♣ 9♦ calls. Ngo continues on the flop and turn Q♦ 6♣ T♠ 4♦ with 250,000 amd 600,000 bets. Chu check-folds on the turn.
Hand #67: Thomas Ward Q♥ Q♣ raises from the button and big blind Hieu Ngo J♥ 8♣ calls. When the board completes 2♣ J♠ Q♦ 3♦ 6♣ , Ward bets 110,000, 380,000, and all in for 1,600,000, Ngo check-calls throughout. Ward gets paid in full for his set of queens.
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 9,400,000(118 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 6,800,000(85 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 4,600,000(58 BB) |
Final 3 Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 9,865,000(123 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 8,790,000(110 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,145,000(27 BB) |
Hand #54-59: Game Heats Up
Hand #54: Button Justin Chu A♥ 8♥ raises 160,000, Thomas Ward J♠ 9♠ defends his big blind. Both players check to the turn 9♠ 5♥ 2♦ A♣ . Chu bets 150,000 and ward calls. The river 8♠ has Chu firing 800,000, this time, Ward chooses to fold.
Hand #55: From utg, Justin Chu 6♦ 2♦ bumps it up to 160,000, big blind Jun Beum Chun J♥ T♣ calls. On the flop 8♥ 5♠ J♦ , Chu c-bets 125,000 then folds to Chun's check-raise of 350,000.
Hand #56: Utg Hieu Ngo A♣ 4♣ raises 175,000, Justin Chu with 9♥ 9♠ just flats. On the flop 3♠ 4♠ 7♦ , Chu check-calls 130,000 then on the turn 2♦ and river K♣ , Chu takes charge firing 275,000 and 375,000. Ngo folds to the river bet.
Hand #57: Utg Thomas Ward A♥ 8♦ raises then folds to button Jun Beum Chun's A♣ 5♥ three-bet of 420,000.
Hand #58: Utg Jun Beum Chun likes his 7♦ 5♦ and raises 160,000 only to fold to button Justin Chu's A♠ T♥ three-bet of 400,000.
Hand #59: Jun Beum Chun J♦ 8♣ defends his big blind by calling Justin Chu's A♠ 3♣ preflop raise. Chun opts to lead out 125,000 on the flop 6♦ 5♠ 7♣ and wins the pot with Chu folding.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 8,555,000(107 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 7,890,000(99 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 2,630,000(33 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,225,000(28 BB) |
Hand #42: Lester Edoc Eliminated In 6th Place - PHP 2,360,000 (~$40,340)

Lester Edoc is the first casualty of the final table. Entering as the shortest with 22 bb, Edoc is unable to gain any momentum. His final hand sees him raise a huge 800,000 from utg and is can't evade Thomas Ward who calls from cutoff.
On the flop A♦ 5♠ 4♦ , Edoc goes all in for his last 1 bb of 80,000, Ward calls, Edoc is dominated.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 7♥7♦ UTG | busted |
TW Thomas Ward | 9♠9♣ CO | 3,500,000(44 BB) |
The turn T♥ and river K♥ finish off Edoc in 6th place.
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 6,980,000(87 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 6,145,000(77 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,870,000(36 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 2,610,000(33 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 1,715,000(21 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 880,000(11 BB) |
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 7,100,000(118 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 6,145,000(102 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,870,000(48 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 2,340,000(39 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 1,835,000(31 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 540,000(9 BB) |
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 6,425,000(107 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 4,765,000(79 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 3,815,000(64 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,710,000(45 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 2,150,000(36 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 965,000(16 BB) |
Hand #17-23: Thomas Ward Very Active

Hand #17: Thomas Ward K♥ 3♠ raises then folds to William Ysmael's A♦ 2♠ 425,000 three-bet.
Hand #19: Thomas Ward Q♣ J♣ min-raises then folds again to a three-bet, this time from Justin Chu A♣ Q♣ of 360,000.
Hand #20: Thomas Ward 7♠ 7♣ raises 120,000, no callers.
Hand #21: Jun Beum Chun 5♦ 5♣ raises 125,000, no callers.
Hand #22: From small blind Thomas Ward T♦ 8♦ limps and Justin Chu checks. Both check to the turn J♦ T♠ A♥ 6♦ , Ward leads out 60,000 and takes it on Chu's fold.
Hand #23: Button Thomas Ward Q♦ 9♦ continues to drive the action with a min-raise, small blind Justin Chu J♦ J♥ three-bets 400,000, Ward flats. On the flop 4♥ 5♣ 2♥ , Chu fires 450,000, Ward gives it up.
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 4,600,000(77 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,890,000(48 BB) |
Chip Count Update
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 6,095,000(102 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 4,910,000(82 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 3,125,000(52 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,020,000(50 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 2,380,000(40 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 1,300,000(22 BB) |
Hand #10-12: Thomas Ward Claims A Good Pot

Hand #10: Hieu Ngo opens from the button, blinds fold.
Hand #11: Lester Edoc opens from hijack, no callers.
Hand #12: Thomas Ward A♣ Q♥ min-raises and is joined to the flop 2♥ 3♦ T♠ by big blind Justin Chu 4♥ 3♣ . Ward continues 110,000, Chu check-calls. Both knock on the turn A♥ , then Ward returns to betting on the river Q♠ . Chu folds.
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 4,910,000(82 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,020,000(50 BB) |
Day 3
Leaderboard update on the Final 6 of the APPT Championship
Here are the Final 6 of the inaugural APPT Championship and the action will conclude tomorrow (Sunday, October 27) still here at the Okada Manila.
Everyone at this point is guaranteed PhP2,360,000 (~US$40,430) and the eventual champion takes home PhP11,610,000 (~US$199,100).
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 7,075,000(142 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 4,875,000(98 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 3,455,000(69 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,100,000(62 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 1,250,000(25 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 1,075,000(22 BB) |
Hand #47: Hieu calls every Ward bet to pull even

Hand #47: From UTG Thomas Ward of New Zealand raises with 8♣ 7♣ and the action is folded to th BB where Vietnam's Hieu Ngo awaits to defend with J♦ T♣.
The flop is Q♠ T♦ 5♠ as Hieu checks. Ward CBets to 125,000 and Hieu calls. The turn is the 9♣ as now Ward picks up a gutshot straight draw. Hieu checks again and the New Zealander fires again, this time for 275,000. Hieu still calls. The river is the 8♦ completing a one card straight. Hieu checks again and this time Ward bets 550,000. Hieu again makes the call.
The missed steal by Ward now has him even in chip with his Vietnamese opponent. Ward lost over a million in that hand.
Player | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 3,400,000(68 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,400,000(68 BB) |
Leaderboard Update

With still nine players remaining, here is where everyone stands at as the blinds go up:
Player | Chips |
WY William Ysmael | 4,995,000(125 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 4,870,000(122 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 3,470,000(87 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 2,370,000(59 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 2,000,000(50 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 1,595,000(40 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 570,000(14 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | 430,000(11 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 410,000(10 BB) |
Everyone is still guaranteed PhP1,237,720 (US$21,205).
Hand #26-27: Ysmael takes chip lead

Hand #26: This time it's the turn of chip leader Thomas Ward to make his move as he raises from the +3 position but gets a call from the red hot William Ysmael.
The flop is 8♠ 4♥ 5♠ as Ysmael outflops Ward to pair his four. They both check. The turn is the 9♥ as it once again goes check-check. The river is the 7♦ and this time Ysmael unloads 130,000. Ward tanks and uses a Time Bank card before deciding to fold.
This time, Ysmael really had the better hand.
The Filipino now takes the chip lead and earn the de facto badge as table captain.
Hand #27: Ysmael takes chips away from Beum with K♦ 2♥ on a board of 5♣ Q♦ 8♣. Beum folded A♦ T♥.
Player | Hand | Chips |
WY William Ysmael | A♦4♠ BB | 5,000,000(125 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 2♦2♣ MP | 4,700,000(118 BB) |
Hand #21: Ward with good instincts versus Ysmael

Hand #21: In a raised pot by Filipino William Ysmael with 7♠ 7♦ in the HJ against the BB of chip leader Thomas Ward T♥ 9♦ .
The flop comes 9♠ 6♣ T♠ as the New Zalander flops top two pairs against a gutshot straight draw from the Filipino. Both opt to check. The turn is the A♠ which now adds a redraw to a flush to Ysmael's arsenal. Ward bets 175,000 for his two pair and gets a call from Ysmael. The river is the K♠ completing a one card backdoor flush for Ysmael. Ward checks. Ysmael bets 175,000 on the river. Ward quickly folds.
Player | Hand | Chips |
WY William Ysmael | 7♠7♦ HJ | 4,400,000(110 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | T♥9♦ BB | 4,900,000(123 BB) |
Hand #19: Hieu flops boat, gets moderate value from Ward

Hand #19: Hieu Ngo of Vietnam gets dealt 6♦ 6♣ UTG and raises to 80,000. However, right beside him in the +1 position, chip leader THomas Ward of New Zealang 3-bets it to 230,000. Hieu makes the call.
Lo and behold the flop is 9♦ 9♣ 6♠ for a full house for Hieu. They both check the flop and on the turn of the J♣ , Hieu tries one more time to get more value, but his bet of 350,000 makes his opponent fold.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HN Hieu Ngo | 6♦6♣ UTG | 2,300,000(58 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | A♠Q♠ UTG+1 | 5,100,000(128 BB) |
Hand #12: Gonzales checks out of trouble against Ward

Hand #12: The raise from Filipino pro Martin Gonzales from the +2 position is greeted with a call by chip leader Thomas Ward from the BB.
The flop is 7♦ 6♦ T♦ and Gonzales hit top pair while Ward has a queen high straight draw. It is check-call for the New Zealander and the turn gave the 3♦ , the fourth diamond on the board. Ward--now with a flush--opts to check-call again. The river is the T♣ which now gives Gonzales trips. However, both do have showdown value and opt to check down.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | K♠T♠ MP | 5,500,000(138 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | A♣Q♦ BB | 1,300,000(33 BB) |
Hand #11: Ward plays queens carefully versus Edoc

Hand #11: In a battle of pocket pairs, chip leader Thomas Ward of New Zealand min-raises from UTG with Q♥ Q♦ and gets called by Filipino pro Lester Edoc in the SB with 9♥ 9♣ .
The flop is T♠ 6♣ 3♣ as Edoc checks. Ward bets 120,000 and Edoc makes the call. The turn is the T♦ and this time Edoc donks in on the paired board for 225,000. It's Ward's turn this time for make the call. The river is the 7♦ and now both players check.
It was very careful execution by Ward against one the best players in the Philippines.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | Q♥Q♦ UTG | 5,100,000(128 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 9♥9♣ SB | 2,800,000(70 BB) |
Hand #9: Chu stays agrressive with with top pair for modest gain against Ward

Hand #9: Chip leader Thomas Ward of New Zealand gets dealt A♠ Q♦ and raises from the +2 position for 80,000. He gets called on a BB defense by Taiwan's Justin Chu who has T♥ 7♥ .
The flop comes 3♠ 2♥ T♠ as Chu gets top pair. Chu checks and Ward fires the CBet of 75,000. Chu makes the call. The turn is the 2♦ and this time Chu grabs the betting lead for 130,000. Ward now becomes a caller. The river is the K♣ as the Taiwanese player lays out a value bet of 40,000. Ward still makes the call.
The hit doesn;t realy dent the New Zealander, but does give additional ammunition to Chu who has easily been the most active at the table thus far.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | T♥7♥ BB | 3,505,000(88 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | A♠Q♣ MP | 4,600,000(115 BB) |
Hand #5: Ward bluffs out Beum

Hand #5: Taiwan's Justin Chu raises from the +1 position for 80,000 with Q♦ J♦ and it is folded to the D where chip leader Thomas Ward re-pops it to 320,000 with A♦ Q♠. Chun proceeds to 4-bet to 500,000 and the New Zealander decides to just call.
The flop is 4♥ 9♠ 3♠ which misses both hands. Both check. The turn is the 6♠ and both check anew. The river is the J♣ . Chu bets 400,000 but is raised all-in by Ward. Needing to go all in to call, Chu tanks and uses up a Time Bank card before folding his top pair.
Ward using his stack and ICM pressure to his advantage.
Player | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 4,900,000(123 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 1,300,000(33 BB) |
Hand #1: Chu strikes first in Final 9, scrapes Ward

Hand #1: The very first hand of the Final 9 finds chip leader Thomas Ward of New Zealand making a raise from the +1 position and gets called all the way in the SB by Taiwan's Justin Chu. However, local bet Lester Edoc 3-bets to 90,000 from the BB as both make the call.
The flop is A♦ 4♠ A♠ as the blinds check. Ward fire a bet of 70,000 and gets a call from Chu, but a fold from Edoc. It is heads up to the turn of the K♠ as both players check. The river is the 2♣ as Chu fires for 30,000 and gets called by Ward.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | Q♥Q♣ SB | 2,980,000(75 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 6♠6♣ UTG+1 | 4,020,000(101 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | K♦J♥ BB | 307,000(8 BB) |
Chu's queens hold to draw 1st blood.
The Final 9 players of the APPT Championship

Here are the last nine players who are now all guaranteed PhP1,237,720 (~US$21,205). They will play down to the last six for the official final table that will commence tomorrow (Sunday, October 27).
Player | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 4,210,000(140 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 3,425,000(114 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 3,190,000(106 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 2,670,000(89 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 2,165,000(72 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 1,540,000(51 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,500,000(50 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,430,000(48 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 695,000(23 BB) |
Bae Wonchul out in 14th for PhP715,000 (~US$12,240)

Fresh off his double up in cracking the aces of Australian John Edward Perry, Bae Wonchul of Korea faces a raise from chip leader Thomas Ward of New Zealand from UTG for 60,000. Bae 3-bets all-in from the SB for his newly acquired stack of 225,000. Ward makes the quick call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | K♦K♣ UTG | 4,000,000(133 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | A♠J♣ SB | busted |
With the elimination of Bae, Ward now solidifies his claim as the monster stack of the tournament.
Leaderboard Update

With 16 players reaming, here's where they stand:
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 3,730,000(149 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,680,000(147 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 3,070,000(123 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,675,000(67 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,325,000(53 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 1,145,000(46 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 1,080,000(43 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,060,000(42 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 1,020,000(41 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 890,000(36 BB) |
YL Yan Li | 725,000(29 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 410,000(16 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 340,000(14 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 305,000(12 BB) |
JW Joey Weissman | 255,000(10 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | 90,000(4 BB) |
Leaderboard Update

Former overall chip leader John Edward Perry of Australia has dropped all the way to eighth place in the first leaderboard update of the day. Fellow Australian Thomas Ward now occupies the top spot as he and Filipino pro Lester Edoc are the only ones breaching the two million chip mark at the moment.
Chip counts at end of Level 22:
Player | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,760,000(138 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 2,060,000(103 BB) |
YW Yuanning Wu | 1,540,000(77 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,435,000(72 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,305,000(65 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 1,115,000(56 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 1,075,000(54 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,075,000(54 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 1,055,000(53 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 1,015,000(51 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 995,000(50 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 995,000(50 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 910,000(46 BB) |
JW Joey Weissman | 840,000(42 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | 680,000(34 BB) |
AI Alessio Isaia | 600,000(30 BB) |
WK Wai Kit Jason Lau | 550,000(28 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 380,000(19 BB) |
YL Yan Li | 315,000(16 BB) |
Ward now new chip leader

Chip leader John Edward Perry open from UTG for 40,000 and gets 3-bet in the CO of New Zealander Thomas Ward for 120,000. Perry calls.
The flop is 2♠ 4♥ A♥ as Perry checks. Ward CBets 80,000 and gets called. The turn is the 6♠ as Ward barrels again, this time for 325,000. Perry needs to use a Time Card to reassess the situation and eventually makes the call. The river card is the 5♣ , completing what appears to be a one card straight. Ward fires what appears to be a value bet of 400,000. Again, Perry needs to put in a Time Bank card before deciding to make the call.
Ward flips over A♦ 2♦ for two pairs on the flop. Perry mucks his hand.
The chip lead now goes to Ward as Perry relinquishes his reign for the first time since the midway mark of Day 2.
Player | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,800,000(140 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,140,000(57 BB) |
Ward's kings hold versus Perry for double up

Chip leader John Edward Perry makes it a battle of Australia versus New Zealand when a preflop raising contest against Kiwi Thomas Ward ends up with all of Ward's 860,000 stack going into the pot.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | K♠K♦ CO | 1,770,000(89 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | A♠K♣ UTG+1 | 2,400,000(120 BB) |
Perry still remains the chip leader despite the hit.
Day 2
28 players remain heading into Day 3
The 28 players remaining will reconvene on Saturday (October 26) at 12NN (UCT+8) and will play down to the Final 6 players.
Check out the Livestream that begins at 4:00PM.
APPT Manila Championship remaining players:
Player | Chips |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,785,000(112 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,395,000(87 BB) |
JW Joey Weissman | 1,330,000(83 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 1,125,000(70 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 1,080,000(68 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,060,000(66 BB) |
YW Yuanning Wu | 1,025,000(64 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 1,000,000(63 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 985,000(62 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 885,000(55 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | 815,000(51 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 800,000(50 BB) |
YL Yan Li | 705,000(44 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 675,000(42 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 640,000(40 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 625,000(39 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 600,000(38 BB) |
MH Moon Ho Seo | 590,000(37 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 535,000(33 BB) |
WK Wai Kit Jason Lau | 535,000(33 BB) |
AI Alessio Isaia | 510,000(32 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 445,000(28 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 370,000(23 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 365,000(23 BB) |
KH Kevin Hasler | 360,000(23 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 255,000(16 BB) |
WK Woojin Kim | 240,000(15 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 65,000(4 BB) |
Event #31 APPT Manila Championship
Date/s: October 23 to 27, 2024
Venue: Okada Manila, Parañaque City, Philippines
Buy in: PHP 165,000 (~US$ 2,850)
Guarantee: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 960,850)
Prize Pool: PHP 59,922,720 (~US$1,028,270)
Entries: 416
Players ITM: 63
Total Chips in Play: 20,800,000
Average Stack: 742,857
Blinds: 8,000/16,000 (16,000)
Remaining players: 28
Lau uses backdoor to double up off Ward

Michael Soyza of Malaysia opens the action from UTG with a raise to 32,000 and gets a call in the CO by Australian Thomas Ward. Meanwhile, another Malaysian in Jason Lau decides to 3-bet all-in with his stack of 226,000. Soyza opts to step aside as Ward makes the call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 9♦9♥ CO | 630,000(39 BB) |
WK Wai Kit Jason Lau | K♥Q♥ D | 271,000(17 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 1,030,000(64 BB) |
Lau catches running cards to stay alive on a sick beat against the Australian.
Sean Ooi Makes Trips To Double Up

Sean Ooi wasted no time and pushed 75,000 all-in from under the gun. On the button, Thomas Ward took a peek at his cards and pushed all-in to isolate.
Ooi flopped a set and survived to double-up and inch his way up from the desperate bottom ranks.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SO Sean Ooi | 7♥7♣ | 150,000(30 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | J♠J♣ | 128,000(26 BB) |
Thomas Ward Raises His Stack

Victor Chong min-raised to 8,000 from UTG+1 and was called by cut-off Thomas Ward and big blind Brett Bader. The three players were opened a flop of 6♦ K♣ 8♥. Action was checked to Thomas Ward who fired out 11,000. Chong folded, but Bader stuck around to see a 2♠ turn. Bader led out with 33,000 and was called by Ward to proceed to the 5♣ river. Bader checked and folded, unable to commit to Ward's all-in shove for 82,000.
Player | Chips |
VC Victor Chong | 470,000(118 BB) |
BB Brett Bader | 245,000(61 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 200,000(50 BB) |
Uuganbayar stays alive

Heading into desperation mode with the blinds slowly catching up with him, Mongolia's Erdenekhu Uuganbayar swings for the fences and goes all-in from the D for his last 87,000. It is folded to the BB of Thomas Ward and the Aussie burns one Tme Bank card in contemplating his decision. Ward opts to finally call.
Uuganbayar tables A♦ Q♦ dominating Ward's hole cards of A♠ 2♠ .
The flop immediately put matters beyond doubt as it came 8♥ 6♣ Q♣ . The last two community cards were the T♠ 7♠ as Uuganbayar stays relevant with the rising blinds.
Player | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 278,000(70 BB) |
UE Uuganbayar Erdenekhu | 183,000(46 BB) |
Alvir Inocentes Bumps Up The Rankings

Lee Wee Liew made the min-raise to 5,000 from the hi-jack and was matched by cut-off Thomas Ward. Alvir Inocentes, at the button, assessed the situation and pushed in a re-raise to 21,500. Liew folded and Thomas Ward matched the chips and made the call. Both players saw a flop of A♣ 9♥ Q♠. Action was checked to see a 4♥ on the turn. Ward fumbled his chips and put 30,000 on the betting block. Inocentes made the call to see a 3♣ on the river. Both players checked for a show-and-tell. Ward hesitantly peeled over J♥ T♥, which had a lot of outs, but missed all of them. Inocentes turned over A♠ J♦ for a top pair of aces that was enough to win the pot and boost his chip stack.
Player | Chips |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 237,000(95 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 165,000(66 BB) |
LW Lee Wee Liew | 75,000(30 BB) |
Liew Lee Wee Doubles From Thomas Ward

With action folded to the blinds, Liew Lee Wee risked his last 37,000 from the small blind and gets called by Thomas Ward on the big blind.
Liew Lee Wee: J♥ J♠
Thomas Ward: 5♣ 5♠
Board: 9♠ J♣ K♠ 5♦ 4♦
Wee flopped a set. Ward caught a five on the turn and had a very slim chance with a one-outer on the river. But, of course, that was asking too much from the poker gods.
Player | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 1,470,000(588 BB) |
LW Lee Wee Liew | 76,500(31 BB) |