Day 1B
Kit Lai Chun Cracks Aces With Big Blind Special

Sun Oh Hahm made the min-raise to 2,400 from the hi-jack and Kit Lai Chun defended the big blind. The flop came J♣ 6♣ 9♠ . Chun led out with a 6,000 bet and Hamh pushed all-in for 35,500. Chun risked the last 29,400 along with a prayer.
Kit Lai Chun: 4♣ 5♣
Sun Oh Hahm: A♥ A♦
Turn 3♣ gave Chun a flush with Hahm drawing dead. The River K♦ didn't matter. Chun doubled up and Hahm was severely crippled and in critical life support.
Player | Chips |
KL Kit Lai Chun | 65,400(55 BB) |
SO Sun Oh Hahm | 6,100(5 BB) |
Patrick Crivell Sits On Chip Leader Throne After 5 Levels

While a typhoon rages around Manila, the poker action at Okada Manila for Flight B of the APPT Manila Championship is also creating its own storm. 142 entries for Flight B have met the buy-in requirement of PHP 165,000 (~US$ 2,850) in order to compete for a share of the PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 960,850) guaranteed prize pool. 108 players are still battling it out for a chance to advance to the Day 2 leg tomorrow.
Patrick Crivell sits with the biggest stack at 138,300 and is followed closely by Emmanuel Derecho with 138,000. Rounding up the top three is Marc Anthony Joseph with 136,500, but that's just a spit away for Seonghun Jeong with a near-identical 136,000.
Date/s: October 23 to 27, 2024
Buy in: PHP 165,000 (~US$ 2,850)
Guarantee: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 960,850)
Entries: 108/142
Starting Stack: 50,000
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
PC Patrick Crivell | 138,300(277 BB) |
MA Marc Anthony Joseph | 136,500(273 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 136,000(272 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 134,200(268 BB) |
JL Juyeol Lee | 127,100(254 BB) |
FA Frd Aso Seitaro | 121,700(243 BB) |
SC Stevan Chew | 121,400(243 BB) |
JH Jian Hui Giam | 115,000(230 BB) |
CT Chan Truong | 108,000(216 BB) |
DK Dk Kim Kunwoo | 91,000(182 BB) |
IM Itsuki Morita | 88,700(177 BB) |
SO Sun Oh Hahm | 88,000(176 BB) |
TV Tom Verbruggen | 79,000(158 BB) |
AR Angelina Rich | 78,500(157 BB) |
Edwards Lawford Bounces Back

Patrick Walhquist made a huge raise to 2,000 from under the gun and got 3 callers to sweeten the pot. Chiming in were Sun Oh Hahm at the cutoff, Jorge Duarte at the small blind and Edwards Lawford at the big blind. All four players were treated to a flop of A♦ J♣ K♦. Duarte opened with 1,600 and was re-raised by Lawford to 7,800, causing everyone to step aside and award Lawford the healthy pot.
Player | Chips |
SO Sun Oh Hahm | 53,200(266 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 49,000(245 BB) |
JM Jorge Manzur Duarte | 40,000(200 BB) |
EL Edwards Lawford | 36,500(183 BB) |