Day 3
Lee Seokjun out in 13th for PhP860,000 (~US$14,720)

The action is folded to the blinds where Lee Seokjun of Korea completes his SB and Filipino William Ysmael checks his option in the BB.
The flop is4d 4♠ 6♠ as Lee checks. Ysmael leads out for 30,000. Lee calls. The turn is the J♣ and Lee checks anew. The Filipino adds more sauce and fires 60,000. This time, Lee check-raises to 125,000. Ysmael makes the call. The river is the A♦ . The Korean goes into the tank and consumes one Time Bank card before going all-in for his last 225,000. It is now Ysmael's turn to think things over as he burns two Time Bank cards before making the decision to call.
Lee shows K♦ Q♠ for a missed gutshot while Ysmael is in relief that his 9♥ 6♣ held against all that pressure.
Player | Hand | Chips |
WY William Ysmael | 9♥6♣ BB | 2,100,000(70 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | K♦Q♠ SB | busted |
Leaderboard Update

With 16 players reaming, here's where they stand:
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 3,730,000(149 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 3,680,000(147 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 3,070,000(123 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,675,000(67 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,325,000(53 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 1,145,000(46 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 1,080,000(43 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,060,000(42 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 1,020,000(41 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 890,000(36 BB) |
YL Yan Li | 725,000(29 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 410,000(16 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 340,000(14 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 305,000(12 BB) |
JW Joey Weissman | 255,000(10 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | 90,000(4 BB) |
Leaderboard Update

Former overall chip leader John Edward Perry of Australia has dropped all the way to eighth place in the first leaderboard update of the day. Fellow Australian Thomas Ward now occupies the top spot as he and Filipino pro Lester Edoc are the only ones breaching the two million chip mark at the moment.
Chip counts at end of Level 22:
Player | Chips |
TW Thomas Ward | 2,760,000(138 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 2,060,000(103 BB) |
YW Yuanning Wu | 1,540,000(77 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,435,000(72 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,305,000(65 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 1,115,000(56 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 1,075,000(54 BB) |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,075,000(54 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 1,055,000(53 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 1,015,000(51 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 995,000(50 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 995,000(50 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 910,000(46 BB) |
JW Joey Weissman | 840,000(42 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | 680,000(34 BB) |
AI Alessio Isaia | 600,000(30 BB) |
WK Wai Kit Jason Lau | 550,000(28 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 380,000(19 BB) |
YL Yan Li | 315,000(16 BB) |
Lee Seokjun with power play on river versus Chu

The action is folded to the D of Korea's Lee Seokjun who raises to 40,000. On the BB, Justin Chu of Taiwan comes back with a 3-bet to 160,000 which Lee opts to call.
The flop is J♠ 2♥ T♣ . Chu CBets to 100,000 and gets called. The turn is the 8♦ as the Taiwanese player stops and ponders, using one Time Bank card before betting 180,000. It's Lee's turn to tank and also burn one Time Bank card before deciding to call. The river card is the K♦ . Chu checks and Lee goes all-in for 235,000. Chu tanks but eventually folds.
Player | Chips |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,555,000(78 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 1,115,000(56 BB) |
Day 2
28 players remain heading into Day 3
The 28 players remaining will reconvene on Saturday (October 26) at 12NN (UCT+8) and will play down to the Final 6 players.
Check out the Livestream that begins at 4:00PM.
APPT Manila Championship remaining players:
Player | Chips |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,785,000(112 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,395,000(87 BB) |
JW Joey Weissman | 1,330,000(83 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 1,125,000(70 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 1,080,000(68 BB) |
JC Justin Chi Jen Chu | 1,060,000(66 BB) |
YW Yuanning Wu | 1,025,000(64 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaegeol | 1,000,000(63 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 985,000(62 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 885,000(55 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | 815,000(51 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward | 800,000(50 BB) |
YL Yan Li | 705,000(44 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 675,000(42 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 640,000(40 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 625,000(39 BB) |
CM Christopher Mateo | 600,000(38 BB) |
MH Moon Ho Seo | 590,000(37 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 535,000(33 BB) |
WK Wai Kit Jason Lau | 535,000(33 BB) |
AI Alessio Isaia | 510,000(32 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 445,000(28 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 370,000(23 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 365,000(23 BB) |
KH Kevin Hasler | 360,000(23 BB) |
DY Darren Yu | 255,000(16 BB) |
WK Woojin Kim | 240,000(15 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 65,000(4 BB) |
Event #31 APPT Manila Championship
Date/s: October 23 to 27, 2024
Venue: Okada Manila, Parañaque City, Philippines
Buy in: PHP 165,000 (~US$ 2,850)
Guarantee: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 960,850)
Prize Pool: PHP 59,922,720 (~US$1,028,270)
Entries: 416
Players ITM: 63
Total Chips in Play: 20,800,000
Average Stack: 742,857
Blinds: 8,000/16,000 (16,000)
Remaining players: 28
Leaderboard Update
The current chip leaders heading into the next level:
Player | Chips |
JE John Edward Perry | 1,550,000(129 BB) |
HN Hieu Ngo | 1,200,000(100 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 1,200,000(100 BB) |
MS Moses Saquing | 1,100,000(92 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 1,090,000(91 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 1,030,000(86 BB) |
CJ Chun Jun Beum | 1,000,000(83 BB) |
XL Xinjing Li | 858,000(72 BB) |
JW Joey Weissman | 806,000(67 BB) |
WB Wonchul Bae | 775,000(65 BB) |
Matsuda crippled by Lee Seokjun's set

After Lee Seokjun of Korea opens from the HJ for 25,000, Japan's John Matsuda 3-bets it to 70,000. Lee makes the call.
The flop comes 5♠ K♥ J♥ as Lee checks. Matsuda continues for 50,000 and gets the call from his opponent. The turn is the A♠ and this time, both players decide to check. The river card is the 4♣ and Lee bets 75,000. Matsuda makes the call.
Lee turns over J♠ J♦ for a set on the flop. Matsuda mucks his hand and now is now left with a stack below 12 BBs.
Player | Chips |
SL Seokjun Lee | 1,345,000(112 BB) |
JM John Matsuda | 158,000(13 BB) |
Lee Seokjun eliminates Pansoy on river

With th action folded to Korea's Lee Seokjun, he opts to steal the blinds and ante by going all-in from the D. However, Charles Ed Pansoy of the Philippines makes the call for 132,000 from the BB. It is for his tournament life.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CE Charles Ed Pansoy | A♣8♣ D | busted |
SL Seokjun Lee | 2♣2♦ BB | 700,000(70 BB) |
The flop worked wonderfully for the Filipino as he managed to catch a pair to put him ahead. However, the river card sent him packing.
Lee Seokjun yields to Pansoy
Filipino Charles Ed Pansoy makes a raise from the +2 position and the action folds all the way to the BB of Korea's Lee Seokjun who defends.
The flop is 5♣ 9♣ 2♠ as Lee checks. Pansoy fires a CBet of 15,000 to which the Korean makes the call. The turn is the T♦ as Lee checks anew. Pansoy fires again, this time for 30,000. Lee now check-raises to 105,000. The Filipino decides to turn on the jets and 3-bet shove on his opponent. Lee eventually folds.
Player | Chips |
CE Charles Ed Pansoy | 520,000(65 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 122,000(15 BB) |
Brett Bader Making Significant Advances
Seokjun Lee made the 10,000 min-raise from under the gun and was called by Brett Bader on the cut-off and Uuganbayar Erdenekhu at the big blind. The three players were shown a flop of 8♥ 3♣ J♥. All three players checked to get a free peek of K♦ on the turn. Action was checked to Bader who counted 18,000 chips and put it on the betting block. Erdenekhu folded, but Lee made the call to see an 8♠ river. Lee checked to Bader, who bet out 26,000. Lee folded and surrendered the pot to Bader.
Player | Chips |
BB Brett Bader | 352,000(70 BB) |
UE Uuganbayar Erdenekhu | 125,000(25 BB) |
SL Seokjun Lee | 68,000(14 BB) |