Blind level
Level 11: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Total Chips

Day 1A

JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/23/2024, 5:09:57 AM

Hironobu Hasegawa Takes A Big Pot

Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200

Two pre-flop limpers was reduced to one caller when Gaby Shawma matched the 2,000 raise by Hironobu Hasegawa from the small blind. Both players entered a flop of A 6 4 . Hasegawa led with 800 with Shawma making the call to go to a 8 turn. Hasegawa then check-called a 2,300 bet from Shawma to lead to the 8 river. Hasegawa again check-called the 6,000 bet from Shawma.

Hironobu Hasegawa: A 2

Gaby Shawma: 3 3

The two-pair of Hasegawa wins a huge pot over Shawma.

58,600(293 BB)
Gaby SawmaLebanon [LBN]Lebanon
29,900(150 BB)
JJ DuqueJJ Duque
10/23/2024, 4:51:25 AM

Gaby Sawma Wins Battle Of The Blinds

Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200
Gaby Sawma

Eduard Poltavets made it 600 from the small blind and Gaby Shawma obliged in the big blind to lead to a flop of 5 7 4 . Both check to see a 7 turn. Poltavets check-called the 1,000 from Shawma to see a 5 river and then check-called again 2,200 for a showdown.

Eduard Poltavets: 9 K

Gaby Sawma: 3 3

The two-pair of Shawma wins the pot.

Gaby SawmaLebanon [LBN]Lebanon
47,000(235 BB)
Eduard PoltavetsRussian Federation [RUS]Russian Federation
43,800(219 BB)