Day 2
Another Double Elimination

Three-way action between +1 Wang Guiyang, SB Louis Bilodeau and BB Aladin Reskallah has everyone all-in with Aladin Reskallah covering and dishing out two eliminations.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AR Aladin Reskallah | A♦A♠ | 750,000(75 BB) |
GW Guiyang Wang | A♣Q♥ | busted |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 5♠5♣ | busted |
Louis Bilodeau Recovers Even More

Louis Bilodeau jams 56,000 from the button and sees Wang Guiyang call reluctantly after taking a time bank. House over house on Q♣ J♥ J♦ 4♠ 9♠ for Bilodeau's Q♥ J♠ to beat Wang's 4♣ 4♦ .
Player | Chips |
GW Guiyang Wang | 159,000(32 BB) |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 120,000(24 BB) |
Louis Bilodeau Recovers

Jun Mitani fills up his BB to call Louis Bilodeau's shove from CO.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 5♥5♠ | 67,000(13 BB) |
JM Jun Mitani | 7♣6♥ | 124,000(25 BB) |
Jun Mitani Doubles Up

UTG Jun Mitani shoves 76,000 with J♣ J♦ and Louis Bilodeau puts in his last 116,000 with A♠ K♦ for a flip. Mitani completes a straight on T♣ 9♣ 6♣ K♥ Q♣ and doubles up.
Player | Chips |
JM Jun Mitani | 164,000(33 BB) |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 30,000(6 BB) |
Day 1C
End Of Day 1C - 42 Survivors
Player | Chips |
CL Curtis Lim Siew Jian | 377,000(94 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 355,000(89 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 338,000(85 BB) |
YY Yadi Yao | 290,000(73 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 277,000(69 BB) |
ZZ Ziad Zebib | 261,000(65 BB) |
KK Khamid Khudayberganov | 252,000(63 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 232,000(58 BB) |
NS Nicola Spicher | 229,000(57 BB) |
224,000(56 BB) | |
AB Adams Bellanger | 210,000(53 BB) |
AR Azizjon Rakhimov | 197,000(49 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 196,000(49 BB) |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 191,000(48 BB) |
WK Wooseok Kim | 188,000(47 BB) |
KA Khoa Anh Ngo | 187,000(47 BB) |
166,000(42 BB) | |
FG Francis Garson | 148,000(37 BB) |
JC John Clyde Tan | 148,000(37 BB) |
RN Rindra Norodom | 145,000(36 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 143,000(36 BB) |
SS Somasekhar Sanampuri | 141,000(35 BB) |
140,000(35 BB) | |
JK John Kelly (13) | 138,000(35 BB) |
LW Luke Wozniak | 135,000(34 BB) |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 125,000(31 BB) |
HK Hyun Kyu Bae | 116,000(29 BB) |
PP Panitan Poopadsri | 115,000(29 BB) |
JF Joshua Figuerres | 100,000(25 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 95,000(24 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 93,000(23 BB) |
JM Jun Mitani | 89,000(22 BB) |
SC Sha Chengchun | 73,000(18 BB) |
TY Takashi Yagura | 70,000(18 BB) |
63,000(16 BB) | |
KO Kentaro Oe | 57,000(14 BB) |
SR Supanat Rojsukthavorn | 54,000(14 BB) |
KT Kien Tat Heng | 52,000(13 BB) |
SM Sakamoto Masaya | 51,000(13 BB) |
NT Nohad Teliani | 49,000(12 BB) |
SC Siarhei Chupadal | 26,000(7 BB) |
EB Eric Bennici | 17,000(4 BB) |
Erik Rozhynskyi Puts The Brakes On Bilodeau

Louis Bilodeau takes charge with a 9000 bet but doesn’t get by big blind Erik Rozhynskyi who defends to go post flop 2♥ 3♦ 3♥ . The action is passed to Bilodeau who continues for 17,000, Rozhynskyi challenges with a check-raise of 27,000, Bilodeau flats to bring the turn 5♦ . Rozhynkskyi takes the reins and shoves and it’s enough to stop Bilodeau in his tracks.
Player | Chips |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 146,000(37 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 143,000(36 BB) |
Chip Count
Player | Chips |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 413,000(138 BB) |
CL Curtis Lim Siew Jian | 311,000(104 BB) |
YY Yadi Yao | 298,000(99 BB) |
NS Nicola Spicher | 272,000(91 BB) |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 256,500(86 BB) |
208,000(69 BB) | |
WK Wooseok Kim | 172,000(57 BB) |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 157,000(52 BB) |
KA Khoa Anh Ngo | 152,000(51 BB) |
LW Luke Wozniak | 144,000(48 BB) |
XC Xianqi Chan | 143,000(48 BB) |
Louis Bilodeau Dominates For A Full Reload

Louis Bilodeau three-bets 13,000 then calls for all of his chips (75,500) on Erik Rozhynskyi’s push. With the higher pocket, no bad beat comes to bank the maximum.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LB Louis Bilodeau | K♥K♦ CO | 157,000(63 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | J♣J♥ HJ | 127,000(51 BB) |
Louis Bilodeau Grabs The Reins

Four callers on utg Alston Wang's 900 raise for a sweet pot ready for the taking. On the flop K♦ A♣ 2♣ , Wang has a go at it for 1200, only two players take interest and they head to the turn T♦ . From the big blind position, Louis Bilodeau steals control for 3400, this loses Wang while small blind continues. On the river 7♥ , Bilodeau sends out 8000 and this time no challenge comes to win the bulky pot.
Player | Chips |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 30,200(76 BB) |
26,400(66 BB) |
Day 1A
Louis Bilodeau Avoids Elimination

Another preflop battle ends in shoves. Frank Lillis raises to 3000, button William Lius calls, big blind Louis Bilodeau shoves 22,500, Lillis calls and Lius opts to stay out of it.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 4♦4♠ BB | 50,500(34 BB) |
FL Frank Lillis | Q♠Q♣ UTG | 172,000(115 BB) |
WL William Lius | 127,000(85 BB) |
When the flop lands, Bilodeau spikes the lucky two outer that holds to the end to avoid the rail.
McDermott check-raises jams Fukuoka out of pot

The action is folded to the CO where Canada’s Louis Bilodeau opens for 1,500. Daijiro Fukuoka of Japan makes the call from the D but Sven McDermott of Ireland re-raises to 7,700. Bilodeau gets out of the way and Fukuoka decides to stick around.
The flop is 6♣ 4♥ 5♥ as McDermott decides to check. Fukuoka bets 9,000 but the Irishman check-raises all-in for 29,800. Fukuoka tanks but eventually opts to fold.
Player | Chips |
DF Daijiro Fukuoka | 65,000(130 BB) |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 60,000(120 BB) |
SM Sven Mcdermott | 55,700(111 BB) |