Day 1C
End Of Day 1C - 42 Survivors
Player | Chips |
CL Curtis Lim Siew Jian | 377,000(94 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 355,000(89 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 338,000(85 BB) |
YY Yadi Yao | 290,000(73 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 277,000(69 BB) |
ZZ Ziad Zebib | 261,000(65 BB) |
KK Khamid Khudayberganov | 252,000(63 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 232,000(58 BB) |
NS Nicola Spicher | 229,000(57 BB) |
224,000(56 BB) | |
AB Adams Bellanger | 210,000(53 BB) |
AR Azizjon Rakhimov | 197,000(49 BB) |
OS Oliver Schulze | 196,000(49 BB) |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 191,000(48 BB) |
WK Wooseok Kim | 188,000(47 BB) |
KA Khoa Anh Ngo | 187,000(47 BB) |
166,000(42 BB) | |
FG Francis Garson | 148,000(37 BB) |
JC John Clyde Tan | 148,000(37 BB) |
RN Rindra Norodom | 145,000(36 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 143,000(36 BB) |
SS Somasekhar Sanampuri | 141,000(35 BB) |
140,000(35 BB) | |
JK John Kelly (13) | 138,000(35 BB) |
LW Luke Wozniak | 135,000(34 BB) |
LB Louis Bilodeau | 125,000(31 BB) |
HK Hyun Kyu Bae | 116,000(29 BB) |
PP Panitan Poopadsri | 115,000(29 BB) |
JF Joshua Figuerres | 100,000(25 BB) |
KK Kim Kunwoo | 95,000(24 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 93,000(23 BB) |
JM Jun Mitani | 89,000(22 BB) |
SC Sha Chengchun | 73,000(18 BB) |
TY Takashi Yagura | 70,000(18 BB) |
63,000(16 BB) | |
KO Kentaro Oe | 57,000(14 BB) |
SR Supanat Rojsukthavorn | 54,000(14 BB) |
KT Kien Tat Heng | 52,000(13 BB) |
SM Sakamoto Masaya | 51,000(13 BB) |
NT Nohad Teliani | 49,000(12 BB) |
SC Siarhei Chupadal | 26,000(7 BB) |
EB Eric Bennici | 17,000(4 BB) |
Aces In The Hole For Ting Hao Lian
John Kelly raises 6000 then calls Ting Hao Lian’s shove for 18,000 that barely dents his stack. When the cards are shown, Ting has aces which holds throughout the low board.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JK John Kelly (13) | K♠Q♣ HJ | 260,000(87 BB) |
A♠A♣ CO | 45,000(15 BB) |
John Kelly Owns The Board

John Kelly pumps the betting to 3000, two players call to further boost the pot. Flop comes 8♣ K♥ 6♣ , small blind Masaya Sakamoto leads out 3000 and only Kelly gives him action to the turn Q♦ . Sakamoto slows down, Kelly turns up the notch for 8000, Sakamoto calls to buy the river 2♣ . Switching gears again, Sakamoto bets 22,000, Kelly shoves 56,000, Sakamoto calls it and pays the double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JK John Kelly (13) | K♣J♣ | 144,000(96 BB) |
SM Sakamoto Masaya | 7♣9♣ | 145,000(97 BB) |
Straight To A Double Up For John Kelly
Four players contribute 2500 preflop then check it to the turn 9♦ J♣ 6♣ T♠ . Following two checks, Te Sik Kak bet 4000 and only small blind John Kell calls. They head to the river A♠ , Kak turns up the heat with a shove that covers Kelly who calls anyway.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JK John Kelly (13) | 7♥8♣ SB | 63,400(53 BB) |
T♥8♥ HJ | 15,500(13 BB) |
Day 1B
Xiaosheng Zheng Doubles Up
From utg, John Kelly raises then attempts to rail all in player Xiaosheng Zheng by calling the 9600.
Player | Hand | Chips |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | T♣T♦ CO | 20,400(41 BB) |
JK John Kelly (13) | 9♣8♣ UTG | 65,600(131 BB) |