Day 2
Maxwell Rosete Rails Kunlong Yu
Seonghun Jeong opens 32,000, Maxwell Rosete shoves, big blind Kunlong Yu joins for less, Jeong gets out of the way.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MR Maxwell Rosete | A♣K♣ | 374,000(23 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 570,000(36 BB) | |
KY Kunlong Yu | J♣J♥ | busted |
No ITM for David Erquiaga

With the event seeing an overlay, players were getting more bang for their buck especially for those that reach the money round. That is not the case for decorated pro David Erquiaga who four-bet shoved his last 9 bb with 8♣ 8♥ only to run smack into Kunlong Yu's A♠ A♦ . Erquiaga missed ITM by five spots.
Player | Chips |
KY Kunlong Yu | 205,000(34 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | busted |
Day 1B
Big Stacks Around The Room
Player | Chips |
RP Ryan Platon | 216,000(180 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 205,000(171 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 162,000(135 BB) |
NA Noel Araniel | 152,000(127 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 120,000(100 BB) |
Kunlong Yu Bets For The Pot

Hijack opens 2800 and three players call. At the flop J♥ 4♠ T♥ , Kunlong Yu bet 5500, no callers.
Player | Chips |
KY Kunlong Yu | 224,000(187 BB) |
Philipson Chua Shoves For The Pot
With a pot of 6000, Philipson Chua bets 3300 on the flop 7♠ T♦ Q♠ and Kunlong Yu check-calls. On the turn J♠ , Chua shoves 8400 and wins the pot.
Player | Chips |
KY Kunlong Yu | 46,100(115 BB) |
PC Philipson Chua | 22,000(55 BB) |
Day 1C
End Of Day 1C Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
HV Hernan Villa | 213,000(53 BB) |
TG Terry Gonzaga | 199,000(50 BB) |
AW Alex Ward | 191,000(48 BB) |
MZ Marius Zalpys | 165,000(41 BB) |
AP Anastasios Pavlou | 154,000(39 BB) |
GZ Guo Zhan Xi | 152,000(38 BB) |
BM Bonifacio Mondalo | 144,000(36 BB) |
TO Tadashi Ogawa | 130,000(33 BB) |
MV Mark Vergara | 114,000(29 BB) |
JI Jester Intia | 105,000(26 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 99,000(25 BB) |
WC Wei Chen Lin | 94,000(24 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 94,000(24 BB) |
JV Joemark Vasay | 91,000(23 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 67,000(17 BB) |
KP Kai Paulsen | 67,000(17 BB) |
LS Lee Suya | 65,000(16 BB) |
ZW Zhiyu Wang | 64,000(16 BB) |
HK Hyunyeong Kang | 59,000(15 BB) |
AC Alexander Ciresa | 39,000(10 BB) |
BK Bok Kim | 27,000(7 BB) |
Kunlong Yu Rails Lester Edoc

Short stacked Lester Edoc shoves his last 10 bb from the small blind then falls to caller Kunlong Yu.
Player | Hand | Chips |
KY Kunlong Yu | 8♣9♠ | 140,000(47 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 6♠2♠ | busted |
Kunlong Yu Rivers It To Dust Two

Dexter Brillo open shoves, Kunlong Yu calls, big blind Mikhail Bakharer three-bets all in, Yu calls again then proceeds to knock out two.
Player | Hand | Chips |
KY Kunlong Yu | K♣Q♣ | 145,000(58 BB) |
A♣T♥ | busted |
Day 1A
Three Way Showdown
George Salud opens the hand Kunlong Yu calls, Min Hwa Kim three-bets it all, Salud calls and covers, Yu joins for a three way.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MK Min Kim (2) | Q♣Q♥ | 25,300(51 BB) |
GS George Salud | A?J♥ | 26,500(53 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | K♦5♦ | busted |
Kim ships it, Yu busts, and Salud wins a small side pot.
Evgeny Strotenko Calls Every Street
From cutoff Evgeny Strotenko calls Kunlong Yu's open then calls down bets of 1000, 2000, 5000 on each street of a board 4♥ 6♥ 9♦ 7♥ K♦ . Yu mucks on the river, Strotenko doesn't need to show.
Player | Chips |
ES Evgeny Strotenko | 52,000(130 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 12,100(30 BB) |
Kim Min Hwa Wants The Pot
Kim Min Hwa three-bets 3400 and Kunlong Yu calls then folds to the 3000 bet on the flop 9♠ 8♠ A♥ .
Player | Chips |
MK Min Kim (2) | 32,600(109 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 20,300(68 BB) |
Feng Zhao Shows The Winner
Three players in on a raised pot see a flop 7♥ Q♦ T♦ . Aggressor Kunlong Yu continues for 1300 and only Feng Zhao calls. Both players check the turn K♠ and 7♦ river . Yu has A♥ 9♠ , Zhao flips the winner Q♥ 8♥ .
Player | Chips |
FZ Feng Zhao | 33,800(113 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 20,300(68 BB) |
Raise Is All It Takes For Kim Min Hwa
Kunlong Yu opens and small blind Kim Min Hwa joins then calls Yu's 800 c-bet on the flop 8♠ J♠ Q♣ . No bets on the turn J♥ . Yu sends out 2100 on the river 6♦ then folds to Kim's 7000 raise.
Player | Chips |
MK Min Kim (2) | 32,600(163 BB) |
KY Kunlong Yu | 23,100(116 BB) |