Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips
Day 1C
8/3/2024, 2:44:32 PM
Maxwell Rosete's Set Rails Ricardo Torres
Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000

Utg Ricardo Torres raises 6500 and Maxwell Rosete call to see a flop 5♣ 2♣ A♦ . Torres continues for 7000, Rosete raises 15,000, Torres re-raises 37,000, Rosete flats and they head to the turn 2♥ . Again Torres fires with a large 28,000 bet, Rosete tank-calls. On the river 7♦ , Torres shoves his last 50,000, Rosete snap-calls and shows the winning set.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RT Richard Torres (2) | A♠Q♣ | busted |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 5♠5♦ | 330,000(110 BB) |
8/3/2024, 11:40:47 AM
Big Stacks Around The Room
Level 10: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Player | Chips |
HS Han Seong Jin | 270,000(225 BB) |
JJ Jongbea Jang | 200,000(167 BB) |
ZW Zhiyu Wang (2) | 200,000(167 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson | 178,000(148 BB) |
DT Danh Tuan Luu | 173,000(144 BB) |
LK Li Kuen | 170,000(142 BB) |
BL Ben Loo | 160,000(133 BB) |
DM Dilip Menon | 155,000(129 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 145,000(121 BB) |
KU Keiju Utsu | 145,000(121 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 143,000(119 BB) |
KM Koji Mitsuhashi | 140,000(117 BB) |
TT Tetsuya Tsujisaka | 135,000(113 BB) |
HA Hatim Abdul Hussein | 130,000(108 BB) |
EA Ejiri Akihide | 130,000(108 BB) |
MV Melchor Vasquez | 130,000(108 BB) |
TN Takaaki Nakaoka | 130,000(108 BB) |
NM Noah Miyata | 130,000(108 BB) |
GS George Salud | 127,000(106 BB) |
GS Guillem Segarra | 125,000(104 BB) |
SH Seongbae Han | 125,000(104 BB) |
QH Quang Huy Nguyen | 120,000(100 BB) |
CJ Cho Jaeik | 118,000(98 BB) |
RT Richard Torres (2) | 118,000(98 BB) |
IS Ionut Stochita | 115,000(96 BB) |
DN Danielle Noja | 115,000(96 BB) |
MB Mikhail Bakharev | 115,000(96 BB) |
GB Ganbold Battulga | 115,000(96 BB) |
JK Jesse Kandola | 110,000(92 BB) |
VS Vijay Singh (2) | 110,000(92 BB) |
RA Ronald Acosta | 108,000(90 BB) |
EK Elmer Kalaquian | 105,000(88 BB) |
JZ Jayden Zalac | 105,000(88 BB) |
JH Jacky Ho | 105,000(88 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 105,000(88 BB) |
YC Yongseok Choi | 103,000(86 BB) |
HK Hyunyeong Kang | 100,000(83 BB) |
LH Lin Hao (2) | 100,000(83 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 100,000(83 BB) |
TF Takumi Fkushima | 98,000(82 BB) |
SA Seina Asagiri | 95,000(79 BB) |
WS Wesley Sun | 90,000(75 BB) |
SV Shayne Villanueva | 90,000(75 BB) |
TG Terry Gonzaga | 87,000(73 BB) |
GY Gwanghui Ye | 85,000(71 BB) |
LX Lai Xin Hua | 85,000(71 BB) |
TW Tao Wei Chang | 78,000(65 BB) |