Final Day
Youhyun Kim Eliminated In 8th Place - PHP 720,000

From utg, Youhyun Kim raises, Gary Thompson shoves, Kim risks his last 18 bb then gets burned by the one card flush.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | K♠K♦ | busted |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | A♥J♦ | 954,000(64 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 1,050,000(70 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 778,000(52 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 570,000(38 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 376,000(25 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 314,000(21 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 300,000(20 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 285,000(19 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 213,000(14 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 102,000(7 BB) |
Final 9 Players

Player | Chips |
PC Patrick Crivell | 830,000(69 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 810,000(68 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 800,000(67 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 435,000(36 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 371,000(31 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 317,000(26 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 300,000(25 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 216,000(18 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 51,000(4 BB) |
Youhyun Kim Sends Liao Po Hsun Tanking

With a pot of 64,000 brewed Youhyun Kim bets 15,000 on a flop 7♣ 5♠ 6♠ , Liao Po Hsun calls. On the turn Q♥ and river A♠ , Kim continues for 30,000 and a large 140,000, Liao calls the turn bet then tanks for three time-banks before calling. Kim has J♠ 8♠ flush, Liao mucks.
Player | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | 435,000(44 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 51,000(5 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
PC Patrick Crivell | 620,000(103 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 614,000(102 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 315,000(53 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 300,000(50 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 251,000(42 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 240,000(40 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 226,000(38 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 210,000(35 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 190,000(32 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 180,000(30 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 180,000(30 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 138,000(23 BB) |
OK Oliver Krefeldt | 123,000(21 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 117,000(20 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 117,000(20 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 85,000(14 BB) |
Oliver Krefeldt Takes It On A River Bet

Oliver Krefeldt raises 10,000, button Youhyun Kim and big blind Gary Thompson call. They all check to the turn 3♦ Q♠ 4♦ K♥ , check-check to Kim who lays out 18,000, called by both . The river A♣ , Krefeldt bets 45,000, no callers.
Player | Chips |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 530,000(106 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 280,000(56 BB) |
OK Oliver Krefeldt | 170,000(34 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 493,000(123 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 365,000(91 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 322,000(81 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 265,000(66 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 253,000(63 BB) |
MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | 237,000(59 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 222,000(56 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 210,000(53 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 186,000(47 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 140,000(35 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 136,000(34 BB) |
OK Oliver Krefeldt | 130,000(33 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 119,000(30 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 109,000(27 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 105,000(26 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 98,000(25 BB) |
MR Marc Rivera | 95,000(24 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 92,000(23 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 85,000(21 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 69,000(17 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 55,000(14 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 53,000(13 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 35,000(9 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 18,000(5 BB) |
Gary Thompson Takes It On A Raise

On a board showing 8♠ 9♠ K♠ and 29,000 in the pot, small blind Youhyun Kim bets 7000, big blind Gary Thompson calls, both check the turn 2♦ to bring the river 5♠ . Kim bets 12,000, Thompson uses a time-bank then raises 57,000, Kim folds.
Player | Chips |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 502,000(126 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 195,000(49 BB) |
Im Heesoo Triples Up

Gary Thompson raises 6000 from utg and the blinds Youhyun Kim and Im Heesoo call. On a flop 6♠ 3♣ 7♠ , Kim checks, Im Heesoo jams 126,500, Thompson and Kim call for the turn Q♥ . Thompson kicks off the side pot with a 38,000 bet, Kim calls, but on the river 6♦ , Kim folds to the 88,000 bet.
Player | Hand | Chips |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | A♣A♥ | 480,000(160 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 205,000(68 BB) | |
IH Im Heesoo | 6♥3♥ | 104,000(35 BB) |
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
VC Victor Chong | 50,000 | ||
LH Lifu Huang | 20,500 | 2 | 1 |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 29,500 | 2 | 3 |
MS Michael Soyza | 132,000 | 2 | 4 |
SH Seonguk Huh | 118,500 | 2 | 6 |
WT William Teoh | 104,000 | 2 | 7 |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 46,500 | 2 | 8 |
AB Alfonso Baja | 77,000 | 48 | 1 |
PC Patrick Crivell | 193,000 | 48 | 2 |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 79,000 | 48 | 3 |
WY William Ysmael | 27,000 | 48 | 5 |
KO Kei Okuda | 33,500 | 48 | 6 |
SM Seo Moon Ho | 56,000 | 48 | 7 |
NT Natalie Teh | 50,000 | 48 | 8 |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 35,000 | 49 | 1 |
VT Victorino Torres | 169,000 | 49 | 2 |
TW Thomas Ward (3) | 72,000 | 49 | 3 |
SL Siyoung Lee | 107,000 | 49 | 4 |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 126,000 | 49 | 5 |
AP Alfie Poetra | 48,000 | 50 | 2 |
RM Rishi Mehra | 100,000 | 50 | 3 |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 186,500 | 50 | 4 |
YK Youhyun Kim | 240,500 | 50 | 5 |
FP Finn Penderak | 40,500 | 50 | 6 |
SA Seitaro Aso | 148,000 | 50 | 7 |
Day 1 Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | 240,500(200 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 193,000(161 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 186,500(155 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 169,000(141 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 148,000(123 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 132,000(110 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 126,000(105 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 118,500(99 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 107,000(89 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 104,000(87 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 100,000(83 BB) |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 79,000(66 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 77,000(64 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward (3) | 72,000(60 BB) |
SM Seo Moon Ho | 56,000(47 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 50,000(42 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 50,000(42 BB) |
AP Alfie Poetra | 48,000(40 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 46,500(39 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 40,500(34 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 35,000(29 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 33,500(28 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 29,500(25 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 27,000(23 BB) |
LH Lifu Huang | 20,500(17 BB) |
Day 1
End Of Day 1 Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | 240,500(200 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 193,000(161 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 186,500(155 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 169,000(141 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 148,000(123 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 132,000(110 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 126,000(105 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 118,500(99 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 107,000(89 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 104,000(87 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 100,000(83 BB) |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 79,000(66 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 77,000(64 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward (3) | 72,000(60 BB) |
SM Seo Moon Ho | 56,000(47 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 50,000(42 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 50,000(42 BB) |
AP Alfie Poetra | 48,000(40 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 46,500(39 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 40,500(34 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 35,000(29 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 33,500(28 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 29,500(25 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 27,000(23 BB) |
LH Lifu Huang | 20,500(17 BB) |
Day 1 Wraps Up With Youhyun Kim Leading

Day 1 is a wrap with 25 players out of the 46 entries bagging up. Up top is Youhyun Kim with 240,500. Registration is still open for two levels in Day 2.
Seitaro Aso Rising

Two hands for Seitaro Aso, the first opens with 2500 from Finn Penderak, small blind Aso three-bets, big blind Natalie Teh four-bets all in for 38,200, Penderak folds, Aso calls.
Aso A♥ A♦
Teh 8♦ 8♠
The board runs 7♠ A♣ 4♣ 3♣ K♦ , Teh is eliminated.
One orbit later, from utg Rishi Mehra opens 2500, cutoff Youhyun Kim calls, small blind Aso three-bets 10,000. Mehra and Kim call then they all check to the turn J♥ Q♦ 5♥ T♠ . Aso leads out 8,000. only Mehra calls. The river A♠ Aso bets a large 70,000, Mehra uses up a time bank then folds.
Player | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | 240,000(200 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 148,000(123 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 100,000(83 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | busted |
Youhyun Kim Cleans Out James Mendoza

Youhyun Kim raises 2600 then calls James Mendoza's 9600 re-raise. When the flop runs 4♦ 3♥ 6♣ Mendoza bets 5500 that's called then shoves 22,500 on the turn A♠ . Kim calls that too and is ahead 8♠ 8♥ against Mendoza's K♠ Q♦ . The river 4♠ doesn't improve Mendoza to lose all of his chips.
Player | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | 257,000(214 BB) |
JM James Mendoza | busted |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
SH Seonguk Huh | 141,000(176 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 122,000(153 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 119,000(149 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 113,000(141 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 99,000(124 BB) |
LH Lifu Huang | 82,500(103 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 80,000(100 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 70,000(88 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 68,000(85 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 61,000(76 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 58,900(74 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 55,700(70 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 55,000(69 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 54,000(68 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 49,700(62 BB) |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 43,700(55 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 42,000(53 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 39,800(50 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 39,800(50 BB) |
SP Sejin Park | 37,000(46 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 35,000(44 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 34,500(43 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 33,000(41 BB) |
Shinya Maeda Shoves Into Top Two
Youhyun Kim opens then calls Shinya Maeda's 1600 re-raise. Flop comes 6♥ A♠ 9♥ , Maeda c-bets 1600, Kim check-calls. On the turn 4♦ , Maeda shoves 8300, Kim well covers and check- calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | A♥9♦ HJ | 112,500(281 BB) |
SM Shinya Maeda | 5♣5♦ CO | busted |
The river 2♣ doesn't improve Maeda to go bust.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
FP Finn Penderak | 127,000(318 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 81,000(203 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 76,000(190 BB) |
TL Taeho Lee | 69,400(174 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 56,800(142 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 56,200(141 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 54,000(135 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 51,200(128 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 49,800(125 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 46,500(116 BB) |
KF Kazuomi Furuse | 42,000(105 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 40,000(100 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 39,400(99 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 34,000(85 BB) |
SS Sergey Sultanov | 34,000(85 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 29,700(74 BB) |
SM Shinya Maeda | 29,000(73 BB) |