Final Day
Seonghun Jeon Chunks Natalie Teh

Seonghun Jeong open shoves 26,000, Natalie Teh shoves 31,000 from the small blind, big blind folds for a heads up showdown.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | A♣Q♥ | 56,000(28 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | K♥Q♦ | 5,000(3 BB) |
Day 1
Trung Quan Nguyen The Nuts

Seongjun Jeong opens and heads to the flop with two callers Trung Quan Nguyen and Sejin Park. At the flop 4♣ 2♣ T♥ , action is checked to Nguyen who bets losing big blind Park while Jeong calls. The turn J♥ Nguyen sends out 11,000, this time it is met with a check-raise from Jeong of 2800, Nguyen calls. On the river 7♠, Jeong tanks for one time bank then bets 35,000 covering Nguyen who calls all in with 32,300.
Nuts straight for Nguyen dusts Jeong's big slick bluff.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | A♦K♣ | 39,000(49 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 8♣9♣ | 132,600(166 BB) |
SP Sejin Park | 32,300(40 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
SH Seonguk Huh | 141,000(176 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 122,000(153 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 119,000(149 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 113,000(141 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 99,000(124 BB) |
LH Lifu Huang | 82,500(103 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 80,000(100 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 70,000(88 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 68,000(85 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 61,000(76 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 58,900(74 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 55,700(70 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 55,000(69 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 54,000(68 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 49,700(62 BB) |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 43,700(55 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 42,000(53 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 39,800(50 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 39,800(50 BB) |
SP Sejin Park | 37,000(46 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 35,000(44 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 34,500(43 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 33,000(41 BB) |
Continuation Bets Win It For Sejin Park
Cutoff Daehyung Lee raises 1000, button Seonghun Jeong re-raises 3500, small blind Sejin Park four-bets 9000, Lee folds and Jeong makes the call. At the flop T♠ K♣ T♥ , Park continues for 6000, Jeong calls. On the turn 3♦ , Park fires 8000, Jeong tanks for one time bank then folds.
Player | Chips |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 97,000(194 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 68,000(136 BB) |
SP Sejin Park | 59,000(118 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
FP Finn Penderak | 127,000(318 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 81,000(203 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 76,000(190 BB) |
TL Taeho Lee | 69,400(174 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 56,800(142 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 56,200(141 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 54,000(135 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 51,200(128 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 49,800(125 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 46,500(116 BB) |
KF Kazuomi Furuse | 42,000(105 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 40,000(100 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 39,400(99 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 34,000(85 BB) |
SS Sergey Sultanov | 34,000(85 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 29,700(74 BB) |
SM Shinya Maeda | 29,000(73 BB) |
Finn Penderak Delivers First Bust

Finn Penderak opens, called by Kazuo Yamamoto, small blind Victorino Torres three-bets, big blind Seonghun Jeong, Penderak , and Yamamoto call.
At the flop 5♠ 4♠ 6♥ , Torres continues for 4500 to lose Jeong, Penderak calls it, then Yamamoto jams 14,000. Torres and Penderak both call to head to the turn 2♦ . Following Torres' check, Penderak bets 13,0000, Torres calls for a side pot. Another 15,000 on the river 9♦ called by Torres.
Player | Hand | Chips |
FP Finn Penderak | 6♦6♣ | 95,000(475 BB) |
KY Kazuo Yamamoto | busted | |
VT Victorino Torres | K♠8♠ | 13,000(65 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 44,000(220 BB) |
Daehyung Lee Builds A Good Pot
Seonghun Jeong raises 500 from utg, cutoff Seonguk Huh calls, then button Daehyung Lee raises it up to 4000. After the blinds fold, Jeong and Lee call.
At the flop 6♦ 6♠ 6♥ , it's checked to the aggressor Lee who c-bets 5500, only Huh continues to the turn Q♣ . Lee then fires 15,000 which is enough to claim the pot.