Final Day
Michael Soyza Bubbles

Soyza misses the board to fall on the stone cold bubble.
Jun Beum Chun opens 24,000, Yamato Nakai calls, small blind Michael Soyza shoves 294,000, Chun calls while Nakai gets out of the way.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MS Michael Soyza | A♥K♥ | busted |
JB Jun Beum Chun | Q♥Q♣ | 810,000(68 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 371,000(31 BB) |
Oliver Krefeldt Fires At Michael Soyza

Small blind Michael Soyza limps then calls big blind Oliver Krefeldt's 28,000 raise. On the flop and turn A♥ J♥ 9♣ A♣ , Krefeldt fires 25,000 and 30,000, Soyza calls the first then folds to the turn bet.
Player | Chips |
MS Michael Soyza | 274,000(34 BB) |
OK Oliver Krefeldt | 253,000(32 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
PC Patrick Crivell | 620,000(103 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 614,000(102 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 315,000(53 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 300,000(50 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 251,000(42 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 240,000(40 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 226,000(38 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 210,000(35 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 190,000(32 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 180,000(30 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 180,000(30 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 138,000(23 BB) |
OK Oliver Krefeldt | 123,000(21 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 117,000(20 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 117,000(20 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 85,000(14 BB) |
Mike Takayama Loses The Flip

Mike Takayama open shoves 77,0000 and Michael Soyza calls.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MT Mike Takayama | 3♣3♠ | busted |
MS Michael Soyza | A♠J♠ | 390,000(78 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 493,000(123 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 365,000(91 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 322,000(81 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 265,000(66 BB) |
YK Youhyun Kim | 253,000(63 BB) |
MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | 237,000(59 BB) |
YN Yamato Nakai | 222,000(56 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 210,000(53 BB) |
NK Ngo Khoa Anh | 186,000(47 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 140,000(35 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 136,000(34 BB) |
OK Oliver Krefeldt | 130,000(33 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 119,000(30 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 109,000(27 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 105,000(26 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 98,000(25 BB) |
MR Marc Rivera | 95,000(24 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 92,000(23 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 85,000(21 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 69,000(17 BB) |
JB Jun Beum Chun | 55,000(14 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 53,000(13 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 35,000(9 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 18,000(5 BB) |
Finn Penderak Catches The Bluff

From utg Michael Soyza opens 5000 and is joined by Finn Penderak to the flop 2♠ 7♦ Q♣ . Penderak check-calls 3500 and 14,000 on the turn 4♣ . On the river 6♠ Soyza shoves, Penderak check-calls for his tournament life and catches Soyza bluffing.
Player | Hand | Chips |
FP Finn Penderak | Q♠4♠ | 105,000(42 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | A♠J♦ | 357,000(143 BB) |
Michael Soyza Continues To Rake It In

Michael Soyza has been claiming sizable pots since the start of day and continues to do so in this new level. Hand opens with Ong Jingxiang raising 5000, small blind Raju Jaruplavath and big blind Soyza call.
Blinds proceed to check the flop T♠ 2♦ 2♠ , Ong c-bets 5000, only Soyza joins to the turn J♦ that both check . On the river 7♣ , Soyza leads out 16,000, Ong calls, Soyza shows T♣ 7♥ two pair and takes down the pot.
Player | Chips |
MS Michael Soyza | 395,000(158 BB) |
OJ Ong Jingxiang | 25,000(10 BB) |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 12,500(5 BB) |
Michael Soyza Rails Lifu Huang

Michael Soyza opens 4000, big blind Lifu Huang shoves 32,000, Soyza snap calls with the nuts hole cards.
Player | Hand | Chips |
LH Lifu Huang | J♥J♠ | busted |
MS Michael Soyza | A♠A♦ | 287,000(144 BB) |
Michael Soyza Rails Jun Chong

From cutoff, Jun Hao Chong opens 3000, small blind Seo Moon Ho calls, big blind Michael Soyza three-bets 15,000, Chong replies with a four-bet shove of 77,000, Seo bows out and Soyza makes the call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MS Michael Soyza | 9♥9♦ | 174,000(116 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | A♦J♥ | busted |
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
VC Victor Chong | 50,000 | ||
LH Lifu Huang | 20,500 | 2 | 1 |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 29,500 | 2 | 3 |
MS Michael Soyza | 132,000 | 2 | 4 |
SH Seonguk Huh | 118,500 | 2 | 6 |
WT William Teoh | 104,000 | 2 | 7 |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 46,500 | 2 | 8 |
AB Alfonso Baja | 77,000 | 48 | 1 |
PC Patrick Crivell | 193,000 | 48 | 2 |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 79,000 | 48 | 3 |
WY William Ysmael | 27,000 | 48 | 5 |
KO Kei Okuda | 33,500 | 48 | 6 |
SM Seo Moon Ho | 56,000 | 48 | 7 |
NT Natalie Teh | 50,000 | 48 | 8 |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 35,000 | 49 | 1 |
VT Victorino Torres | 169,000 | 49 | 2 |
TW Thomas Ward (3) | 72,000 | 49 | 3 |
SL Siyoung Lee | 107,000 | 49 | 4 |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 126,000 | 49 | 5 |
AP Alfie Poetra | 48,000 | 50 | 2 |
RM Rishi Mehra | 100,000 | 50 | 3 |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 186,500 | 50 | 4 |
YK Youhyun Kim | 240,500 | 50 | 5 |
FP Finn Penderak | 40,500 | 50 | 6 |
SA Seitaro Aso | 148,000 | 50 | 7 |
Day 1 Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | 240,500(200 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 193,000(161 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 186,500(155 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 169,000(141 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 148,000(123 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 132,000(110 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 126,000(105 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 118,500(99 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 107,000(89 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 104,000(87 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 100,000(83 BB) |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 79,000(66 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 77,000(64 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward (3) | 72,000(60 BB) |
SM Seo Moon Ho | 56,000(47 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 50,000(42 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 50,000(42 BB) |
AP Alfie Poetra | 48,000(40 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 46,500(39 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 40,500(34 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 35,000(29 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 33,500(28 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 29,500(25 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 27,000(23 BB) |
LH Lifu Huang | 20,500(17 BB) |
Day 1
End Of Day 1 Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
YK Youhyun Kim | 240,500(200 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 193,000(161 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan Nguyen | 186,500(155 BB) |
VT Victorino Torres | 169,000(141 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 148,000(123 BB) |
MS Michael Soyza | 132,000(110 BB) |
GT Gary Thompson (2) | 126,000(105 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 118,500(99 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 107,000(89 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 104,000(87 BB) |
RM Rishi Mehra | 100,000(83 BB) |
RJ Raju Jaruplavath | 79,000(66 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 77,000(64 BB) |
TW Thomas Ward (3) | 72,000(60 BB) |
SM Seo Moon Ho | 56,000(47 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 50,000(42 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 50,000(42 BB) |
AP Alfie Poetra | 48,000(40 BB) |
JH Jun Hao Chong | 46,500(39 BB) |
FP Finn Penderak | 40,500(34 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 35,000(29 BB) |
KO Kei Okuda | 33,500(28 BB) |
BL Benjamin LeBlond | 29,500(25 BB) |
WY William Ysmael | 27,000(23 BB) |
LH Lifu Huang | 20,500(17 BB) |
Lifu Huang Scoops A Healthy Pot

From utg Seonguk Huh raises 2500 and is joined to the flop2h K♥ 5♠ by three callers. Blinds Michael Soyza and Siyoung Lee check to Huh who c-bets 3000, called only by cutoff Lifu Huang. The turn J♣ sees a bet of 11,000 from Huh that's called by Huang once again. With the river 9♥ , both opt to check. Huh turns over A♥ J♦ second pair, Huang has K♠ Q♥ top pair and collects the pot.
Player | Chips |
MS Michael Soyza | 174,000(145 BB) |
SL Siyoung Lee | 131,000(109 BB) |
SH Seonguk Huh | 96,000(80 BB) |
LH Lifu Huang | 71,000(59 BB) |
Michael Soyza Rises

We missed the hand that sent Michael Soyza to near 80,000 but we did catch a couple of small pots after. Raising 2500 from utg+1, big blind Sergei Sultanov calls. Soyza then bets the flop and turn 9♠ A♥ K♥ 1000, 2500, Sultanov check-calls both. No bets land on the river T♥ . Soyza's K♠ Q♥ outkicks Sultanov's K♦ 2♦ .
Another hand, Soyza opens 2500 again then calls William Teoh's 10,000 three-bet. Action is checked to the turn 2♦ 8♥ J♣ 4♦ , Teoh leads out 15,000, called by Soyza, then they check the river 7♥ . Teoh opens K♥ T♥ air, Soyza pairs up with 8♣ 9♣ to claim the pot.
Player | Chips |
MS Michael Soyza | 137,000(137 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 86,000(86 BB) |
SS Sergey Sultanov | 14,100(14 BB) |