APPT Manila: Michael Soyza And Vamerdino Magsakay Win SHR Events; Mike Takayama Runner-Up Twice; More Winners Crowned

Live Poker
APPT Manila 2024 - National
APPT Manila 2024

Another action-packed day unfolded at the 15th Edition of the Asia Pacific Poker TourAPPT Manila with multiple events once again filling the grand Cove Manila at Okada.

Setting the tone was the Charity Event, featuring the billiards GOAT, Efren “Bata” Reyes, also known as “The Magician.” This truly special moment allowed players and fans to meet the legend, and for some, enjoy the thrill of playing poker alongside him.

Efren “Bata” Reyes

Also garnering plenty of attention were the big buy in events – the APPT Super High Roller which resumed with 10 players remaining and the APPT One Million Challenge, the most expensive tournament in the festival roster.

Malaysia’s leading player Michael Soyza and Filipino Vamerdino Magsakay clinched those events while Filipino ace Mike Takayama finished runner-up at both. Amazingly, these were Takayama’s fifth and sixth final tables this series. Here are the highlights.

APPT Manila – Super High Roller Events

Michael Soyza Wins The APPT Super High Roller

Michael Soyza at APPT Manila 2024
Michael Soyza

One of Malaysia’s most highly revered player Michael Soyza added another victory to his immense portfolio after rising above the 38-entry star-studded field of the APPT Super High Roller. At heads up, Soyza kept the hot running Mike Takayama at bay to hoist the APPT shard trophy and collect PHP 6,168,100 (~USD 105,564), the largest first prize of the festival to date.

Read up on the action via the LIVE UPDATES.

Event Recap

Michael Soyza - APPT Manila 2024 - Super High Roller
Michael Soyza

Kicking off with 10 players, it opened Gary Thompson in command. Within minutes, Marc Rivera got very lucky with Ah9d against William Teoh‘s AdKd on a board 7s8c10s6dJs.

The final table was formed after short stack Ngo Khoa Anh was eliminated, and was later followed out by Teoh and Quang Huy Nguyen who couldn’t stop their stacks from draining. The bubble burst on short stacked Vamerdino Magsakay who jammed with AdKh only to run into Thompson’s AsAc. Despite the loss, Magsakay would make up for it later by taking down the APPT One Million Challenge.

Edgar Asehan couldn’t keep up to lock up the first cash in 6th place, Alfie Poetra joined next with his stack unable to gain leaving the final four, deemed the toughest in the lineup.

Gary Thompson and Michael Soyza - APPT Manila 2024 - Super High Roller
Gary Thompson and Michael Soyza

Thompson continued to reign until his 5c5s fell flat to Soyza’s AhAs then busted shortly after in 4th place also to Soyza. This boost in chips sent the Malaysian pro at par with Rivera while Takayama was looking for a spot to match up.

APPT Manila 2024 - Super High Roller

Soyza began to pull away claiming consecutive pots then built a massive lead after finishing off Rivera in 3rd place with Js8h out-kicking 8s5s on a board 2h4s8c10dQc. Rivera shoved the flop.

Heads up was lopsided with Soyza nearly 4:1 in chips. Soyza closed it out with Qd8h two pair over Qs10c on a board AsKsKd8c3s.

Date: August 1, 2024
Buy in: PHP 500,000 (~USD 8,665)
Entries: 38
Prize pool: PHP 17,877,100 (USD 306,125)
ITM: 6 places

PlacePlayerFlagPayout in PHPPayout In USD
1Michael SoyzaMalaysia6,168,100105,564
2Mike TakayamaPhilippines4,022,00068,835
3Marc RiveraPhilippines2,771,00047,424
4Gary ThompsonIreland2,056,00035,187
5Alfie PoetraUSA1,609,00027,537
6Edgar AsehanPhilippines1,251,00021,410

Vamerdino Magsakay Redeemed at APPT One Million Challenge

Vamerdino Magsakay at APPT Manila
Vamerdino Magsakay

The APPT One Million Challenge, the most expensive tournament in the roster got off to a late start taking three hours before it kicked off. The jaw-dropping PHP 1,000,000 (~USD 17,160) price tag drew 10 entries for a pot of PHP 9,409,000 (~USD 161,420).

Leading up to the bubble round, Michael Soyza and Mike Takayama held command. Soyza dropped to half stack after losing a flip against William Fasano with AcKc completing a straight on a board Qh10d6d2hJs to survive 9d9c.

APPT Manila - One Million Challenge
Cooler at APPT One Million Challenge

Fasano’s newfound boost however didn’t last with Vamerdino Magsakay barrelling every street on a board 10c7s2c4sAh with Fasano calling 46 bb out of his 48 bb stack. Magsakay opens 7c7h set that dusts Fasano’s 10h8h.

Following that hand was a four-way cooler that opened with Magsakay raising, Takayama three-betting, Soyza all in (19 bb), Fasano all in (1 bb), back to Magsakay all in with the biggest stack, Takayama joining in for 16 bb.

Magasakay JhJd
Takayama AdKd
Soyza QhQc
Fasano 4s8c

The board runs 6d7d8d4c4d. Fasano quadruples up with the full house, Takayama ships the bigger side pot for the nut flush, Magsakay wins the smaller side pot, and Soyza is eliminated. Shortly after, Fasano doubles up then loses it all to Magsakay on the bubble.

Vamerdino Magsakay Eliminates William Fasano on the bubble at APPT Manila

Magsakay then finishes off short stacked Mehdi Roqai Chaoui Mehdi in 3rd place with 2d2c holding against AcJs.

Heads up opens with Magsakay ahead of Takayama nearly 2:1. Takayama quickly doubles up and takes the lead with Qs9s spiking a pair on a board 3d3h5d9h10s. to survive KdQc. Magsakay answers with a double up back to command holding As5c pair over Ad4s with a five finding the river.

Magsakay closes it out with Ah8d pair over As10s on a final board Ks8hQh5d4h. Despite the loss for Takayama, he is still the most profitable player with six final tables of which four were 2nd place finishes.

Date: August 1, 2024
Buy in: PHP 1,000,000 (~USD 17,160)
Entries: 10
Prize pool: PHP 9,409,000 (~USD 161,420)
ITM: 3 places

PlacePlayerFlagPayout in PHPPayout In USD
1Vamerdino MagsakayPhilippines4,709,00080,592
2Mike TakayamaPhilippines2,820,00048,263
3Mehdi Chaoui RoqaiMorocco1,880,00032,175
