Paradise Casino Walkerhill Seoul

Explore Paradise Casino Walkerhill Seoul for Poker Enthusiasts

The Paradise Casino Walkerhill is also known as the Walkerhill Casino, and is one ofonly two places in Seoul that poker enthusiasts can find their game of choice. It must benoted that only tourists can enter the casino, and Korean nationals will be turned away.

The venue is part of the Sheraton Grande Hotel complex, and has shopping facilities, ahealth spa, and 8restaurants to choose from. Visitors are left in no doubt that thisis one of the very best casinos in Seoul, with multiple relaxation and gambling optionsavailable. On the whole, the casino is more popular than some of its rivals, and has asteady stream of players moving around the casino and being seated to play. The casino has 79 gaming tables, 160 slot machines and a separate VIP room.

Poker is available in Walkerhill and offers free food and beverage to its playing patrons. The room offers cash games as well as weekly tournaments and has hosted the Asian Pacific Poker Tour (APPT) Seoul leg.

Cash Games:

Holdem is offered at the Walkerhill.

Thereis a $2 bad beat jackpot contribution required too.

All stakes are in KRW, but by far themost popular tables fall into the region of $1/$2 with three or four tables running at peaktimes.

Buy in amounts have a minimum and maximum cap of $100 and $1,000respectively.


Weekly Tournaments & APPT Seoul.


10% Rake Cap $15.

Inside Paradise Casino Walkerhill

Events at Paradise Casino Walkerhill Seoul

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CurrencySouth Korean won [KRW] ₩