Day 2
Joonhee Yea Stacks Off to Tom Verbruggen

Joonhee Yea limp jammed 68,500 in from the small blind against a 10,500 open from Tom Verbruggen right behind. Verbruggen called, putting Yea at risk over a flip. Board A♥ 4♥ 5♣ 7♥ A♦ quickly peeled an ace, further improving Verbruggen to trip aces to deliver the elimination.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | A♠8♣ BB | 278,000(93 BB) |
JY Joonhee Yea | 6♣6♠ SB | busted |
Day 1C
End of Day 1C Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
RJ Ren Junjie | 529,000(265 BB) |
FS Fan Shi | 445,500(223 BB) |
AM Andrew Matahira | 386,000(193 BB) |
SW Song Wang | 381,000(191 BB) |
SL Shuang Li | 345,000(173 BB) |
PS Patryk Slusarek | 342,000(171 BB) |
RM Renji Mao | 314,500(157 BB) |
JL Jianwei Lin | 302,000(151 BB) |
HH Hongshuang Hu | 300,000(150 BB) |
FB Federico Butteroni | 295,500(148 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 294,500(147 BB) |
ZY Zhou Yiyu | 287,000(144 BB) |
TF Tianjiao Fang | 286,000(143 BB) |
DL Dong Li (3) | 275,000(138 BB) |
PW Peng Wu | 272,000(136 BB) |
CH Chenjie He | 268,500(134 BB) |
KH Ke Huashu | 258,500(129 BB) |
XL Xiaoyun Li | 252,000(126 BB) |
YZ Yuanchang Zhu | 233,000(117 BB) |
XG Xiaobin Gu | 220,500(110 BB) |
LW Lu Wei | 219,500(110 BB) |
JY Jun Ye | 210,500(105 BB) |
RL Ruibin Li | 206,500(103 BB) |
CB Cheng Bo | 205,500(103 BB) |
ZT Zongguo Tian | 202,500(101 BB) |
GR Gu Rong | 202,500(101 BB) |
TK Takeo Kimura | 201,500(101 BB) |
GH Gary Hyemyong Moon | 198,500(99 BB) |
ZX Zhang Xudong | 198,000(99 BB) |
CH Chuang Hao | 197,000(99 BB) |
SO Shiina Okamoto | 190,500(95 BB) |
WZ Wanyu Zhang | 179,000(90 BB) |
ZM Zhang Mingjie | 178,500(89 BB) |
YH Yukako Hiroi | 177,500(89 BB) |
CJ Chen Jie | 176,500(88 BB) |
XC Xu Chen | 176,000(88 BB) |
AM Akutsu Mao | 175,000(88 BB) |
LC Lin Chen-An | 165,500(83 BB) |
OT Oleg Titov | 165,500(83 BB) |
EX Erdun Xu | 164,000(82 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 164,000(82 BB) |
LC Liwei Chen | 162,500(81 BB) |
MS Mitsugi Shunsuke | 156,500(78 BB) |
WC Wenwen Chen | 156,000(78 BB) |
CC Cheng Chen | 156,000(78 BB) |
LY Liu Yin | 152,500(76 BB) |
SH Shuang Hu | 146,000(73 BB) |
LC Lida Chen | 144,000(72 BB) |
PL Ping Lin | 142,500(71 BB) |
JX Jin Xudong | 136,500(68 BB) |
ZH Zou Haichao | 136,500(68 BB) |
ZW Zhong Wang | 133,000(67 BB) |
SE Shen Enzhi | 131,500(66 BB) |
LY Lei Yu | 131,500(66 BB) |
LS Lei Sun | 130,000(65 BB) |
SD Sun Dongdong | 129,000(65 BB) |
LS Lian Siqi | 125,500(63 BB) |
HM Hikari Miura | 125,500(63 BB) |
HK Hiori Konisho | 124,500(62 BB) |
YY Yuan Yang | 124,500(62 BB) |
QQ Qiuming Qin | 123,000(62 BB) |
JW Jijun Wang | 122,500(61 BB) |
DK Doi Kojiro | 122,500(61 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 121,500(61 BB) |
JB Jin Boxin | 117,000(59 BB) |
LB Lin Baojie | 113,000(57 BB) |
LS Liu Sen | 109,000(55 BB) |
KX Kai Xu | 109,000(55 BB) |
BL Bofei Lin | 109,000(55 BB) |
KQ Kong Qingtao | 107,500(54 BB) |
SC Sun Chang Liang | 106,500(53 BB) |
YL Yan Li | 106,000(53 BB) |
HW Hui Wang | 104,000(52 BB) |
SL Shaoxin Lyu | 100,000(50 BB) |
KN Kyosuke Nagami | 97,000(49 BB) |
YG Yiming Guo | 97,000(49 BB) |
WX Wang Xiaohui | 95,500(48 BB) |
TZ Tianwen Zhang | 95,500(48 BB) |
JP Jiang Pu | 94,000(47 BB) |
QZ Qing Zhao (2) | 94,000(47 BB) |
JM Jiang Ming | 93,500(47 BB) |
SY Suwei Yang | 86,000(43 BB) |
MC Miao Chenxiang | 81,000(41 BB) |
YL Yuhang Liu | 80,000(40 BB) |
XG Xuan Guo | 80,000(40 BB) |
CJ Chen Jiachun | 77,000(39 BB) |
NZ Nan Zhao | 76,500(38 BB) |
MJ Mao Jiawei | 74,000(37 BB) |
SJ Sun Jie (2) | 71,500(36 BB) |
LR Li Ruoxi | 69,000(35 BB) |
YJ Yiching Jeng | 68,000(34 BB) |
TQ Tao Qiang | 66,000(33 BB) |
YC Yita Choong | 64,500(32 BB) |
GD Guan Dingding | 62,500(31 BB) |
LX Liu Xiang | 61,000(31 BB) |
NR Nakai Ryuta | 60,500(30 BB) |
ZY Zhao Yao | 60,000(30 BB) |
WM William Mcgrady | 56,000(28 BB) |
CY Chen Yifei | 55,000(28 BB) |
CC Cheng Christian Chieyin | 54,000(27 BB) |
NS Ning Sun | 53,000(27 BB) |
XG Xu Guo | 51,000(26 BB) |
LH Liu Hengzhao | 49,500(25 BB) |
JC Jianting Cai | 49,000(25 BB) |
ZC Zan Chen | 48,000(24 BB) |
NK Ng Kwok Chun | 42,500(21 BB) |
ZL Zhu Li | 41,000(21 BB) |
WX Wan Xinkun | 40,000(20 BB) |
ZD Zhikang Dai | 36,500(18 BB) |
DN Duc Nguyen | 36,500(18 BB) |
SM Sergei Mertvishchev | 34,000(17 BB) |
XN Xin Ning | 33,000(17 BB) |
CL Chao Li | 32,000(16 BB) |
PW Pang Wei Ping | 29,000(15 BB) |
KT Kennie Tay | 25,500(13 BB) |
DG Dmitriy Gnusaev | busted |
Tom Henricus Bounces Back

Chao Li risked his entire 70,000 against initial raiser Tom Henricus and was left in pieces as the Dutch runner flipped over a better pocket pair. An ace high flop A♠ 3♣ 5♦ instantly landed on the felt, with no runner runner jack coming on 6♣ 7♦ to save Li from his demise.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CL Chao Li | J♥J♠ D | busted |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | A♦A♥ HJ | 151,000(76 BB) |
Junjie Ren Continues to Dominate

Tom Henricus opened to 3,000 from utg+1 and was met with a raise behind by button Junjie Ren. Lei Yu on the big blind, made it 14,000 to go, called by both.
Action on flop J♠ J♦ 3♣ was checked to Ren, who bet 14,500, called by Yu. Henricus raised to 35,000, and weeded only Yu out of the pot. Henricus gunned for another 17,000 on turn A♦ , and went on to check call 32,500 from Ren on river 6♥ .
Ren revealed trip jacks J♣ 9♣ and added another boost to his already stack as Henricus mucked.
Player | Chips |
RJ Ren Junjie | 595,000(397 BB) |
LY Lei Yu | 70,000(47 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 25,500(17 BB) |
Day 1A
Zhiyuan Zhang Pulls In Chip Leader Pot

With 37,000 in the middle on board J♠ 2♥ 3♦ 4♦ 6♦ , action was seen on Tom Henricus with a nearly pot size bet of 32,000. Zhiyuan Zhang on the small blind, check raised all-in, which left his Dutch opponent to go deep in the tank. Henricus eventually called off for his remaining 63,000 with a straight A♥ 5♦ , and stood up just as Zhang revealed a backdoor flush T♦ 2♦ .
Player | Chips |
ZZ Zhiyuan Zhang | 370,000(185 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 89,000(45 BB) |
Zhiyuan Zhang Puts Tom Henricus to the Test

Tom Henricus decided to put in a raise to 11,000 vs Tsz Kin Heung's hijack open, and was joined by both Heung and Zhiyuan Zhang behind on flop 2♠ T♠ 5♦. Henricus gunned for another 7,000, followed by a raise from Zhang to 26,000. Both opponents give it up and Zhang takes it down.
Player | Chips |
ZZ Zhiyuan Zhang | 187,000(125 BB) |
TT Tom Tsz Kin Heung | 150,000(100 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 89,000(59 BB) |
Top Chip Counts

Player | Chips |
YS Ying Song | 257,000(171 BB) |
249,000(166 BB) | |
249,000(166 BB) | |
ZC Zhang Chenxu | 220,000(147 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 200,000(133 BB) |
JS | 184,000(123 BB) |
XL Xixiang Luo | 182,000(121 BB) |
XL Xiang Li | 181,000(121 BB) |
EC Evgenii Chzhen | 176,000(117 BB) |
HC Hui Chen | 170,000(113 BB) |
Tom Henricus Catches Up on the River

Tsz Kin Heung opened to 2,500 from early position and saw both Tom Henricus and Patrik Demus on the blinds come along on flop 8♦ 6♠ 2♥ . Checked to Heung, he bet 2,600, raised by Henricus to 6,900. Demus behind, re-raised all-in for 21,200 total, leaving only Henricus priced in to make the call.
Demus is ahead with top pair 9♥ 8♥ against Henricus' 9♦ 6♦ , up until the runout came 4♣ 6♣ to knock the Hungarian out entirely.
Player | Chips |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 195,000(163 BB) |
TT Tom Tsz Kin Heung | 44,600(37 BB) |
PD Patrik Demus | busted |
Top Chip Counts

WPT Main Event players have been sent off to a one hour dinner break, with play set to resume at 6:30 pm local time. 69 runners out of the 108 entry field continue to be in contention, with yesterday's Single Day High Roller runner up Kyungmin Lee leading the pack. Today's action is set to conclude following four more 60 minute levels onto Day 2.
Registration remains open through Level 8 @21:45.
Player | Chips |
KL Kyungmin Lee | 217,000(217 BB) |
190,000(190 BB) | |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 184,000(184 BB) |
YS Ying Song | 175,000(175 BB) |
EC Evgenii Chzhen | 170,000(170 BB) |
XL Xiang Li | 165,000(165 BB) |
LD Linghui Dai | 162,000(162 BB) |
HC Hui Chen | 160,000(160 BB) |
159,000(159 BB) | |
JS | 150,000(150 BB) |
121,000(121 BB) | |
ZC Zhang Chenxu | 120,000(120 BB) |
No Slowing Down for Tom Henricus

Yongbin Wang limped in and faced a 3,600 raise from Tom Henricus right behind. Both Wang and the big blind called to see a flop of A♦ 7♥ 2♣ . Wang check called one bet from Henricus, yet folded as the raiser fired another 8,000 on turn 7♠ .
Player | Chips |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 77,800(130 BB) |
YW Yongbin Wang | 76,700(128 BB) |