Day 1C
Shuo Yang Pays Peng Wu

Peng Wu sent out 3,300 preflop vs Shuo Yang's button open and saw the latter come along on flop 2♣ A♣ 4♥ . Both checked it through to turn J♦ , where Wu led for 3,900. Yang called, and went on to call another 6,700 on river 5♥ , only to muck as Wu revealed top pair A♥ Q♣ .
Early in the Mix
Some players seated early, ready to engage in battle across the long day ahead:
Player | Chips |
MM Masayuki Murata | 50,000(250 BB) |
TF Tianjiao Fang | 50,000(250 BB) |
XG Xiaobin Gu | 50,000(250 BB) |
CG Chen Guangcheng | 50,000(250 BB) |
DY Dawei Yang | 50,000(250 BB) |
SY Shuo Yang | 50,000(250 BB) |
TI Tsuyoshi Ikeda | 50,000(250 BB) |
JW Junxiang Wang | 50,000(250 BB) |
DL Dawei Lu | busted |

Day 1A
Hidetomo Wada Rivers Yicheng Ren

Both Yicheng Ren and Hidetomo Wada completed their blinds against Shuo Yang's utg open, and headed to flop T♠ 7♣ 2♦ . Ren check raised to 3,900 following a cbet from Yang and saw both put in the chips to turn Q♦ . Ren bet another 3,500, and arrived shortly at showdown after Wada called off his last 2,800 and Yang opted out.
Ren J♥ J♣
Wada T♥ 5♦
In rough shape, Wada was in luck to find a 5♠ land on the river, just enough to save him from elimination.
Player | Chips |
SY Shuo Yang | 54,300(109 BB) |
45,600(91 BB) | |
HW Hidetomo Wada | 16,900(34 BB) |