Day 1C
Hui Wang Ahead All the Way

Hui Wang opened to 2,000, and was met with a three bet and four bet behind. Wang was left unfazed, and shoved his 41,300 stack in. Fabio Oka put in the call with A♥ Q♣ , and booked the loss against Wang's A♣ K♥ across board 3♠ 3♦ 7♥ 9♠ 5♠ .
Player | Chips |
HW Hui Wang | 91,100(91 BB) |
FO Fabio Oka da Silva | 31,300(31 BB) |
Fan Shi on Police Duty

Fan Shi opened to 1,700 from utg+1, joined by Fabio Oka on flop 7♠ 7♥ 6♦ . Shi continued for 1,500, and called a 4,200 raise from his opponent. On turn Q♣ , Shi called another 4,000, and a final 7,000 on river 5♣ , and earned the pot with 4♣ 4♠ against Oka's K♣ 2♥ bluff.
Player | Chips |
FS Fan Shi | 201,000(251 BB) |
FO Fabio Oka da Silva | 92,000(115 BB) |
Day 1A
Xiang Li Bets for the Win

Facing an open and a call, Fabio Oka on the button launched a three bet to 3,000 and saw both opponents complete, revealing flop Q♦ T♠ 8♣ . Action was checked to Oka who bet 7,500, which didn't stop either from continuing to turn 4♥ . Xiang Li this time, led for 13,000, and shipped the pot following two folds.
Player | Chips |
EC Evgenii Chzhen | 106,500(355 BB) |
XL Xiang Li | 70,600(235 BB) |
FO Fabio Oka da Silva | 27,300(91 BB) |
Jin Wang Still on First Bullet

Jin Wang flicked in his remaining 4,000 and was called by both Fabio Oka and Xiang Li. No side pot was seen as both checked down board 7♣ 8♣ T♥ 2♥ 8♦ .
Wang scoops the triple up with a full house, and bounces back to a 60 BB stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JW Jin Wang | 8♠7♦ D | 12,400(62 BB) |
XL Xiang Li | K♠2♠ SB | 52,000(260 BB) |
FO Fabio Oka da Silva | Q♦J♠ UTG+1 | 33,000(165 BB) |