Day 1

3/27/2024, 3:10:00 PM

Leng Bin unable to continue

Level 6: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
Thomas Boivin
Thomas Boivin

Cutoff Leng Bin opened to 4,500, joined by both players on the blinds on flop 7 4 7 . Checked to Leng, he fired a cbet of 3,500 and shortly called a raise to 10,000 from big blind Thomas Boivin. Boivin sent out another 20,000 on turn 5 and claimed the pot after Leng gave it up.

Chip Counts

170,000(85 BB)
84,000(42 BB)
3/27/2024, 2:31:00 PM

Yang Chongxian fails to get there

Level 5: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500
Leng Bin
Leng Bin

Hijack Thomas Boivin opened and was joined by button Yang Chongxian and big blind Leng Bin on flop 7 Q 9 . Boivin fired a 4,000 cbet, called by both players. All three checked turn 9 through, leading to river A . Checked to Yang, he sent out a 17,000 bet and was called by Boivin with A 8 . Yang shows 6 8 for a missed straight draw.

Chip Counts

180,000(120 BB)
90,000(60 BB)
65,000(43 BB)
3/27/2024, 2:27:00 PM

Shi Qizheng hero calls for the pot

Level 5: 1,000 / 1,500 ante: 1,500

Hijack Shi Qizheng opened to 3,500, called behind by Thomas Boivin. Flop came 9 T T and saw Shi continue for 2,500. Boivin puts in the call and heads to turn A . Both players check it through, revealing river K . Checked by Shi, Boivin threw in a 5,000 bet and tabled 5 7 after Shi made the call. Shi shows J 9 and claims the pot.

Chip Counts

225,000(150 BB)
145,000(97 BB)
3/27/2024, 1:54:00 PM

Thomas Boivin bluffs multiway pot

Level 4: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

A four way pot ensued with Zhou Quan getting his last 1 BB in after losing his stack to Shi Qizheng previously. For the side pot, action was seen on Shi betting 6,500 on a 12,000 pot on turn Q 9 J 8 . Both Thomas Boivin and Wang Afu call behind, revealing river J . Shi checks, Boivin bets 45,000 and takes the pot with 8 9 after collecting no calls from either opponent.

Zhou shows A 5 for the main pot and heads off to fire another bullet.

Chip Counts

205,000(205 BB)
150,000(150 BB)
123,000(123 BB)
3/27/2024, 12:47:00 PM

Back to back pots for Thomas Boivin

Level 2: 300 / 600 ante: 600

Facing a utg open from Leng Bin, small blind Thomas Boivin threw in a three bet to 7,500. Leng calls and sees flop 7 T 9 . Both check it through with Boivin this time, firing a 14,000 bet on turn 2 . Leng folds and Boivin claims the boost.

Chip Counts

120,000(200 BB)
90,000(150 BB)
3/27/2024, 12:44:00 PM

Trips good for Thomas Boivin

Level 2: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Zhou Quan
Zhou Quan

A four way raised pot saw flop 2 3 K . Original raiser Zhou Quan fired a 2,100 cbet, called by Leng Bin behind and big blind Thomas Boivin. Turn came K and Zhuo barreled another 3,700. Boivin makes the call, revealing river 7 . Both players check to showdown with Boivin tabling K 6 for the pot.

Chip Counts

112,000(187 BB)
98,000(163 BB)