Day 1

3/27/2024, 1:47:00 PM

Flush over flush knocks Espen Jorstad out

Level 4: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Xue Wenwu
Xue Wenwu

Xue Wenwu defended his open and called a three bet to 7,200 from cutoff Espen Jorstad to see flop J 6 Q . Jorstad continued for 7,000 and another 25,000 on turn 3 . Xue check called both streets and shoved on river 3 . Jorstad called off his remaining 35,000 with K T and was crushed to see his opponent’s A 8 for a better flush.

Chip Counts

230,000(230 BB)
3/27/2024, 1:16:00 PM

Calvin Lee chips up

Level 3: 400 / 800 ante: 800
Calvin Lee
Calvin Lee

Utg+2 Espen Jorstad opened to 2,000, followed by a three bet to 6,100 from Calvin Lee behind. Jorstad answered with another raise to 17,600, called by Lee. On flop 6 Q 2 , Jorstad sent out a 9,000 bet, called by Lee once more. Jorstad then proceeded to check call 15,000 on turn 2 , and check fold the river J after Lee fired a 58,000 bet.

Chip Counts

145,000(181 BB)
77,000(96 BB)
3/27/2024, 12:58:00 PM

Li Yingui rivers two pair

Level 2: 300 / 600 ante: 600

Button Espen Jorstad opened to 1,700, joined by big blind Li Yingui on flop T 3 K . Jorstad continued for 1,100, check called by Li. Turn 4 went check check, leading to Li with a 5,000 bet on river 5 . Jorstad makes the call and mucks shortly after Li reveals K 5 .

Chip Counts

120,000(200 BB)
111,000(185 BB)
3/27/2024, 12:24:00 PM

Espen Jorstad takes it down

Level 1: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Stanley Weng
Stanley Weng

Utg+1 Espen Jorstad opened to 1,200, called by big blind Stanley Weng. On flop 4 Q 5 , Jorstad continued for 1,400 and shortly called Weng’s check raise to 5,800. Weng barreled another 17,200 on turn J , called by his opponent. River peeled another Q and Weng check folded vs Jorstad’s 25,000 bet.

Chip Counts

115,000(230 BB)
81,000(162 BB)