Day 2

3/31/2024, 11:22:00 PM

Mao Renji shows aces

Level 20: 10,000 / 20,000 ante: 20,000
Ruan Jiayu
Ruan Jiayu

With 260,000 in the middle on flop J 5 4 , Mao Renji pulled a check raise to 200,000, called by Ruan Jiayu. Turn came T and Mao pulled the trigger shoving all-in. Ruan gives it up and Mao shows A A .

Chip Counts

1,250,000(63 BB)
300,000(15 BB)

Day 1B

3/29/2024, 5:55:00 PM

Tens good for Zhitnik Aleksandr

Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800
Zhitnik Aleksandr
Zhitnik Aleksandr

Utg Zhitnik Aleksandr opened and called a 6,200 three bet from Ruan Jiayu, revealing board 7 6 5 7 5 . Ruan fired a 6,000 continuation bet and another 12,000 on turn 7 with Zhitnik check calling both streets. River 5 went check check, Zhitnik shows T T and Ruan mucks behind.

Chip Counts

127,000(159 BB)
21,000(26 BB)

Day 1A

3/28/2024, 1:01:00 PM

Monster flop for Dai Linghui

Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200

A fourway three bet pot saw flop 7 7 6 . Aggressor Dai Linghui continued for 2,000 and found Ruan Jiayu next to him bump it up to 6,000. Dai continues, peeling turn 3 . Both check it through leading to river 9 . Dai led out for 7,000, Ruan with a final call. Dai shows 7 5 and takes the pot with trips.

Chip Counts

67,000(335 BB)
34,000(170 BB)