Day 1C

3/30/2024, 3:32:00 PM

Kato Yohei slams it through

Level 4: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Bilodeau Louis
Bilodeau Louis

With 15,000 in the middle, Kato Yotei continued the action on flop T K 3 with a 7,000 bet, called by Bilodeau Louis. On turn K , Kato shoved for 27,000 and Bilodeau snap folds.

Chip Counts

72,000(144 BB)
56,000(112 BB)
3/30/2024, 3:03:00 PM

Yu Yunchao saved by the river

Level 3: 200 / 400 ante: 400

Hijack Bilodeau Louis opened to 1,100 and saw Yu Yunchao bump it up to 3,500. Bilodeau fired a four bet to 11,400, called by Yu. On flop 3 7 4 , both stacks came rushing in, Bilodeau ahead with A A against Yu’s Q Q . The river Q however, turned the tables, giving Yu a set to survive through.

Chip Counts

106,000(265 BB)
78,000(195 BB)

Day 1B

3/29/2024, 6:11:00 PM

Bilodeau Louis tables aces

Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800

Chen Feng defended his big blind against utg+1 Bilodeau Louis’ open and saw flop 8 8 7 . Bilodeau continued for 2,500, called by Chen. Turn 8 went check check, peeling river T . Chen leads for 8,600 and receives just a call from Bilodeau. Chen shows J J , no good against Bilodeau’s A A .

Chip Counts

96,000(120 BB)
45,000(56 BB)