WPT Cambodia Passport to World Championship
Day 1C
End Of Day 1C Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
PN Pradeep NudurumatiIndia | 800,000(160 BB) |
QQ Quan QiuChina | 563,000(113 BB) |
AA Amir AbbasAustralia | 521,000(104 BB) |
QN Quoc NgoViet Nam | 497,000(99 BB) |
JL Junzhong LooMalaysia | 494,000(99 BB) |
MH Michael HaddadAustralia | 481,000(96 BB) |
AB Adrien BergerFrance | 455,000(91 BB) |
AV Akshat VermaCanada | 452,000(90 BB) |
SN Somashekar NahadevaIndia | 443,000(89 BB) |
XY Xin YuanChina | 442,000(88 BB) |
ZJ Zhong JiazhiChina | 442,000(88 BB) |
435,000(87 BB) | |
TE Travis EndersbyAustralia | 407,000(81 BB) |
PS Park Se HanKorea (Republic of) | 393,000(79 BB) |
WK Will KwokHong Kong | 372,000(74 BB) |
KP Kajornnut PrirungruengThailand | 360,000(72 BB) |
DL Dmytro LytvynovUkraine | 357,000(71 BB) |
SJ Son JuhyungKorea (Republic of) | 348,000(70 BB) |
MT Manh TruongViet Nam | 322,000(64 BB) |
AJ Anton JohnsonUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 315,000(63 BB) |
ZL Zhang LeiChina | 308,000(62 BB) |
ZM Zhang MingchengChina | 302,000(60 BB) |
LS Lee SunghakKorea (Republic of) | 299,000(60 BB) |
DP Dennis PauHong Kong | 290,000(58 BB) |
HQ Haisheng QiuChina | 273,000(55 BB) |
MG Malik GagandeepIndia | 271,000(54 BB) |
LD Linh Duong NgoViet Nam | 265,000(53 BB) |
JS Joseph SandaevAustralia | 259,000(52 BB) |
CL Chongwei LiaoSingapore | 252,000(50 BB) |
QH Quang Huy NguyenViet Nam | 251,000(50 BB) |
BU Bora UludagGermany | 247,000(49 BB) |
ZN Zefirelli NoordinSingapore | 244,000(49 BB) |
VO Vishal OjhaIndia | 230,000(46 BB) |
MH Minh Huy NguyenViet Nam | 213,000(43 BB) |
SK Sean KeetonAustralia | 210,000(42 BB) |
DS David SpatarNew Zealand | 208,000(42 BB) |
MT Maxime TantaroFrance | 204,000(41 BB) |
YJ Yu JeongyeolKorea (Republic of) | 203,000(41 BB) |
DK Dohwan KimKorea (Republic of) | 201,000(40 BB) |
AK Amit KaushikIndia | 194,000(39 BB) |
DT Duc Thanh NguyenViet Nam | 179,000(36 BB) |
AM Ang Mei SanSingapore | 179,000(36 BB) |
SN See Ngai FongTaiwan | 161,000(32 BB) |
ML Michael Lindstrom (2)Denmark | 159,000(32 BB) |
RJ Raju JaruplavathIndia | 152,000(30 BB) |
SB Sacha BozouFrance | 151,000(30 BB) |
JS Jatin SablaniIndia | 151,000(30 BB) |
AC Antoine CaoFrance | 140,000(28 BB) |
CC Chak ChanHong Kong | 135,000(27 BB) |
PW Phraikhieo WutikraiThailand | 134,000(27 BB) |
JT Joshua TanSingapore | 129,000(26 BB) |
JA Jose Antoine PineiroFrance | 120,000(24 BB) |
OT Oleg TitovRussian Federation | 119,000(24 BB) |
GS Guillem SegarraSpain | 118,000(24 BB) |
HN Hoang Nguyen (2)Viet Nam | 109,000(22 BB) |
MN Masaya NakagawaJapan | 107,000(21 BB) |
CJ Curtis JianSingapore | 102,000(20 BB) |
SS Sumit SapraIndia | 102,000(20 BB) |
KT Keng TanSingapore | 92,000(18 BB) |
MT Marcus TanSingapore | 87,000(17 BB) |
PN Phillip Nguyen (2)Australia | 86,000(17 BB) |
RN Rindra NorodomCambodia | 74,000(15 BB) |
CZ Changyu ZhaiChina | 72,000(14 BB) |
AV Armon Van WijkAustralia | 72,000(14 BB) |
MS Mr. SuhendraIndonesia | 71,000(14 BB) |
DC Daoxing ChenChina | 51,000(10 BB) |
KH Kai HengMalaysia | 48,000(10 BB) |
Pot For David Spatar
From mid-position Quang Huy Nguyen opens 10,000 and big blind David Spitar defends for flop 2♣ A♥ 5♣ . Spatar check-calls another 10,000 from Nguyen. Both check the turn 3♥ . Then more chips land on the river Q♦ with Spatar betting 25,000 and calling Nguyen's 50,000 raise.
Player | Hand | Chips |
QH Quang Huy NguyenViet Nam | 282,000(56 BB) | |
DS David SpatarNew Zealand | A♠Q♥ | 192,000(38 BB) |
Quang Huy Nguyen Wins The Three-Way
All in preflop with Quang Huy Nguyen at risk with the lowest chips. His T♣ T♦ rivers the full house 5♠Q♦ 9♦ 5♦ T♦ to stick around.
Player | Chips |
QH Quang Huy NguyenViet Nam | 165,000(55 BB) |
Quang Huy Nguyen
Quang Huy Nguyen is all in on the turn board A♥ 6♥ 8♣ A♠with A♣ J♣ trips and is ahead of Peter Fanthome's K♥ K♠. The river 7♣ changes nothing for a double up to Nguyen.
Player | Chips |
QH Quang Huy NguyenViet Nam | 44,000(110 BB) |
PF Peter FanthomeSouth Africa | 22,000(55 BB) |
Day 1B
Phanlert Sukonthachartnant Rails Quang Huy Nguyen
Quang Huy Nguyen moves all in, Phanlert Sukonthachartnant joins him with more chips, no other interested parties and the cards flip over.
Player | Hand | Chips |
QH Quang Huy NguyenViet Nam | A♦J♦ | busted |
PS Phanlert SukonthachartnantThailand | Q♣Q♠| 250,000(50 BB) |
Nguyen is eliminated.
Gagandeep Malik Doubles Up
All in preflop with short stacked Gagandeep Malik ahead of caller Quang Huy Nguyen.
Player | Hand | Chips |
QH Quang Huy NguyenViet Nam | A♦J♦ | 80,000(32 BB) |
MG Malik GagandeepIndia | A♥Q♠| 56,000(22 BB) |
The queen kicker plays for a double up.