Day 1B

10/13/2023, 8:50:00 PM

Sameer Agarwal tanks to Nguyen Quang Huy’s turn bet

Level 12: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
sameeragarwal 2
Sameer Agarwal

Sameer Agarwal opens from utg+1, chip leader Nguyen Quang Huy three-bets 17,000 from lojack, Agarwal flats. On the flop 5 3 8 , Agarwal checks, Nguyen c-bets 30,000, Agarwal tank-calls. On the turn 4 , Nguyen sends out 60,000, Agarwal uses one time-bank then folds.

Chip Counts

640,000(213 BB)
160,000(53 BB)
10/13/2023, 7:00:00 PM

Hieu Ngo triple barrels Sameer Agarwal

Level 11: 1,500 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
hieungo 2
Hieu Ngo

On a flop {jh{}4h} 8 and 16,000 in the pot, hijack Hieu Ngo bets 5,000 and button Sameer Agarwal calls. On the turn 3 , Ngo fires 15,000 and gets the call again. The river K , Ngo triple barrels 45,000, Agarwal folds.

Chip Counts

160,000(64 BB)
115,000(46 BB)