Day 1B

10/13/2023, 10:20:00 PM

Romain Morvan busts to Ha Van Thien

Level 13: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
romainmorvan 3
Romain Morvan

Three-bet pot preflop leads to a board 9 2 2 and 64,500 in the middle. Romain Morvan shoves, Ha Van Thien calls, Morvan opens 7 7 and is way behind Ha’s A Q . The turn J and river J Morvan busts as Ha ships it.

Chip Counts

470,000(118 BB)
10/13/2023, 4:20:00 PM

Romain Morvan and Manoj Pentakota split it

Level 8: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
romainmorvan 2
Romain Morvan

Three way kicks off with utg+1 raising 5000, utg+2 Romain Morvan three-bets 32,000, cutoff, Manoj Pentakota four-bet shoves, back to utg+1 who risks it and Morvan joins in to make it a three-way.

Utg+1 9 9 Romain Morvan K K Manoj Pentakota K K

Manoj Pentakota

When the flop runs 5 A Q , Pentakota adds outs but with the 4 turn and T river, the flush doesn’t materialize for a split pot and a bust out.

Chip Counts

115,000(96 BB)
112,000(93 BB)