Day 2

10/15/2023, 12:30:00 PM

Double bubble! Nguyen Tuan Anh and Nguyen Dang Tu eliminated

Level 16: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

At 109 remaining (two spots from ITM), play is hand-for-hand and three tables have all-in called situations.

nguyentuananh 2
Nguyen Tuan Anh

Having dropped to 1 bb, Nguyen Tuan Anh is all in Q 4 , Tim Schimmel successfully isolates and has K T . The board runs 2 A J 2 3 . Nguyen is eliminated.

nguyendangtu 4
Nguyen Dang Tu

At the opposite end of the room, Nguyen Dang Tu is all in holding A T , Nguyen Long Lam has A 9 . Board runs 8 2 Q 9 8 . Long Lam improves to knock out Dang Tu.

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Nguyen Van Phuong

The third all in hand is Nguyen Van Phuong shoves 111,000 from the small blind, big blind Harsh Dembla calls. Nguyen has A K , Dembla Q 5 . The flop is a scare for Nguyen 3 7 2 , but with the turn 9 and river 2 , he stays ahead for double up.

Chip Counts

230,000(29 BB)
227,000(28 BB)