Final Day
3/14/2023, 4:15:00 PM
Sameer Agarwal ships a three-way
Level 23: 15 / 30

Another three-way kicks off with Wipat Udomkanjananan raising to 75,000, Sameer Agarwal shoves, Shardul P joins with a shorter stack, and Udomkanjananan calls.
Udomkanjananan A♠ Q♦ Shardul J♣ J♠ Agarwal K♠ K♥
The board runs T♣ 3♣ Q♠ 3♦ K♣ for a full house to Agarwal to ship the huge pot.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,450,000(48333 BB) | 548,000 | |
1,100,000(36667 BB) | 1,100,000 | |
busted |