Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips

Flight B

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/26/2024, 10:20:30 AM

Adi Putra rivers opposition

Level 6: 300 / 500 ante: 500

Roy Adi Putra of Indonesia limps in from UTG and gets two more to go unraised to the BB of Fan Wei Hoing who checks his BB option.

The flop comes T 4 7 as the player in the SB checks. Fan leads out for 600 and gets calls from Adi Putra and Thailand’s Thanapon Thipthan. The player in the SB folds. The turn is the 2 as Fan continues for 1,000 and still gets called by his two opponents. The river is the A as Fan slows down and decides to check. Adi Putra now does the betting and place in 1,400. Thipthan and Fan call.

Fan tables T 5 for top pair on the flop. The Indonesian shows A Q for top pair on the river. Thipthan opts to show T 6.

Adi Putra stayed sticky until he finally hit on the river.

62,600(125 BB)
Adi Putra RoyIndonesia [IDN]Indonesia
38,200(76 BB)
17,200(34 BB)