Blind level
Level 13: 1,500 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
Total Chips

Flight A

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 9:24:03 AM

Wong gets chips from Lee

Level 4: 200 / 300 ante: 300
Alex Wong

The action is folded to the CO of Korea’s Lee Byung Soo who raises to 1,100. Alex Wong of Malaysia opts to defend his BB.

The flop comes 8 2 3 as Wong checks. Lee CBets it to 1,600 but then Wong check-raises all-in for his remaining 13,600. Lee chooses to fold.

17,900(60 BB)
Lee Byung SooKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
12,500(42 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 9:17:38 AM

Lee Byung Soo drops two Vietnamese opponents

Level 4: 200 / 300 ante: 300

Lee Byung Soo of Korea raises to 1,000 from the +1 position and gets callers in the blinds in Nguyen Duc Thanh (SB) and Nguyen Quang Huy (BB), both from Vietnam.

The flop is 2 5 2 as the blinds check it back to Lee who CBets it to 2,200. Both Vietnamese players.

31,300(104 BB)
22,200(74 BB)
Lee Byung SooKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
18,100(60 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 9:10:57 AM

Flop smash from Zaitsev

Level 4: 200 / 300 ante: 300
Zaitsev Evgenii

Evgenii Zaitsev opens from UTG for 600 and gets a call from Lee Byung Soo of Korea in the CO. Malaysia’s Alex Wong 3-bets from the D to 1,800 and gets 4-bet by Zaitsev to 6,600. Lee and Wong opt to see a flop.

That flop is 8 9 K as Zaitsev continues firing, this time for 2,200. Lee and Wong do not continue. Awarding Zaitsev a hefty pot.

46,200(154 BB)
Lee Byung SooKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
14,100(47 BB)
12,600(42 BB)