Final Day
Huynh Ngoc Thai finishes in 4th place for US$4,500

The action is folded to chip-leader Jhon Hendri who opens from the D for 100,000. Vietnam’s Huynh Ngoc Thai 3-bets all-in from the BB for 695,000. Hendri makes the call.
Huynh turns over A♣ 3♦ while Hendri has him dominated with A♦ K♦ .
The subsequent runout goes: 4♠ Q♣ 4♣ K♣ (for assurance) 7♠ .
Hendri drew for Huynh’s bounty and got the $3,000 envelop, the last big bounty.
Player | Chips |
JH Jhon Hendri | 1,860,000(37 BB) |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | busted |
Alex Wong finishes in 6th place for US$3,000

The Ukraine’s Erik Rozhynskyi open shoves from UTG for 740,000 covering his callers Alex Wong in the CO for his last 15,000 and Huynh Ngoc Thai on the D for his remaining 315,000.
Rozhynskyi turns over Q♠ J♠ while Wong has live cards with 8♠ 4♦ . However, Huynh tables A♥ A♠ and the subsequent runout goes: 3♣ 7♠ 9♦ 4♥ (a slim chance for Wong) T♣ .
Wong bounces in back-to-back hands while Rozhynskyi’s stack is down to less than half a million. Huynh stays in contention.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 770,000(15 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 425,000(9 BB) |
AW Alex Wong (2) | busted |
Chip count of remaining 7 players
Player | Chips |
JH Jhon Hendri | 1,405,000(47 BB) |
TC Tran Cong Huan | 800,000(27 BB) |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 615,000(21 BB) |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 565,000(19 BB) |
HH Hoang Hai Nam | 560,000(19 BB) |
505,000(17 BB) | |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 170,000(6 BB) |
Huynh makes Zheng look mortal
Former chip-leader Zheng Anshu opens from UTG and gets called in the BB by Vietnam’s Huynh Ngoc Thai.
The flop goes Q♣ 4♣ 6♥ as Huynh checks. Zheng bets 50,000 and gets check-raised to 150,000. Zheng folds as Huynh now has more chips.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 620,000(25 BB) |
610,000(24 BB) |
Huynh stays ahead, Wong’s stack on respirator

The action is opened from the +1 position for 40,000 and draws two callers in Alex Wong on the D and Huynh Ngoc Thai in the BB.
The flop goes 6♥ Q♠ J♥ as Huynh checks. The initial raiser continues for 55,000 and gets a call from Wong. However, Huynh check-raises all-in for 240,000. The original raiser chooses to fold while Wong calls.
Huynh shows Q♥ 5♥ for top pair and a flush draw on the flop while Wong tables A♥ J♣ for middle pair.
The turn is the 7♥ to award Huynh the flush but to also give Wong a redraw to the nut flush. It doesn’t happen as the river the J♣ to give Wong trips that he didn’t need.
Wong’s stack is now just barely above ten BBs.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 685,000(34 BB) |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 240,000(12 BB) |
Huynh burns three Time Bank cards against Hendri
The action is folded to Huynh Ngoc Thai who raises to 30,000 from the D. The Jhon Hendri 3-bets all-in from the BB for 115,000. Huynh goes in the tank so long that he ends up using three of his six allotted Time Bank cards before deciding to fold.
Final Table chip count

Player | Chips |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 1,025,000(68 BB) |
880,000(59 BB) | |
HH Hoang Hai Nam | 565,000(38 BB) |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 485,000(32 BB) |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 380,000(25 BB) |
AP Adi Putra Roy | 375,000(25 BB) |
JH Jhon Hendri | 310,000(21 BB) |
280,000(19 BB) | |
TC Tran Cong Huan | 255,000(17 BB) |
Zheng reclaims chip lead from Huynh, surpasses 1M mark

New chip-leader Huynh Ngoc Thai of Vietnam has the action folded to him in the CO and makes a raise to 25,000. He gets called in the SB by former overall chip-leader Zheng Anshu of China.
The flop is 6♣ 6♠ K♠ as Zheng checks. Huynh CBets to 16,000 and gets check-raised to 61,000. The Vietnamese player opts to call. The turn is the 8♠ and Zheng is unrelenting, firing another bet of 120,000. Huynh still calls. The river is the 2♥. Zheng now bets 245,000. Huynh still makes the call.
Zheng tables A♠ J♠ for the nut flush on the turn as Huynh chooses to muck.
It was the biggest pot thus far and the win not only gives the chip lead back to Zheng, but makes the gentleman from China the first player to breach the seven-figure mark in the tournament.
Player | Chips |
1,060,000(88 BB) | |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 406,000(34 BB) |
Chip count of the remaining 12 players
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 870,000(87 BB) |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 500,000(50 BB) |
AP Adi Putra Roy | 496,000(50 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 485,000(49 BB) |
431,000(43 BB) | |
423,000(42 BB) | |
NQ Nguyen Quang Huy | 349,000(35 BB) |
TC Tran Cong Huan | 308,000(31 BB) |
JH Jhon Hendri | 280,000(28 BB) |
HK Heng Kai Perng | 167,000(17 BB) |
HH Hoang Hai Nam | 136,000(14 BB) |
JK Jiyoung Kim | 80,000(8 BB) |
Huynh blindsides Zheng, takes chip lead
Chip-leader Zheng Anshu of China is back to chip-bully ways as he raises from the CO for 25,000 and gets calls from the D and the BB of Vetnam’s Huynh Ngoc Thai.
The flop goes 9♠ 2♦ 7♣ as Huynh checks, so does Zheng. The player on the D leads out for 30,000 and gets called by Huynh. However, Zheng check-raises to 130,000 and player on the D opts to fold. Huynh, though, stays interested and calls. The turn is the 5♠ as once again the Vietnamese player checks. Zheng puts his opponent all-in and Huynh quickly calls.
Zheng shows J♦ J♣ for an over-pair to the board while Huynh flips over 8♣ 6♣ for a straight on the turn and have Zheng drawing dead. The river is the 9♥ to officially have a change atop the leaderboard for the first time today.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 870,000(87 BB) |
431,000(43 BB) |
Adi Putra flexes against two

Doing his usual limping from early position, Roy Adi Putra from Indonesia gets raised from the +1 position to 37,000 by Vietnam’s Huynh Ngoc Thai as Malaysian Alex Wong makes the call from the SB. Adi Putra elects to join.
The flop is 8♥ 5♦ 8♣ as Wong checks. Suddenly Adi Putra comes out firing for 90,000. It’s enough to scare away his opponents for the pot.
Player | Chips |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 470,000(47 BB) |
AP Adi Putra Roy | 426,000(43 BB) |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 404,000(40 BB) |
Huynh with preflop power play

The action starts from UTG on a raise to 16,000 and gets a 3-bet from Vietnam’s Huynh Ngoc Thai in the +1 position to 36,000. At the HJ, Masataka Nishada of Japan performs a 4-bet to 75,000 as the initial raiser opts to fold. Huynh then goes for a 5-bet shove, to which Nishada has no answer for.
Huynh nears the 500,000 chip mark with that maneuver.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 490,000(61 BB) |
256,000(32 BB) |
Chip count Final 2 Table
Player | Chips |
844,000(141 BB) | |
LQ Li Qinglin | 473,000(79 BB) |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 419,000(70 BB) |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 375,000(63 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 310,000(52 BB) |
MT Michael Truong | 292,000(49 BB) |
NQ Nguyen Quang Huy | 262,000(44 BB) |
JK Jiyoung Kim | 247,000(41 BB) |
246,000(41 BB) | |
AP Adi Putra Roy | 202,000(34 BB) |
HH Hoang Hai Nam | 200,000(33 BB) |
TC Tran Cong Huan | 162,000(27 BB) |
YL Yuen Loong | 159,000(27 BB) |
HK Heng Kai Perng | 152,000(25 BB) |
SJ Sumin Jang | 139,000(23 BB) |
JH Jhon Hendri | 102,000(17 BB) |
Turabayev booted out by Huynh

Kazakhstan’s Alan Turabayev opens from UTG to 30,000 and gets re-raised on the SB by Huynh Ngoc Thai of Vietnam for 70,000, putting his opponent all-in to call. Turabayev consumes three Time Bank cards before choosing to call for his remaining 40,000.
Huynh reveals J♠ 7♠ while the Kazakh delights in being ahead with A♦ Q♣ .
The flop swung the advantage to the Vietnamese player: T♠ 7♥ 5♠ and no help for Turabayev came on the last two cards of the 2♦ and the 5♦ as Huynh sends Turabayev to the sidelines for good in the 17th place.
The competition is down to the final two tables.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 375,000(63 BB) |
AT Alan Turabayev | busted |
Wong’s Rockets grab chips from Huynh

Malaysia’s Alex Wong raises from UTG to 12,000 and gets re-raised by Huynh Ngoc Thai on the D for 35,000. Wong calls.
The flop comes J♣ 4♣ 8♦ as the Malaysian checks. Huynh bets 25,000 and is check-raised all-in by Wong for his remaining 182,000. The Vietnamese player makes the quick call.
Wong flips over A♦ A♣ while Huynh could only shake his head on the cruel set-up as he tables Q♦ Q♠ .
The last two community cards in this hand are the J♦ and the K♦ as Wong doubles up through Huynh who was just relishing the chips he had just acquired, which are now headed to Wong’s ledger.
Player | Chips |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 446,000(74 BB) |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 283,000(47 BB) |
Chip count of the 17 remaining players
Player | Chips |
813,000(163 BB) | |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 500,000(100 BB) |
LQ Li Qinglin | 476,000(95 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 345,000(69 BB) |
MT Michael Truong | 333,000(67 BB) |
AP Adi Putra Roy | 252,000(50 BB) |
HK Heng Kai Perng | 246,000(49 BB) |
234,000(47 BB) | |
AW Alex Wong (2) | 217,000(43 BB) |
JK Jiyoung Kim | 190,000(38 BB) |
YL Yuen Loong | 174,000(35 BB) |
NQ Nguyen Quang Huy | 172,000(34 BB) |
TC Tran Cong Huan | 146,000(29 BB) |
SJ Sumin Jang | 134,000(27 BB) |
JH Jhon Hendri | 117,000(23 BB) |
HH Hoang Hai Nam | 106,000(21 BB) |
AT Alan Turabayev | 55,000(11 BB) |
Huynh hits 500k, busts Hong

Malaysia’s Loong Yuen opens the action from the D for 12,000 and gets called by Huynh Ngoc Thai of Vietnam from the SB. Short-stacked Hong Sung Heon of Korea 3-bets all-in from the BB for his last 87,000 and gets a call from Loong. Huynh then decides to 4-bet shove to 204,000 and the Malaysian still decides to make the call.
Hong tables A♥ 9♦ while Loong shows 2♦ 2♠ and is disappointed to know that Huynh holds 7♦ 7♥ .
The flop instantly gives the Vietnamese icon a lock on the hand: J♥ Q♦ 7♠ as he gets an almost unbeatable set. The turn has both Hong and Loong drawing dead as the 6♠ arrives. The 9♠ on the river officially ousts the Korean in 18th place and brings Huynh to the half-million chip mark.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 500,000(100 BB) |
YL Yuen Loong | 170,000(34 BB) |
HS Hong Sung Heon | busted |
Double up for Nishada

Vietnam’s Huynh Ngoc Thai opens from the CO for 9,000 and gets a call from a player on the D. Waiting in the wings is Masataka Nishada of Japan who 3-bet shoves for his last 63,000. Huynh calls while the player on the D folds.
Nishada shows A♠ Q♠ dominating his Vietnamese opponent who tables Q♥ J♥ .
The flop gave Huynh a reason to hope: J♦ 7♠ 2♠ , However, the 9♠ showed on the turn and the river is the T♥ which dashed any ambitions for Huynh.
The Japanese player gets a badly needed double up.
Player | Chips |
HN Huynh Ngoc Thai | 174,000(44 BB) |
130,000(33 BB) |