Blind level
Level 27: 30,000 / 60,000 ante: 60,000
Total Chips

Final Day

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/27/2024, 6:46:08 AM

Zheng nears 700k, ousts Dang and his Aces

Level 14: 1,500 / 3,000 ante: 3,000
Anshu Zheng

Dang Anh Duc open shoves from UTG for his remaining 44,500 and it gets to the SB where chip-leader Zheng Anshu of China makes the from the SB.

Dang tables A A while Zheng smiles as he flips over K J .

The flop offered hope for the chip-leader: 8 5 K and that prayer was answered on the turn as the J arrives. Down to a two-outer the player from Vietnam busts when the 2 hit the river as the aces get cracked in a bust out and Zheng collects his second scalp and a surge in chips to neat the 700,000 mark.

681,000(227 BB)
Dang Anh DucViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
Blind level
Level 13: 1,500 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
Total Chips

Flight A

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 2:28:34 PM

End of Flight A - 6 Survivors

Level 13: 1,500 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
Yuen LoongMalaysia [MYS]Malaysia
270,000(108 BB)
242,000(97 BB)
Hong Sung HeonKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
207,000(83 BB)
169,000(68 BB)
80,000(32 BB)
Dang Anh DucViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
56,500(23 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 2:11:16 PM

Dang drags Ramos back down

Level 13: 1,500 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
Dang Anh Duc

Santiago Soriano Ramos of Spain opens the action from the HJ with a raise of 5,000 and gets a customer in Vietnam’s Dang Anh Duc from the BB.

The flop is 2 K 8 as Dang checks. Ramos fires 7,500 and gets called. The turn is the A and this time, Both players check. The river is the 6 as this time Dang leads out for 12,000 and is called by the Spaniard.

Dang shows 8 6 for two pairs on the river while Ramos throws his hand into the muck. Ramos’ stack drops significantly while Dang continues his hover.

70,500(28 BB)
Dang Anh DucViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
56,500(23 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 1:40:35 PM

Dang triples through, Yu drops further

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
Dang Anh Duc

Former chip-leader Yu Lin of Taiwan goes for an open shove UTG and gets calls from a player in the HJ and Vietnam’s Dang Anh Duc in the SB for his last 12,000.

Yu shows A 3 while the player in the HJ has K Q . Dang has the worst of it with 9 7 but has live cards.

The flop immediately gave the Vietnamese player an edge: 6 7 2 . The turn seals the deal as the 9 appears, rendering Dang’s opponents as drawing dead. The river is the T ensuring a triple up for Dang and the loss busts the player in the HJ out and further reduces Yu’s stack.

Lin YuTaiwan [TWN]Taiwan
69,500(35 BB)
Dang Anh DucViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
40,000(20 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 10:58:15 AM

Dang yields to Bergenholtz

Level 7: 300 / 600 ante: 600

Dang Anh Duc sees two limpers come in and decides to raise it to 2,200 from the D. The original limper from UTG calls along with American Stephen Bergenholtz in the CO.

The flop is 3 5 6 as all check. The turn is the J and after a check from UTG, Bergenholtz bets 2,700 and Dang makes the call. The UTG player folds. It is heads up to the river which produces the T . The American goes into the tank and is obliged to give up a Time Bank card. He then decides to bet 6,000. Dang folds.

Dang Anh DucViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
40,100(67 BB)
Stephen BergenholtzUnited States of America [USA]United States of America
24,700(41 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/25/2024, 10:52:14 AM

Dang wins Vietnamese duel

Level 7: 300 / 600 ante: 600

The action is opened by Vietnam’s Huu Minh Tri Pham in the +1 position via a raise to 1,200 and gets three callers.

The flop goes T K 5 and after a check from fellow Vietnamese Dang Ahn Duc from the BB, Nguyen CBets it to 3,200. It is folded back to Dang who check-raises to 7,000. Nguyen makes the call. It is heads up to the turn which bring out the 2 as Dang bets 8,000. Huu ponders a moment but then opts to fold.

Dang Anh DucViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
46,000(77 BB)
14,200(24 BB)