Total Chips

Day 1E/1F/1G

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 8:57:28 AM

Ngo wins the pot with flush

Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Hieu Ngo

The pot stands at 4,900 with the board showing 6 9 7 and 7. The SB checks, and Ngo Hieu (UTG+1) bets 2,000. Vignau Francois Joseph (D) calls, and the SB folds. The river reveals the J, and Ngo bets 15,000. Vignau calls with an all-in of 10,100. Both players reveal their cards: Ngo holds A Q, while Viau has Q Q. Ngo wins with a Spade flush, taking down the pot.

Ngo HieuViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
117,000(234 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 7:49:59 AM

Liu Fan hits flush and wins

Level 4: 200 / 400 ante: 400
Liu Fan

Liu Fan(D) shows off his aggressive play once again, taking the pot with a flush after betting strongly at every stage of the hand. The pot started at 4,000, with the board showing 6 2 and 6. After a 2,000 bet from Liu, Vignau Francios Joseph (UTG) called, bringing the turn to 8. Liu then raised the stakes to 4,500, with Vignau continuing to call. The river revealed Q, and Liu went all in with a 10,000 bet. Vignau called again, but Liu’s hand with A 8 proved too much, as he secured a diamond flush, while Vignau mucked his cards. Liu wins the pot with a well-played hand!

45,500(114 BB)
17,000(43 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 7:33:14 AM

Chip Count

Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300
79,000(263 BB)
67,500(225 BB)
51,000(170 BB)
43,000(143 BB)
40,000(133 BB)
36,700(122 BB)
34,500(115 BB)
Ngo HieuViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
34,300(114 BB)
33,700(112 BB)
33,000(110 BB)
32,500(108 BB)