Day 1E/1F/1G
Craig Daniel Jones Leads Day1E 14 Qualifiers

Recap of Main Event Day1E
Craig Daniel Jones emerges as the chip leader (CL) with 670,000 chips after Day 1E of the #4 Main Event. The flight saw a total of 110 entries, and 14 players have made it to the money, advancing to Day 2. Congratulations to all the players who have secured their spots in the next phase of the tournament!
Chip Count
Player | Chips |
670,000 | |
437,000 | |
NV Nguyen Van Tung | 350,000 |
TV Thanh Van Tran | 346,000 |
OV Oleg Voshchinin | 307,000 |
GJ Gyeonseok Jeon | 250,000 |
HH Henri Hinds | 228,000 |
MF Mr. Fendy | 164,000 |
FL Fan Liu (2) | 121,000 |
SJ Sumin Jang | 114,000 |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 98,000 |
SS Sia Soon Lee | 90,000 |
MT Mike Takayama | 83,000 |
DE David Erquiaga | 46,000 |
Cheong Joe Ee Bubbles in The Day1E Main Event
Cheong Joe Ee (CO) goes all-in pre-flop with 88,000, and Nguyen Van Tung responds with an 3bet all-in. Both players reveal their cards: Cheong holds A♦ Q♣ , while Nguyen holds A♥ K♠ . The board runs 7♦ A♠ T♥ 8♦ 5♦ . Nguyen wins with an Ace pair and a King kicker, knocking out Cheong and advancing to the money. The bubble bursts, and congratulations to all the players who made it to Day 2!
Liu Fan Triumphs with Ace Set After All-In Showdown
Craig Daniel Jones (HJ) makes a pre-flop raise to 25,000, and Liu Fan (CO) responds with a three-bet all-in of 63,000. Craig calls, and both players reveal their hands. Craig holds Q♠ 4♣ , while Liu shows A♣ A♥ . The board runs 3♥ 4♠ 8♦ 7♥ A♠ , and Liu wins with his pocket rockets forming a set with the Ace on the board.
Player | Chips |
638,000(106 BB) | |
FL Fan Liu (2) | 141,000(24 BB) |
Liu Fan Wins with Ace Pair

Craig Daniel Jones (HJ) makes a pre-flop raise of 20,000, and Liu Fan (CO) three-bets all-in with 34,000. Craig calls, and both players reveal their cards: J♥ 9♣ for Craig and A♣ J♠ for Liu. The board runs 4♣ 6♠ 9♥ A♥ 6♣ . Liu wins with a pair of Aces.
Player | Chips |
656,000(109 BB) | |
FL Fan Liu (2) | 83,000(14 BB) |
Bubble Time Chip Count
Player | Chips |
680,000(136 BB) | |
HH Henri Hinds | 387,000(77 BB) |
349,000(70 BB) | |
GJ Gyeonseok Jeon | 297,000(59 BB) |
TV Thanh Van Tran | 265,000(53 BB) |
MF Mr. Fendy | 216,000(43 BB) |
OV Oleg Voshchinin | 193,000(39 BB) |
SJ Sumin Jang | 187,000(37 BB) |
JC Joe Cheong | 166,000(33 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 155,000(31 BB) |
NV Nguyen Van Tung | 150,000(30 BB) |
SS Sia Soon Lee | 140,000(28 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 86,000(17 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 57,000(11 BB) |
FL Fan Liu (2) | 38,000(8 BB) |
Liu Fan Wins with Trips of Sixes

Liu Fan (SB) goes all-in pre-flop with 40,000, and David Erquiaga (BB) calls. The players reveal their hands. Liu holds K♥ 6♠ , while David has A♦ 7♠ .
The board runs 6♣ 3♣ 2♠ 6♦ 4♣ , and Liu wins the pot with three sixes (trips), defeating David's hand.
Player | Chips |
FL Fan Liu (2) | 85,000(17 BB) |
DE David Erquiaga | 77,000(15 BB) |
Liu claims the pot with bold bet on the turn
The pot was 9,900, and the board showed Q♣ J♠ 3♠. Tri Nguyen (SB) checked, and UTG also checked, allowing Liu Fan (UTG+2) to bet 5,500. Tri Nguyen called, while UTG folded. The turn revealed the 7♥, prompting Tri to check again, and Liu made a strong bet of 15,000. This forced Tri to fold, and Liu claimed the pot uncontested.
Player | Chips |
FL Fan Liu (2) | 58,300(49 BB) |
TN Tri Nguyen (2) | 53,800(45 BB) |
Liu Fan hits flush and wins

Liu Fan(D) shows off his aggressive play once again, taking the pot with a flush after betting strongly at every stage of the hand. The pot started at 4,000, with the board showing 6♠ 2♦ and 6♦. After a 2,000 bet from Liu, Vignau Francios Joseph (UTG) called, bringing the turn to 8♠. Liu then raised the stakes to 4,500, with Vignau continuing to call. The river revealed Q♦, and Liu went all in with a 10,000 bet. Vignau called again, but Liu’s hand with A♦ 8♦ proved too much, as he secured a diamond flush, while Vignau mucked his cards. Liu wins the pot with a well-played hand!
Player | Chips |
FL Fan Liu (2) | 45,500(114 BB) |
FV Francois Vignau | 17,000(43 BB) |