Total Chips

Day 1E/1F/1G

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 9:03:14 AM

Abbasov Forces Clement To Fold

Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Khayal Abbasov

In a pot of 9,600, with the board showing 3 4 J , Abbasov Khayal (BB) fired 2,500, and Clement Chan Chee Chua (D) called. The turn brought the 3 , and both players checked. The river revealed J . Abbasov sized up the situation and went for a big bet of 20,000, forcing Clement to fold after some deliberation. A bold play from Abbasov, who takes down the pot without a showdown.

Khayal AbbasovAzerbaijan [AZE]Azerbaijan
41,000(82 BB)
10,000(20 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 8:38:06 AM

Erik's 7 pair wins the pot

Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500

Clement Chan Chee Chuan (HJ) opens strong with 1,200 raise and Erik Rozhynskyi (BB) calls. The flop brings in 2 7 3 . Erik checks while Clement bets 1,000. Erik responds with by raising to 3,200 and Clement calls. The turn is seen, A . Erik checks and Clement bets 4,500. Erik calls and we see the river bring in 8 . Both players check and Erik reveals his hand holding J 7 giving him a 7 pair with a J kicker. Clement mucks his hand. Erik wins the pot.

44,000(88 BB)
27,000(54 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 7:33:14 AM

Chip Count

Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300
79,000(263 BB)
67,500(225 BB)
51,000(170 BB)
43,000(143 BB)
40,000(133 BB)
36,700(122 BB)
34,500(115 BB)
Ngo HieuViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
34,300(114 BB)
33,700(112 BB)
33,000(110 BB)
32,500(108 BB)