Total Chips

Day 1E/1F/1G

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 11:41:11 AM

Chac wins with a full house

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200

UTG raises to 2,500. Chac Luong Ky (UTG+1) calls. Soriano Ramos Santiago (CO) three-bets all-in with 30,300. UTG folds, and Chac calls. Chac reveals K K, and Soriano shows T T.The board runs 2 2 K 8 Q. Chac wins with a full house.

69,800(58 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 11:23:59 AM

Dongkyu Kim Wins with a Pair of Queens

Level 8: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

The pot was 14,500, and the flop came K 3 Q. Dongkyu Kim (HJ) checked, and Chac Luong Ky (D) bet 5,300, with Dongkyu calling. The turn brought the 6, and both players checked. The river revealed the 3. Dongkyu checked and bet 5,500, while Chac called. Dongkyu revealed his hand, holding Q J, while Chac mucked his hand. Dongkyu won the pot with a pair of Queens.

Dongkyu KimKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
73,700(74 BB)
32,500(33 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 10:27:16 AM

Chac Luong Ky Knocks Out Wang Guiyang

Level 7: 400 / 800 ante: 800
Chac Luong Ky

UTG+2 raised to 2,000, prompting Wang Guiyang (CO) to respond with an all-in shove for 28,000. Chac Luong Ky (D) called, while UTG+2 folded.

The players reveal their cards. Wang Guiyang has A K and Chac Luong Ky has J Jd .

The board ran out 7 2 T 7 8, giving Chac two pairs (Jacks and Sevens), defeating Wang. Wang was knocked out as Chac claimed the pot.

62,000(78 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/30/2024, 8:45:51 AM

Ferdinand's pocket rockets give him the win

Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500

The pot was 9,900 with the board showing 8 K 9 T 8 when Chac Luong Ky (BB) decided to bet 2,500. Voshchinin Oleg (UTG+1) folded, but Ferdinand Lu (CO) raised to 6,500. Chac called, and both players revealed their hands. Chac held K T, while Ferdinand showed A A. Both players had two-pairs, but Ferdinand’s pocket Aces gave him the winning hand, securing the pot.

82,000(164 BB)
Ferdinand LuPhilippines [PHL]Philippines
32,000(64 BB)
24,100(48 BB)