Day 2
Yipeng Yang Spared from Elimination

Ye Na opened on the button and called off Yipeng Yang's 165,000 all-in. Dominated, Yang was in luck to find two pair on flop 6♣ K♥ T♠ , further improving to a boat on runout K♣ A♥ for the win.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YY Yipeng Yang | K♠6♠ SB | 380,000(15 BB) |
YN Ye Na | K♦J♦ D | 1,130,000(45 BB) |
Yipeng Yang Remains in Contention

Yuchun Chen opened utg+1 and called off a 186,000 all-in from Yipeng Yang. At risk, Yang locked in the double up shortly after board T♣ 6♥ 5♣ 8♥ Q♣ steered clear of Chen's overcards.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YC Yuchun Chen | A♣K♥ UTG+1 | 270,000(23 BB) |
YY Yipeng Yang | J♦J♣ D | 402,000(34 BB) |
Joseph Cheong Demands for It All

Yipeng Yang defended his big blind vs a utg open from Joseph Cheong, and went on to check call two streets on board Q♥ 9♠ 2♣ 6♥ 9♦ . Cheong bet a final all-in on the river and shipped the pot after Yang quicky surrendered.
Player | Chips |
JC Joseph Cheong | 514,000(86 BB) |
YY Yipeng Yang | 52,000(9 BB) |
Day 1A
End of Day 1A Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
YL Yong Li | 645,000(129 BB) |
YS Ying Song | 602,000(120 BB) |
MY Ming Yang | 550,000(110 BB) |
NZ Nan Zhang | 533,000(107 BB) |
BA Bing An | 497,000(99 BB) |
CJ Chi Jen Chen | 410,000(82 BB) |
SY Song Yun | 330,000(66 BB) |
CC Chuanshu Chen | 322,000(64 BB) |
TZ Tao Zhang | 316,000(63 BB) |
KQ Kong Qingtao | 308,000(62 BB) |
WC Wu Chiayun | 306,000(61 BB) |
MG Meng Guo | 300,000(60 BB) |
LK Lee Kun Han | 290,000(58 BB) |
YY Yunchao Yu | 276,000(55 BB) |
YN Ye Na | 244,000(49 BB) |
TH Tae Hoon Han | 236,000(47 BB) |
GQ Gao Qingbo | 229,000(46 BB) |
HW Haitao Wu | 226,500(45 BB) |
ZH Zhengshan Hao | 203,000(41 BB) |
KN Kyosuke Nagami | 199,000(40 BB) |
CW Chao Wang | 186,000(37 BB) |
ZX Zhang Xudong | 179,000(36 BB) |
CC Che Chun Chu | 177,000(35 BB) |
YM Yi Ma | 175,000(35 BB) |
XG Xiaochun Gu | 173,000(35 BB) |
PP Peter Park | 173,000(35 BB) |
JH Junyu Huang | 151,000(30 BB) |
QS Qin Shi Xiao | 148,000(30 BB) |
XX Xian Xiao | 147,000(29 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 141,000(28 BB) |
LY Lei Yu | 141,000(28 BB) |
JT Jiaqi Teng | 124,000(25 BB) |
HK Hayato Kitajima | 114,000(23 BB) |
YY Yipeng Yang | 102,000(20 BB) |
ZC Zhihao Chen | 96,000(19 BB) |
HH Haoyu Huang | 90,000(18 BB) |
RL Rong Long | 85,000(17 BB) |
LM Lee Min Tse | 76,000(15 BB) |
Ying Song Gives It Up

WIth 23,000 in the middle on board J♥ 3♠ 9♥ A♠ 5♠ , utg raiser Ying Song made an attempt for 7,000, yet folded after Yipeng Yang behind pulled a final raise to 23,000.
Player | Chips |
YS Ying Song | 275,000(110 BB) |
YY Yipeng Yang | 149,000(60 BB) |
One More Hour Before Registration Closes

Red Dragon Championship Day 1A players have been sent off for a one hour dinner break, with action set to resume at 7:40 pm. Registration will also close following the break, with Day 1B remaining open for late entrants. Zhengshan Hao currently leads the charge, stacking nearly three times the average stack.
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
ZH Zhengshan Hao | 250,000 |
YY Yunchao Yu | 247,500 |
YL Yong Li | 224,000 |
BK Beng Ker | 212,000 |
JT Jiaqi Teng | 185,000 |
ZS Zeyu Sun | 181,000 |
QZ Qing Zhao | 168,000 |
XL Xuejian Li | 165,000 |
PD Patrik Demus | 163,000 |
EX Erdun Xu | 162,000 |
MY Ming Yang | 155,000 |
YY Yipeng Yang | 145,000 |
Yipeng Yang Stands Strong

Jinwoo Kim opened 2,500 on the button and faced a 6,000 three bet from Yipeng Yang on the small blind. Kim answered with another raise to 12,000, yet folded shortly after Yang made it 28,000 to go.
Player | Chips |
YY Yipeng Yang | 91,800(92 BB) |
JK Jinwoo Kim | 80,200(80 BB) |