Day 1C
Jiang Pu Doubles with the Rockets

Facing a late position open and a button three bet from Kwai Ying, Jiang Pu on the small blind, sent out another raise to 15,800. Ying completed, and went on to call another 7,500 on flop 6♠ 4♠ K♥ . On turn 5♦ , Pu led all-in for 32,600 and arrived at showdown just as Ying paid the price.
Pu A♦ A♠
Ying T♦ T♣
Drawing to two outs, Ying booked the loss shortly after river 8♦ completed the board, doubling Pu in the process.
Smashing Hero Call from Kwai Ying

A fourway raised pot led by Ning Zhang dealt flop 2♣ 7♠ 3♠ . Zhang bet 3,500 and saw only Kwai Ying behind, continue to turn 6♣ . Zhang fired another 8,600, and Ying once again stuck around to see river 3♥ . Zhang remained aggressive with a final bet of 32,300, sending Ying deep in the tank. Ying eventually found the call with 8♣ 7♣ three seconds left on the clock, and shipped the pot as Zhang revealed bluff A♥ 8♦ .
Player | Chips |
KY Kwai Ying | 158,600(198 BB) |
NZ Ning Zhang | 36,500(46 BB) |
Early in the Mix
Player | Chips |
DG Dmitriy Gnusaev | 50,000(250 BB) |
CL Celina Lin Pei Fei | 50,000(250 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 50,000(250 BB) |
VP Valeriy Pak | 50,000(250 BB) |
KY Kwai Ying | 50,000(250 BB) |
XZ Xiaobin Zhou | 50,000(250 BB) |
XS Xiao Sinuo | 50,000(250 BB) |
WY Wang Yanfeng | 50,000(250 BB) |