Michael Concepcion Ousted In 13th Place - ₱29,000 / $495

Michael Concepcion raises 120,000 then risks his entire stack of 170,000 when challenged by Ashley Patterso with an all in. Boh have an ace with Patterson showing the better kicker that holds to oust Concepcion in 13th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | A♦T♦ UTG+1 | busted |
AP Ashley Patterson | A♠K♣ HJ | 766,000(64 BB) |
Michael Concepcion Reloads

Michael Concepcion three bet all in for 73,000 and faced off against caller Anant Acharya with overcards. Concepcion's snowmen stood its ground for a full reload.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 8♣8♥ CO | 171,000(17 BB) |
J♣T♣ UTG+1 | 500,000(50 BB) |
Table 43
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 163,000(16 BB) | 42 | 1 |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 22,000(2 BB) | 42 | 2 |
500,000(50 BB) | 42 | 3 | |
673,000(67 BB) | 42 | 4 | |
170,000(17 BB) | 42 | 5 | |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 171,000(17 BB) | 42 | 6 |
AP Ashley Patterson | 317,000(32 BB) | 42 | 7 |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 232,000(23 BB) | 42 | 8 |
Stephane Graffin Doubles Up

From cutoff, Stephane Griffin fires it up for 25,000 then risks it all after big blind Michael Concepcion jams. Graffin is ahead and quickly lands a full house to ensure the win.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SG Stephane Graffin | 8♦8♥ CO | 279,000(28 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | A♥7♥ BB | 33,000(3 BB) |
Castro Gets Concepcion To Jam

Action folds around to the button Michael Concepcion, he raises 12,000 and is denied the steal by small blind Anthony Castro who calls. On the flop 3♠ A♠ K♣ , Castro check-calls 9000, then checks the turn 2♣ with Concepcion checking back. Action resumes on the river J♠ starting with a 15,000 bet by Castro, Concepcion shoves, Castro snap-calls and shows a dominating set for a double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AC Anthony Castro | K♠K♥ SB | 226,000(38 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | T♣2♣ D | 189,000(32 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
378,000(76 BB) | |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 375,000(75 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 290,000(58 BB) |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 248,000(50 BB) |
CJ Craig Jones (2) | 210,000(42 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 187,000(37 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 185,000(37 BB) |
182,000(36 BB) | |
SG Stephane Graffin | 168,000(34 BB) |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 167,000(33 BB) |
TS Tetsunori Saito | 163,000(33 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 135,000(27 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 128,000(26 BB) |
MA Marco Almerez | 114,000(23 BB) |
113,000(23 BB) | |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 108,000(22 BB) |
GS George Salud | 96,000(19 BB) |
RV Robert Van Schalm | 90,000(18 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 73,000(15 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 69,000(14 BB) |
AY Alan Yap | 68,000(14 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 67,000(13 BB) |
KC Kento Chogo | 60,000(12 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 58,000(12 BB) |
AD Alexander Donn | 52,000(10 BB) |
CH Claude Henoud | 46,000(9 BB) |
MS Michael Segismundo | 30,000(6 BB) |
BG Battulga Ganbold | 29,000(6 BB) |
Michael Concepcion Jams For The Pot

Michael Concepcion and Anthony Castro enter a betting war that begins with an 8000 raise by hijack Concepcion that's called by cutoff. Button player Castro three-bets 23,000 and after the blinds fold, it's back to Concepcion who four-bets 56,000. Only Castro calls to take it to the flop 2♠ Q♦ 4♥ .
Concepcion leads 32,000 and Castro calls. Concepcion jumps out with a jam of 65,500 on the turn 2♦ and this time Castro backs down and folds.
Player | Chips |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 259,500(87 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 106,000(35 BB) |
Jester Intia's Cowboys Cracked

Looking down at K♦ K♠ , Jester Intia raises then calls Michael Concepcion's three-bet shove of 37,500. Though ahead of Concepcion's 4♣ 4♥ , the board delivers Intia a harsh blow on the window running 4♠ T♦ 2♠ 2♥ A♥ .
Player | Chips |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 80,000(32 BB) |
JI Jester Intia | 23,000(9 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
PV Pantaleon Valencia Jr | 160,000(107 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 129,500(86 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 114,000(76 BB) |
113,500(76 BB) | |
CH Claude Henoud | 113,000(75 BB) |
KC Kento Chogo | 110,500(74 BB) |
FF Fred Farboud Feridoun | 110,000(73 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 108,500(72 BB) |
LV Leonora Valdezco | 103,000(69 BB) |
SH Soichiro Higashi | 95,000(63 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 94,500(63 BB) |
91,000(61 BB) | |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 90,000(60 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 79,000(53 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 68,500(46 BB) |
JP | 67,000(45 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 66,000(44 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 65,100(43 BB) |
JI Jester Intia | 65,000(43 BB) |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 62,000(41 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 60,000(40 BB) |
GS George Salud | 57,000(38 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 56,500(38 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 51,000(34 BB) |
Michael Concepcion Ahead The Whole Way

Battle of the blinds with the pot ballooing to 29,700 by the turn board 8♥ Q♦ 8♣ 7♠ . Checked to Michael Concepcion who bets 6500, Fujita Haruna check-calls. The river T♦ completes the spread and Concepcion shoves, Haruna check-calls for his tournament life then busts.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 7♦8♦ BB | 65,700(55 BB) |
HF Haruna Fujita | Q♦9♦ SB | busted |