George Salud Misses The Final Table In 10th Place - ₱55,000 / $565

Alvir Inocentes shoves and George Salud joins with less chips. Salud is ahead with a pair while Inocentes has one overcard that partners up on the turn. Salud falls in 10th place.
Player | Hand | Chips |
GS George Salud | 8♥8♦ BB | busted |
AI Alvir Inocentes | A♣6♦ SB | 665,000(42 BB) |
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
858,000(54 BB) | |
AP Ashley Patterson | 680,000(43 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 486,000(30 BB) |
SG Stephane Graffin | 415,000(26 BB) |
365,000(23 BB) | |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 351,000(22 BB) |
332,000(21 BB) | |
AC Anthony Castro | 300,000(19 BB) |
RV Robert Van Schalm | 180,000(11 BB) |
GS George Salud | 71,000(4 BB) |
Stephane Graffin Overcomes The Set

Following a raise, small blind George Salud looks down at J♥ J♠ and three-bets 100,000. Big blind Stephane Graffin has A♠ K♦ and four-bets all in for 188,000. Only Salud calls and they go flipping.
At the flop J♣ 3♠ T♣ , Salud improves to a set that's burned on the turn Q♣ as Graffin improves to a straight. With the river 8♠ , Salud doesn't land his outs to pay up.
Player | Chips |
SG Stephane Graffin | 415,000(35 BB) |
GS George Salud | 71,000(6 BB) |
Table 41
Player | Chips | Table | Seat |
GS George Salud | 321,000(32 BB) | 41 | 1 |
SG Stephane Graffin | 220,000(22 BB) | 41 | 2 |
RV Robert Van Schalm | 185,000(19 BB) | 41 | 3 |
AC Anthony Castro | 265,000(27 BB) | 41 | 4 |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 173,000(17 BB) | 41 | 5 |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 120,000(12 BB) | 41 | 7 |
TS Tetsunori Saito | 170,000(17 BB) | 41 | 8 |
Edwin Dela Cruz Bubbles

Edwin Dela Cruz's swings came to halt in a final showdown up against George Salud. With his last 11 bb, Cruz shoved big cards and was flipping against Salud's pair. The board ensured Salud's win, improving him to quads and deliver the bubble.
Player | Hand | Chips |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | A♥Q♠ D | busted |
GS George Salud | T♦T♥ SB | 267,000(27 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
378,000(76 BB) | |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 375,000(75 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 290,000(58 BB) |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 248,000(50 BB) |
CJ Craig Jones (2) | 210,000(42 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 187,000(37 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 185,000(37 BB) |
182,000(36 BB) | |
SG Stephane Graffin | 168,000(34 BB) |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 167,000(33 BB) |
TS Tetsunori Saito | 163,000(33 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 135,000(27 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 128,000(26 BB) |
MA Marco Almerez | 114,000(23 BB) |
113,000(23 BB) | |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 108,000(22 BB) |
GS George Salud | 96,000(19 BB) |
RV Robert Van Schalm | 90,000(18 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 73,000(15 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 69,000(14 BB) |
AY Alan Yap | 68,000(14 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 67,000(13 BB) |
KC Kento Chogo | 60,000(12 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 58,000(12 BB) |
AD Alexander Donn | 52,000(10 BB) |
CH Claude Henoud | 46,000(9 BB) |
MS Michael Segismundo | 30,000(6 BB) |
BG Battulga Ganbold | 29,000(6 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
PV Pantaleon Valencia Jr | 160,000(107 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 129,500(86 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 114,000(76 BB) |
113,500(76 BB) | |
CH Claude Henoud | 113,000(75 BB) |
KC Kento Chogo | 110,500(74 BB) |
FF Fred Farboud Feridoun | 110,000(73 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 108,500(72 BB) |
LV Leonora Valdezco | 103,000(69 BB) |
SH Soichiro Higashi | 95,000(63 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 94,500(63 BB) |
91,000(61 BB) | |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 90,000(60 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 79,000(53 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 68,500(46 BB) |
JP | 67,000(45 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 66,000(44 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 65,100(43 BB) |
JI Jester Intia | 65,000(43 BB) |
OK Oliver Kubalek | 62,000(41 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 60,000(40 BB) |
GS George Salud | 57,000(38 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 56,500(38 BB) |
AP Ashley Patterson | 51,000(34 BB) |
George Salud Survives The Flip

George Salud finds himself in a battle for all of his chips against Joseph Reyes. It's a flip with Salud already made. The board stays clean for Salud to double through.
Player | Hand | Chips |
GS George Salud | T♠T♦ D | 62,100(62 BB) |
JR Joseph Reyes | A♣J♦ BB | 40,200(40 BB) |