Flight A
End-of-Day 1a Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
PC Peter Chung (4) | 395,000(66 BB) |
JJ John Jay Magadan | 351,000(59 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 258,000(43 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 202,000(34 BB) |
TJ Taehyun Jang | 162,000(27 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 145,000(24 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 123,000(21 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 120,000(20 BB) |
PC Paul Coles | 115,000(19 BB) |
MC Michael Calunsod | 110,000(18 BB) |
Fortunate Double for Taehyun Jang

Taehyun Jang jammed the button for 85,000 just before the end of the level with a suited king. John Jay Magadan called with tens but the king came on the flop.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TJ Taehyun Jang | K♥6♥ D | 177,000(35 BB) |
JJ John Jay Magadan | T♦T♥ BB | 252,000(50 BB) |
John Jay Magadan Wins Three-Way Pot

Taehyun Jang opened the action with a raise to 11,000 and was called by Sergei Korzhenko. John Jay Magadan three-bet to 33,000 and two calls later, they checked through the nine-high flop. It checked to Magadan on the repeat seven on the turn, he bet 80,000 and took it down.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JJ John Jay Magadan | HJ | 263,000(53 BB) |
SK Sergei Korzhenko | MP | 140,000(28 BB) |
TJ Taehyun Jang | UTG+1 | 98,000(20 BB) |
Updated Counts in the Field
Player | Chips |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 348,000(87 BB) |
SK Sergei Korzhenko | 175,000(44 BB) |
PC Peter Chung (2) | 172,000(43 BB) |
JJ John Jay Magadan | 170,000(43 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 144,000(36 BB) |
TJ Taehyun Jang | 128,000(32 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 126,000(32 BB) |
PC Paul Coles | 116,000(29 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 115,000(29 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 105,000(26 BB) |
MH Masaaki Hibino | 81,000(20 BB) |
MC Michael Calunsod | 74,000(19 BB) |
JC Jose Cheung | 65,000(16 BB) |
SA Sunhwi An | 61,000(15 BB) |
SW Sham Wing Sheuk | 45,000(11 BB) |
Assorted Counts in the Field

Player | Chips |
JJ John Jay Magadan | 204,000(136 BB) |
SK Sergei Korzhenko | 153,000(102 BB) |
MH Masaaki Hibino | 128,000(85 BB) |
PC Peter Chung (2) | 120,000(80 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 117,000(78 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 110,000(73 BB) |
SW Sham Wing Sheuk | 103,000(69 BB) |
PC Paul Coles | 86,000(57 BB) |
HS Hochung Song | 84,000(56 BB) |
TJ Taehyun Jang | 81,000(54 BB) |
TW Tan Wee Jie | 77,000(51 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 65,000(43 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 62,500(42 BB) |
SA Sunhwi An | 50,600(34 BB) |
JC Jose Cheung | 50,500(34 BB) |
LP Lemmor Patulot | 50,000(33 BB) |
JT Jansen Tiu | 48,000(32 BB) |
HK Hogyun Kang | 47,000(31 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 43,500(29 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 34,000(23 BB) |
NM Nichols Manalo | 30,000(20 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | 28,000(19 BB) |
SI Seigi Imai | 26,500(18 BB) |
PF Prolan Fandialan | 26,000(17 BB) |
SC Seonghun Cheong | 23,500(16 BB) |
AA Anju Abrol | 19,700(13 BB) |
JK Jinhyun Kim | 17,000(11 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 14,000(9 BB) |
Taehyun Jang Forces Out Lemmor Patulot

Taehyun Jang in an early position, Lemmor Patulot in the small blind and the big blind are on a king-high flop. With 9,800 in the pot, Jang bet 6,000 when checked to and Patulot was the only caller. Patulot then checked the turn and folded when Jang upped the sizing to 17,000.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TJ Taehyun Jang | MP | 105,600(88 BB) |
LP Lemmor Patulot | SB | 52,400(44 BB) |
Taehyun Jang vs Guicai Ye
Guicai Ye limped, as did the button, and Taehyun Jang then raised to 6,000. Only Ye called and they checked the flop. On the turn, Jang check-called for 7,000 and did so again for 10,000 on the river to get shown a missed straight draw, which he had beat with the ace-king high.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TJ Taehyun Jang | A♠K♣ SB | 86,300(72 BB) |
GY Guicai Ye | K♦Q♠ UTG+1 | 20,600(17 BB) |