Flight C [20 min]
Jundy Walker Outflops Nazariy Fedyk

Action folded to Nazariy Fedyk on the small blind, pushing him to shove his last 71,000 in. Jundy Walker called behind, and found himself in for a race for nearly all his chips.
Board Q♠ 7♦ 3♥ 6♦ 4♠ ran in favor of Walker, earning him the pot with top pair to knock Fedyk out.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JW Jundy Walker | Q♦J♦ BB | 153,000(19 BB) |
K♦9♦ SB | busted |
Chip Count Update

Player | Chips |
RF Roland Ferrer | 260,000(43 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 195,000(33 BB) |
GC Graham Cowan | 182,000(30 BB) |
HK Hogyun Kang | 175,000(29 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 153,000(26 BB) |
MM Masakazu Miyamoto | 138,000(23 BB) |
136,000(23 BB) | |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 134,000(22 BB) |
HV Hernan Villa | 126,000(21 BB) |
JP Jeffrey Ponce (2) | 123,000(21 BB) |
105,000(18 BB) | |
NM Nichols Manalo | 101,000(17 BB) |
CR Christopher Richards | 100,000(17 BB) |
HS Hochung Song | 97,000(16 BB) |
KG Kiril Gelev | 95,000(16 BB) |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 87,000(15 BB) |
84,000(14 BB) | |
JW Jundy Walker | 78,000(13 BB) |
MG Manuel Geronimo | 75,000(13 BB) |
XQ Xia Qi | 73,000(12 BB) |
JA Jhun Aballa | 64,000(11 BB) |
RG Renniel Galvez | 61,000(10 BB) |
Feng Ji Chua Runs Smack Into Kings

Feng Ji Chua stuffed his last 46,000 on the cutoff and was called by Nazariy Fedyk on the button.
Crushed against the cowboys, board 6♦ 8♦ 5♣ 6♦ T♥ failed to save Chua from the brink of elimination, leaving him out of the games entirely.
Player | Hand | Chips |
K♥K♠ D | 117,000(23 BB) | |
FJ Feng Ji Chua | A♥7♥ CO | busted |
Jeoffrey Sibal Flops the World

With 26,000 centered on flop 7♦ T♦ 7♠ , Jeoffrey Sibal check jammed his last 35,500 out the big blind and was challenged by inital raiser Nazariy Fedyk.
Jeoffrey Sibal 9♥ 7♥
Nazariy Fedyk A♣ Q♣
Drawing only to a runner runner, Fedyk booked the loss as runout A♦ 5♣ completed the board, shipping Sibal the win with trip sevens.
Player | Chips |
JS Jeoffrey Sibal | 97,000(24 BB) |
84,500(21 BB) |
Nazariy Fedyk Crushes with Aces

Nazariy Fedyk opened 7,000 on the button and was joined by both players on the blinds onto flop Q♣ 6♣ 3♠ . Fedyk continued for 12,000, followed by an all-in for 34,500 on turn T♥ .
Jundy Walker check called both streets with top pair Q♥ J♦ , and found himself in terrible shape against Fedyk's overpair A♦ A♣ . River 8♥ made no difference, shipping Fedyk the pot.
Player | Chips |
117,000(39 BB) | |
JW Jundy Walker | 50,000(17 BB) |
Nazariy Fedyk Cracks Aces

Preflop action brewed 36,000 in the middle with three players vying for the pot. Action on flop 9♠ 6♥ J♥ was checked to Jason Tian, who bet all-in for 22,500. Nazariy Fedyk looked him up with top pair J♠ T♥ and found himself crushed against Tian's A♦ A♣ .
Runout 2♥ T♣ however, turned the tables in favor of Fedyk, earning him the pot with two pair.
Player | Chips |
103,000(52 BB) | |
busted |