Flight A
Taehyun Jang vs Guicai Ye
Guicai Ye limped, as did the button, and Taehyun Jang then raised to 6,000. Only Ye called and they checked the flop. On the turn, Jang check-called for 7,000 and did so again for 10,000 on the river to get shown a missed straight draw, which he had beat with the ace-king high.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TJ Taehyun Jang | A♠K♣ SB | 86,300(72 BB) |
GY Guicai Ye | K♦Q♠ UTG+1 | 20,600(17 BB) |
Guicai Ye vs Ho-Tai Tsai

With around 6,200 in the middle to the A♠ T♦ 8♠ T♣ turn, Ho-Tai Tsai bet 5,000 and Guicai Ye check-called. They checked the Q♠ on the river and Ye showed his ten-nine suited for turned trips to win the pot.
Player | Hand | Chips |
GY Guicai Ye | HJ | 52,000(173 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | D | 21,400(71 BB) |
Guicai Ye vs Ho-Tai Tsai

Guicai Ye opened to 600 from under the gun and Ho-Tai Tsai called on the button, the small blind three-bet to 1,600 and both called. On the A♠ T♥ 6♠ flop, it checked to Ye and he made it 1,500 to go. Only Tsai called to see the Q♦ on the turn, Ye bet 5,500 and forced a fold.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | D | 27,500(138 BB) |
GY Guicai Ye | UTG | 36,200(181 BB) |