Final Day
Hooks Hold for Czar Ian Marcos

Czar Ian Marcos limped on the small blind, and went on to jam 140,000 vs Akihiro Kawaguchi's raise right behind. Kawaguchi called off and was in for a flip for a 29 big blind pot.
Board Q♣ 2♠ J♣ T♥ 4♥ instantly favored Marcos' pocket pair, with his set of jacks more than enough to secure the win.
Player | Hand | Chips |
CI Czar Ian Marcos | J♥J♠ SB | 290,000(29 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | A♣Q♥ BB | 17,000(2 BB) |
Flight A
End-of-Day 1a Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
PC Peter Chung (4) | 395,000(66 BB) |
JJ John Jay Magadan | 351,000(59 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 258,000(43 BB) |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 202,000(34 BB) |
TJ Taehyun Jang | 162,000(27 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 145,000(24 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 123,000(21 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 120,000(20 BB) |
PC Paul Coles | 115,000(19 BB) |
MC Michael Calunsod | 110,000(18 BB) |
Sham Wing Sheuk Eliminated on the Day 1a Bubble

In five-way limped action with Sham Wing Sheuk forced all-in out of the big blind, the king-high flop and ace on the turn were checked through. Akihiro Kawaguchi bet the river for 12,000 and Daito Kamei called, as did Rey Roca. Sheuk revealed trips deuces with the worst kicker, while Kamei had paired the ace. However, Kawaguchi had the best of it and the Day 1a bubble burst.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SW Sham Wing Sheuk | 3♠2♥ BB | busted |
DK Daito Kamei | A♦8♦ UTG | 258,000(43 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | HJ | 123,000(21 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | K♦2♦ SB | 120,000(20 BB) |
Updated Counts in the Field
Player | Chips |
MM Michihiko Matsuda | 348,000(87 BB) |
SK Sergei Korzhenko | 175,000(44 BB) |
PC Peter Chung (2) | 172,000(43 BB) |
JJ John Jay Magadan | 170,000(43 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 144,000(36 BB) |
TJ Taehyun Jang | 128,000(32 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 126,000(32 BB) |
PC Paul Coles | 116,000(29 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 115,000(29 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 105,000(26 BB) |
MH Masaaki Hibino | 81,000(20 BB) |
MC Michael Calunsod | 74,000(19 BB) |
JC Jose Cheung | 65,000(16 BB) |
SA Sunhwi An | 61,000(15 BB) |
SW Sham Wing Sheuk | 45,000(11 BB) |
Jose Cheung Gets a Shove Through

Rey Roca limped in the cutoff and Akihiro Kawaguchi raised to 12,000 in the small blind. Jose Cheung then jammed for 46,000 in the big blind to force out Roca as well as Kawaguchi.
Player | Chips |
RR Rey Roca | 190,000(63 BB) |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 121,000(40 BB) |
JC Jose Cheung | 64,000(21 BB) |
Two Barrels Work for Akihiro Kawaguchi

Akihiro Kawaguchi made it 6,500 to go first to act and was called only by Rey Roca in the small blind. Roca check-called once on the ace-high flop for 8,000 but then check-folded the turn when Kawaguchi made it 17,000 to go.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | UTG | 133,000(44 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | SB | 193,000(64 BB) |
Hogyun Kang Eliminated by Akihiro Kawaguchi

In a four-way limped pot to the ten-high flop, Akihiro Kawaguchi in the small blind check-raised to 14,000. Hogyun Kang on the button had bet 4,000 and then jammed for 28,000, which Kawaguchi called.
The turn was the instant bad news for Kang, as Kawaguchi improved to an unbeatable flush.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | 7♠4♠ SB | 111,000(44 BB) |
HK Hogyun Kang | Q♣T♦ D | busted |
Akihiro Kawaguchi Three-Bets Successfully

Hogyun Kang opened to 4,000 from under the gun and Lenart Ecarma called in the next seat. Akihiro Kawaguchi then three-bet to 17,000 and forced out both opponents to pull ahead of Ecarma.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AK Akihiro Kawaguchi | MP | 72,000(36 BB) |
HK Hogyun Kang | UTG | 92,000(46 BB) |
LE Lenart Ecarma | UTG+1 | 52,000(26 BB) |