Flight C-2

2/23/2024, 1:23:00 PM

Pocket kings for Steiner Bernhard Michael

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
Steiner Bernhard Michael

Button Joseph Talamayan opened to 300 and called a raise to 1,200 from big blind Steiner Bernhard Michael. Flop 6 2 4 saw Steiner bet over pot (3,200), called by his opponent. Turn A and river 8 went check check, Steiner shows K K to take it down.

Chip Counts

35,800(358 BB)
23,300(233 BB)

Flight C

2/23/2024, 1:23:00 PM

Pocket kings for Steiner Bernhard Michael

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
Steiner Bernhard Michael

Button Joseph Talamayan opened to 300 and called a raise to 1,200 from big blind Steiner Bernhard Michael. Flop 6 2 4 saw Steiner bet over pot (3,200), called by his opponent. Turn A and river 8 went check check, Steiner shows K K to take it down.

Chip Counts

35,800(358 BB)
23,300(233 BB)