Flight B

2/22/2024, 11:57:00 PM

Top pair no good for James Dela Cruz

Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
marvincerbito 1
Marvin Cerbito

Button James Dela Cruz opened to 10,000, called by both players on the blinds. On flop T 4 8 , small blind Marvin Cerbito was seen leading out for 21,000. Big blind Lesmana Charles made the call and was followed with a raise to 55,000 from Dela Cruz. Cerbito jams all-in for 112,500 total, Lesmana folds, and Dela Cruz puts in the rest.

Cerbito A A Dela Cruz Q T

Crushed against Cerbito’s over pair, Dela Cruz found no help on either turn 6 or river J , shipping the pot to his opponent.

Chip Counts

360,000(72 BB)
281,000(56 BB)
150,000(30 BB)
2/22/2024, 5:45:00 PM

James Dela Cruz doubles off of Mehra Rishi

Level 7: 400 / 800 ante: 800
James Dela Cruz

With both players all-in preflop, Mehra Rishi found himself left drawing thin with his J J up against James Dela Cruz’s K K . The board ran 6 3 4 7 A , sparing no bad beats this time.

Chip Counts

95,000(119 BB)
74,000(93 BB)
2/22/2024, 4:45:00 PM

James Dela Cruz saved by the river

Level 6: 300 / 600 ante: 600

Utg+2 Mehra Rishi opened to 1,300, joined by two opponents on flop A J Q . Checked to Mehra, he continued for 3,500, called by big blind James Dela Cruz. Turn 6 saw Mehra bet all-in and Dela Cruz check called off for his remaining 14,700. Mehra shows Q J for two pair, ahead of Dela Cruz’s A 2 . The river 2 however, gave Dela Cruz a better two pair enabling him to survive.

Chip Counts

160,000(267 BB)
41,200(69 BB)
2/22/2024, 3:29:00 PM

James Dela Cruz gives up the fight

Level 4: 200 / 400 ante: 400
James Dela Cruz

With 15,000 in the middle on board 4 A 6 6 , James Dela Cruz was left in a pickle after his opponent Mehra Rishi raised him all-in following his 8,500 bet. Dela Cruz tank folded, saving his 45 BB behind.

Chip Counts

145,000(363 BB)
18,000(45 BB)