Day 2

2/24/2024, 4:33:00 PM

Choi Jaeki spikes the river

Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
choijaeki 1
Choi Jaeki

Utg+2 Choi Jaeki opened to 25,000, called by cutoff Anthony Wong along with the big blind. Flop T T J was checked to Wong who bet 75,000. Choi makes the call and heads to turn 8 . Choi checks once more, pushing Wong to bet all-in for 185,000. Choi calls off with K Q and has a ton of outs against Wong’s A 9 . The river K paired up Choi for the win, leaving Wong out of the Main Event games.

Chip Counts

780,000(65 BB)

Flight C

2/23/2024, 8:53:00 PM

Vamerdino Magsakay gets crippled

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
Vamerdino Magsakay

Cutoff Anthony Wong opened to 4,000 and called a three bet to 12,000 from button Vamerdino Magsakay. Flop came 4 A 9 and Wong threw in a check raise to 15,000 vs Magsakay’s continuation bet. Turn Q saw Wong check call 18,000 and check raise all-in on the river 6 after Magsakay bet 68,000. Magsakay snap folds and saves his 6 BB for the following hand.

Chip Counts

370,000(185 BB)
12,000(6 BB)
2/23/2024, 6:57:00 PM

Anthony Wong knocks two players out

Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
wonganthony 1
Anthony Wong

Utg Morvan Romain open shoved 9,000 and was followed with another all-in for 15,000 from Li Xinjing. Big blind Anthony Wong put in the final call for a three way showdown.

Morvan A 7 Li 9 9 Wong 8 8

The board ran 8 T 7 K 5 , giving Wong a set to scoop up the pot and knock out both opponents at the same time.

Chip Counts

170,000(142 BB)