Day 1

2/15/2024, 10:08:00 PM

Hernan Jaybee Villa continues to plunge

Level 28: 50,000 / 100,000 ante: 100,000

 Button raises, small blind Hernan Jaybee Villa calls, big blind Michael De Leon three-bets 700,000, button folds, Villa calls. At the flop Q 7 7 , De Leon shoves, Villa check-folds.

Chip Counts

5,000,000(50 BB)
1,300,000(13 BB)
2/15/2024, 8:36:00 PM

George Salud lands the flush for a double

Level 26: 30,000 / 60,000 ante: 60,000

From hijack, George Salud opens 180,000 and big blind Michael De Leon defends. At the flop Q 9 8 , Salud shoves, De Leon check-calls. Both players are on a draw, Salud A J flush draw, De Leon 6 7 , the turn T seals the win for Salud while De Leon makes the straight.

Chip Counts

1,420,000(24 BB)
1,250,000(21 BB)
2/15/2024, 8:05:00 PM

Michael De Leon versus Han Cheol Woong

Level 25: 25,000 / 50,000 ante: 50,000

Cutoff Han Cheol Woong opens, Michael De Leon defends the big blind, both players then check the flop 7 9 3 . The turn 2 , De Leon bets 75,000, Han raises 150,000, De Leon three-bets to 475,000, Han tank-folds.

Chip Counts

1,650,000(33 BB)
800,000(16 BB)
2/15/2024, 6:02:00 PM

Marc Rivera wins the flip

Level 22: 10,000 / 25,000 ante: 25,000

Action folds to small blind Marc Rivera who opens 75,000, big blind Michael De Leon three-bets all in, Rivera calls and shows A K . De Leon has T T for a flip. The board runs A K 5 9 3 for a double up to Rivera.

Chip Counts

777,000(31 BB)
600,000(24 BB)